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W. In the morning, O Lord, I will meditate upon Thee.

B. Because Thou haft been my helper.



I Cor. xvi. ATCH ye, and pray; ftand faft in the faith;

quit you like men, be ftrong: let all things be done with charity.

Thanks be to God.

Throughout the Summer is faid the

ECCE jam noctis tenuatur umbra
SEE vanish faft the paling fhades of night.
[See Lauds for Monday.]

V. In the morning, O Lord, I will meditate upon Thee.

B. Because Thou haft been my helper.


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HE Lord hath raised up unto

us a horn of falvation, in the house of

the con-fines of the Earth.

Venite exultemus.

COME, let us be joyful.

From the FIRST SUNDAY after the Octave of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, in the ordinary Wednesday Service, the following Hymn is faid IN LAUDS.

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Te Chrifte Sancte! pofcimus,
Ignofce Tu criminibus ;
Ad confitendum furgimus,
Morafque noctis rumpimus.

Mentes manufque tollimus,
Propheta (ficut novimus)
Nobis gerendum præcipit,
Paulufque geftis cenfuit.

Vides malum quod fecimus,
Occulta noftra pandimus,
Preces gementes fundimus,
Dimitte quod peccavimus.

Gloria Tibi Domine !
Qui natus es de Virgine;
Cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto,
Per fempiterna fecula.

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After the Purification.

Præfta Pater piiffime! Patrique Compar Unice! Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Regnans per omne feculum.

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Moft gracious Father! hear our prayer,
Co-equal Only Son! give car;
Who with The Spirit Paraclete,
Reign throughout ages infinite.

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Throughout the Summer is faid the Hymn NoCTE furgentes vigilemus omnes. ARISE We in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Monday.]

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HE fool hath faid in his heart: there is no God. Corrupt are they, and become abominable in their iniquities: there is none that doeth good. God looked down from Heaven upon the children of men: to fee if there were any that did understand and feek God. But they are all gone out of the way; they all become unprofitable: there is none that doeth good, no not even one.

Will they not know, all that work wickedness: who eat up my people like the food of bread?

They have not called upon God: there they trembled for fear where no fear was. For God hath scattered the bones of them that please men: they are confounded because God hath despised them.

Who will give falvation unto Ifrael out of Syon? when God fhall have turned again the captivity of his people: then fhall Jacob rejoice, and Ifrael be right glad.

[O moft merciful God! look down from thy Holy Heaven and put an end to our folly; fo that, delivered from vain fears, we may please Thee alone, in entire purity of heart, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]


Deus, in nomine.

SAVE me, O God

is not faid at No&urns.

[See the Office for Prime.]


[To the end, in verfes. Understanding of David. A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of Chrift against the Jews of Judah.]


Exaudi, Deus orationem.

EAR my prayer, O God: and despise not my fupplication; be intent unto me, and hearken unto me.

I am grieved in my exercifing: and I am troubled by the voice of the enemy, and by the tribulation of the finner.

For they have turned iniquities upon me: and in wrath they have molested me. My heart is difquieted within me: and the fear of death is fallen upon me.

Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me: and darkness hath overwhelmed me.

And I faid, Who will give me wings as of a dove: and I will flee away and be at reft?

Lo! I departed far away in flight: and abode in the wilderness.

I waited for Him who hath faved me: from poorness of fpirit, and from the tempeft.

Caft them down, O Lord! divide their tongues: for I have fpied unrighteousness and ftrife in the city.



Day and night shall iniquity furround it upon its walls and labour in the midst of it, and unrighteousness.

Ufury and guile: hath not failed from its ftreets.

For if mine enemy had reviled me: would verily have borne with it.

And if he who hated me had fpoken great things against me: peradventure I would have hid myself from him.

But it was thou, a man of one mind with me: my guide and mine acquaintance.

Who took pleasant meats along with me: in the Houfe of God we walked in agreement.

Let death come upon them: and let them defcend alive into Hell.

For wickedness is in their dwellings : in the midst of them.

But I cried unto God: and The Lord faved me.

