| Peter Hall - 1661 - 176 páginas
...their deeds are evil. But as Johni. 12. many as receive him, to them giveth he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name. There is therefore now Rom. via. i. no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but... | |
 | Daniel Wilcox - 1744 - 462 páginas
...his brethren, among whom be is the firft-born. They are owned for his fake by the fame Father : to as many as receive him, to them gives he power to become the fons of God, even to them that believe in his name : and if children then heirs, heirs of God, and... | |
 | Henry Foster - 1777 - 34 páginas
...gift, and received only by faith in. Jefus Cbrrft, as the Son of God and the Savior of fmners : For as many as receive him, to them gives he power to become the fons of God, even ta them that believe on his name. If this bleffing •forere only granted to the... | |
 | Thomas Secker (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1790 - 372 páginas
...for our Head, and becoming his Members, in fuch Manner, as you have heard briefly explained. For to as many as receive him, to them gives he Power to become the Sens of God, even to them that believe hi hh Name 1 . Being therefore thus united to him, who is in... | |
 | Robert Walker, Hugh Blair - 1796 - 430 páginas
...enjoyment, and the fanctified ufe of it. This is the peculiar privilege of believers in Chrift Jefus ; for " as many as receive, him, to " them gives he power to become the fons. " of God, even to them that believe in his " name." And as the Apoftle Paul reafons, " If children,... | |
 | Thomas Wood - 1805 - 294 páginas
...becoming the fons of God, are aftually given forth from Chrift, to them who receive and believe in him. As many as receive him, to them gives he power to become the fons of God, even to them that believe on his name\. So that they who are the children of God, are... | |
 | Charles Powlett - 1809 - 18 páginas
...into that privilege, which had been lost by the fall of our first parents. As the Scripture says, " to as many as receive him, to " them gives he power to become the sons A 2 " ef » Seeker. PARAPHRASE. " of God, even to them that believe in his " name," entitled by baptism... | |
 | Thomas Secker (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1810 - 360 páginas
...for our Head, and becoming his Members, in fuch manner as you have heard briefly explained. For to at many as receive him, to them gives he Power to become the Sons of God, even fe them that Jieliew m his Name 9 . Being therefore thus united to him, who is in the higtreft... | |
 | William Duke - 1811 - 166 páginas
...Chrill ; and we are rendered capable of it by taking Him for our Head, and becoming his members. * " As many as receive Him, to them gives He power to become' the fons of GOD, even to them that believe in his name." — Being, therefore, thus united to Chrirt, we... | |
 | Edward Cooper - 1813 - 340 páginas
...offer. ' I make no objection on my part. I receive * Christ as my Saviour.' And " to as many as thus receive him, to them gives he power to become the Sons of God." — Faith 51 in Christ is sometimes described by looking unto Him. And this expression conveys... | |
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