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" We are confident that both the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces... "
An Impartial Examination of the Fourth Volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History ... - Página 2
por Zachary Grey - 1739 - 603 páginas
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The Compleat History of the Treaty of Utrecht, as Also that of ..., Volumen1

Casimir Freschot - 1715 - 672 páginas
...of Rjibj, Privy Councellpr to Her Royal Majefty, Her AmbaiTkdor Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces, Colonel of Her Majefty's Royal Regiment of Dragoons, Lieutenant General ol Her Majefty's Arjnies, Firft...
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The Historical Register: Containing an Impartial Relation of All ..., Volumen2

Hugh Meere - 1718 - 422 páginas
...this Day between the moft ferene the moft Chriftian King, the moft ferene King of Britain, and the high and mighty Lords the States- General of the united Provinces, there is an Agreement for a mutual Guaranty for the Execution or* all the Conditions mention'd in the...
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The Political State of Great Britain, Volumen41

1731 - 692 páginas
...the States-General, do, by virtue of the prefent Aft, declare, that his faid Britaanict Majefty and the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces are accuftomcd inviolably to fulfil whatever they have promifed : And therefore, they Ail) periiit...
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A General Collection of Treatys, Volumen1

1732 - 494 páginas
...Bed-Chamber to his facred Imperial Majefty, Councilor of the Imperial Court, and Envoy Extraordinary to the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces•, and the Lord John Wenceftaits, Count Wratiflom of Afitrawitz.^ Count of the Sacred Roman Empire, Lord ofGnietz....
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Treaty of navigation and commerce between ... princess Anne ... queen of ...

Treaties - 1738 - 106 páginas
...Knight of Our moft Noble Order of the Garter, and Our Ambaflador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the High and Mighty Lords the States General -'of the United Provinces. Have nominated, made, and c6nftituted, as we do by thefe Prefents nominate , make, and conftitute them...
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The Political cabinet: or, An impartial review of the most ..., Volumen2

1745 - 538 páginas
...moft ferene and moft powerful Prince FREDERIC AUGUSTUS, King of Poland, as Elector of Saxony, &c. And the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces, &c. have refolved to unite themfelves more ftri&ly, and more infeparably ; and to « join their Counfels...
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The Parliamentary Or Constitutional History of England: Being a ..., Volumen13

Great Britain. Parliament - 1753 - 848 páginas
...own, as alfo his People's Good : However, we cannot but exprefs our due Senfe of the good Refpect from the High • and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces to this Kingdom, in their Defires to advance this happy Peace ; which will have fo great an Influence...
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The Parliamentary Or Constitutional History of England: Being a ..., Volumen23

Great Britain. Parliament - 1761 - 658 páginas
...fince been more fully proceeded againft according to Juftice, in a Court eftablifhed by the fupreme Authority of this Nation, for his tranfcendent Offences,...taken Notice of our late Affairs, will find Caufe to believe that nothing hath been done therein, but what is agreeable to public Juftice, and the Fundamentals...
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The Parliamentary Or Constitutional History of England;: From the Earliest ...

1762 - 532 páginas
...alfo his c People's Good : However, we cannot but exprefs * our due Senfe of the good Refpeft from the High ' and Mighty Lords the States General of the * United Provinces to this Kingdom, in their De* fires to advance this happy Peace; which will * have fo great an Influence...
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The Parliamentary Or Constitutional History of England;: From the Earliest ...

1763 - 498 páginas
...been more fully proceeded againft accord, ing to Juftice, in a Court eftablifhed by the fu• * preme Authority of this Nation, for his tranfcendent Offences,...taken Notice of our late Affairs, will find caufe to believe that nothing hath been done therein, but what is agreeable to public Juftice, and the Fundamentals...
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