In the Evening and in the Morning, and at Noonday will I fpeak and utter forth: and He shall hear my voice.

He fhall redeem my foul in peace from


things. For David for a title when the Gentiles [To the end, for the people far from the holy kept him at Gath. A Pfalm for Lamentation and Prayer. Voice of the Church in Perfecution.]

them that draw near against me: for there B

were many with me.

God fhall hearken and fhall humble them: Who is before the worlds.

For there is no change with them, and they have not feared God: He extendeth his hand in recompence.

They have defiled his covenant: they are divided by the wrath of his countenance, and his heart hath drawn near. His words were fmoother than oil: and yet be they fwords.

O caft thy care upon The Lord, and He fhall nourish thee: and fhall not fuffer the righteous to waver for ever.

But Thou, O God, fhalt bring them: into the pit of deftruction.

The men of blood and deceit fhall not live out half their days: but I will trust in Thee, O Lord.

Glory be to The Father, and to The Son and to The Holy Ghoft;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

ever fhall be: world without end. Amen.

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cap- tiv-i-ty of his people.

[O Lord, Who didft abide with Thy Holy Spirit for ever before the worlds; and Who, betrayed by thy evil difciple, didft break the bands of death, favourably regard the prayers of thy fuppliants; and grant, that we who praise Thee in the evening, and in the morning, and at noontide, may be wor

thy of being defended from the temptations of this world, Who liveft and reigneft with The Father in the Unity of The Holy Spirit, God, for evermore. Amen.]


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Miferere mei, Deus quoniam. HAVE mercy upon me, O God, for

man hath troded me down: all the day long hath he afflicted and fought against me.

Mine enemies have trodden on me all the day long: for there be many warring against me.

In the heighth of the day I fhall fear: but I will truft in Thee.

In God I will praise my words, in God I have put my truft: I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

All the day long they curfed my words: againft me for evil were all their thoughts. They will dwell and hide themselves: they will watch at my heel.

As they have laid wait for my foul, in nothing fhalt Thou fave them: in wrath Thou shalt break in pieces the people.

O God, my life have I declared unto Thee: Thou haft put my tears in thy fight.

Let it be as in thy promife: then shall mine enemies be turned backward.

In what day foever I fhall call upon Thee: behold, I know that Thou art my God.

In God I will praise his word, in The Lord I will praise his faying: in God have I put my truft, I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

With me, O God, are vows of thine: which I will repay, praifings unto Thee.

For Thou haft delivered my foul from death, and my feet from falling: that I may be pleafing in the fight of God, in the light of the living.


[O Eternal God! our chief defence against our invifible foes; Who suffereft not those who truft in Thee to be oppreffed by their enemies, wipe, we befeech Thee, from our eyes the tears of fin; fo that we may both vanquish the affaults of the flesh and be worthy of pleafing Thee in the light of the living, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]


[To the end, Perish not. David in the infcrip

tion of title when he fled from the face of Saul

into the cave. Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of the Church to Chrift.]


Miferere mei, Deus, miferere. AVE mercy upon me, O God, have mercy upon me: for my foul confideth in Thee.

And in the shadow of thy wings will I truft until iniquity pass away.

I will cry unto The Moft High God: The God that hath done good unto me.

He fent from Heaven, and delivered me: He hath given over to reproach them that trod me down.

God hath fent forth his mercy and truth and He hath delivered my foul from the midst of the lions' whelps; I slept in my trouble.

The children of men, their teeth are fpears and arrows: and their tongue a fharp fword.

Be Thou exalted, O God, above the Heavens and thy Glory above all the Earth.

They have prepared a fnare for my feet: and have bowed down my foul.

They have digged a pit before my face: and are fallen into it.

My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready: I will fing, and rehearse a Pfalm to The Lord.

Awake up, my glory; awake pfaltery and harp: I will arise right early.

I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, among the people: and I will fing pfalms to Thee among the Gentiles.

For thy mercy is magnified even unto the Heavens and thy truth unto the clouds.


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