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make to themselves a name, they spare no e forts to corrupt all around them. They ar striving, in particular, to gain over the young as the best means to perpetuate their opin ions and practices. These sons of Belia will treat you with great attention-they wi invite you to mingle with their convivial as semblies, and will strive to amuse and dissi pate your minds by various arts. They wil profess to be your warm friends and admir ers, and that they are devoted to your happi ness. They will tell you that you have bee laid under unreasonable restraints by bigotr and superstition; and that they wish to deli ver you from the yoke of bondage; and tha if you will listen to them, they will guid you to a freedom and a liberality which becom the dignity of man. With such fair speeche: in their mouths, they will endeavour to roo out all moral and religious principles from your minds, and to fix you in the belief tha the bible is a forgery, and that nature is the only guide to happiness. If you have a taste for reading, they will put into your hands such novels, or other books, as are suited to instil the poison which they wish to infuse. If you listen to such apostles of Satan, your minds and manners will be de


God. May you be faithful in both these re tions; and be highly instrumental of prom ing the cause of righteousness and pea when we who are now in the meridian, or the decline of life, shall be numbered wi the dead.

While I am addressing the people of r charge, I cannot forget you. Remember t texts which I here often charged you to tre sure up in your minds and hearts. T two following I have mentioned to you ac tener than any other. The first is in Psal xxxiv. 11. "Come, ye children, hearken un me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord The other is in Matthew xix. 14. "But J sus said, suffer little children, and forb them not to come unto me; for of such the kingdom of heaven." If you do not fe God, he will be angry with you every day and if you do not fear him while you liv you must be miserable after death. Yo were born in sin; and you must repent your evil desires, thoughts, words and ac tions, and come to Christ, if you would g to heaven. May the blessed Saviour tak you into the arms of his mercy, and sancti



I have set before you the manner in which we ought to spend life. I have taken a brief view of the dealings of divine providence with this church and congregation; and have warned and counselled you with unreserved freedom. May God, by his spirit, impress your hearts with the truths and duties which have been inculcated, and engage you to pass the time of your sojourning here in fear.

It is more than twenty-seven years since I was consecrated to the work of the gospel ministry, and to the pastoral care of this church, I desire to thank Christ Jesus, our


Lord, for putting me into an office which more important than any other which been committed to man; and for continui me in it so long. I feel myself to be u worthy of the sacred trust; that I have ve imperfectly illustrated and enforced the ligion of the gospel in my discourses, a that I have fallen awfully short in a practic conformity to it. I can at the same tin declare to you, that, in my nearest views the eternal world, the religion which I ha preached, is the religion by which I wi to live, and to die. The doctrine which have taught, I am fully persuaded, is the do trine which is according to godliness. Da ly search the scriptures, as did the ancie Bereans, with a humble and devout fran of mind, that you may become firmly est blished in the faith.

I trust that I have not laboured amor you wholly in vain. That the feeble effor of a sinful worm of the dust, should, in ar instance, be crowned with success, can b attributed to nothing but rich and sovereig grace. Accept my unfeigned thanks for th many tokens of respect and friendship whic I have received from you, in the course my ministry. I can never forget the ter

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