e "This verfe is only faid at Matins, that is the beginning of God's fervice, in token that the first opening of your lips or mouth fhould be to the praifing of God, and all the day after they should abide open and be fo occupied and filled therewith, that nothing contrary to his praifing might enter in or out thereby."-Myrroure, xli. "Therefore both at Matins and at the beginning of each Hour, ye afk his help and fay, O God, &c.' And take heed that all this verse, both that part that is faid of one alone, and that that is anfwered of all together, are faid in the fingular number; as when ye fay 'mine' or 'me,' and not “our” nor ‘us,' in token that ye begin your be praifing and prayer in the Perfon of Holy Church, which is one and not many. For though there many members of Holy Church, as there are many Chriften men and women, yet they make One Body, that is Holy Church, whereof Chrift is the Head."-Myrroure, xli. In the Rubrics for the firft Sunday in Advent of the Sarum Breviaries of the 14th and 15th centuries, for Vefpers (Harleian MSS. 2785 and 1512, and Arundel 130, and the Arlyngham Breviary, fol. 1, as well as others) "In the First Sunday in Advent, according to Sarum ufe, the Bells having been rung and the Candles lit in the ufual manner, let two of the Second Form enter in filken Copes to conduct the Choir, and place themfelves on the firft ftep of the Choir; then let the little bell be rung, which for that special purpofe hangs on the North fide of the Choir." "Let him fay the Lord's Prayer and Ave fecretly before fulfilling the rest of the office," &c. Then let him fay aloud, O God, make speed,' &c., and as he fays it let him fign himself privately, on his breaft or across his face, with the fign of the Crofs, and let the Choir answer, O Lord, make hafte,' &c. This order is to be observed at the beginning of all the Hours throughout the year, except as directed otherwife at Compline and Matins, and except in the three week-days before Eafter at all the Hours, and except at Vefpers only during Eafter-week, and except on the Day of Souls, at Nocturns, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, and None, when neither "O God, make speed,' &c., nor 'Pater Nofter, nor Ave, nor anything of the above are to be said.” E "And for that prayer, that is faid in the Perfon and Unity of Holy Church, is never left unfped, therefore, trufting that our Lord hath heard your prayer, and is come to help you, ye begin altogether, lowly inclining, to praife the Bleed Trinity."-Myrroure, xlii. "Ye incline at the Gloria Patri."—Ib. lxvii. h"But for this is a word of joy, therefore in a time of penance, that is from Septuagefima till Eafter, it is left, and inftead thereof he say, ' Praise,' &c.: for though penance-doing be pleasing to God, yet it is done in forrow of heart and fharpness of body, and not in gladness and joy, namely, for finful people; and therefore in time of penance we jay, Praife,' &c., not in joy, but in praifing of God, and not 'Alleluya,' which is a word both of praifing and joy."-Myrroure, xlii. From the Rubrics for the Time, and the Arlyngham and Arundel MSS. |