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ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and gave me drink: I was a stranger, and took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: was sick, and ye visited me: I was in p son, and ye came unto me-In as much ye have done it unto me one of the least these my brethren, ye have done it unto me What wonderful condescension is here e pressed! " Amazing words! That the mea 'est saint should be owned by the King glory as one of his brethren! Irresistib 'argument to those that do indeed believ these words, to stir them up to abound every good word and work! Under th 'impression, methinks, instead of hidin ، ourselves from those who should be to u as our own flesh by virtue of our commo ' union to him, we should not only hearke ' to their entreaties, but even search ther ' out in those corners to which modest war ، may sometimes retire, and cast about i our thoughts how we may secure any hap py opportunity of relieving some poor saints for their sakes, and for their Master's, and even for our own. What if Christ came ⚫ to us in person as a poor helpless stranger What if we saw him destitute of food, and raiment, or in want of any other of the ne



ships of Tarshish first to bring thy s from far, their silver and their gold them, unto the name of the Lord thy and to the holy one of Israel, because hath glorified thee."


The church is to pass through sharp flicts before the Lord will make he name and a praise among all people of -earth. " Beloved, think it not strange cerning the fiery trial which is to try as though some strange thing happened you." (1 Pet. iv. 12.) It is predicted, " in the last days perilous times shall com (2 Tim. iii. 1.) and that violent commo will arise among the nations which had corrupted by Antichrist. Let us not be mayed in this day of rebuke and blasphe but in patience may we possess our s May our faith in the holy religion of J Christ be confirmed while infidels ar their professions of seeking the happine the human race, may become as cruel a quisitors, and may fill the earth with lence.

Be not surprised that apostates should pear at the present time. They have appe in every age; and have always discover bitter enmity to the truth, and to thos


the throne of God, and serve him day night in his temple, and he shall wipe av all tears from their eyes.

You will hope in vain for immortal jo if you only call Christ Lord, Lord, with y lips, and eat and drink in his preser To many such he will declare in the day retribution, "I never knew you: dep from me, ye that work iniquity." It through faith and patience that the redeer inherit the promises. "Examine yoursel whether ye be in the faith; prove your o selves: know ye not your ownselves, I that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be probates?" Make the statutes of the L your songs in the house of your pilgrima and let your conversation be in heaven. pray that Christ may present you to him a glorious church, not having spot, or w kle, or any such thing; but as holy and w out blemish.

Those to whom I have been called to nister in this place, who have not as yet licly covenanted with God, will suffer word of exhortation.

I have reason to believe that some of my friends, have come to a fixed purpos confessing Christ before men without del

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