There was his might hidden: death fhall go before his face. Satan fhall come forth before his feet: He ftood and measured the Earth. He beheld and melted the nations: and the everlasting mountains were crushed. The hills of the Earth were bowed: by the goings forth of his Eternity. I faw the tents of Ethiopia for their iniquity and the curtains of the land of Madian were troubled. Waft Thou angry with the rivers, O Lord?: or was thy wrath against the rivers, or was thy indignation against the fea? Thou, Who wilt ride upon thy horfes: and thy chariots are falvation. Thou wilt arouse and wake up thy bow: the oaths which Thou haft spoken to thy tribes. Thou fhalt cleave rivers on the Earth; the mountains faw Thee and were grieved: the flood of waters paffed away. The abyss uttered his voice: the deep lifted up his hands. The Sun and Moon ftood ftill in their habitation in the light of thine arrows, and at the fhining of thy glittering spear, they fhall go. In indignation Thou shalt tread under foot the land in thy wrath Thou wilt aftonish the nations. Thou wenteft forth for the falvation of thy people for falvation with Thy Chrift. Thou haft wounded the head out of the houfe of the wicked: Thou haft laid bare his foundation even unto the neck. Thou haft curfed his fceptres, the head of his warriors: who came out as a whirlwind to scatter me. Their rejoicing: was like his who devoureth the poor fecretly. Thou madeft a way in the fea for thine horfes through the mire of many waters. I heard, and my bofom was troubled : my lips quivered at the voice. Let rottennefs enter into my bones: and fwarm under me. That I may reft in the day of trouble: that I may go up to our people who are girded. Although the figtree fhall not bloffom: and there shall be no fprout in the vines; The labour of the olive fhall fail: and the fields fhall yield no food; The flock fhall be cut off from the fold: and there fhall be no herd in the ftalls; Yet I will rejoice in The Lord: I will joy in God my Jefus. The Lord God is my ftrength: and He will make my feet like harts' feet. And He, the Conqueror, will lead me forth upon mine high places: finging with pfalmody. Glory be to The Father, and to The Son: and to The Holy Ghoft; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. PSALMS CXLVIII., CXLIX., CL. Laudate Dominum de Cælis. PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens. [See Lauds for Sunday and Monday.] CHAPTER. 1 Cor. xvi. W ¶ From the FIRST SUNDAY after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, in the ordinary FRIDAY Service, is faid AT LAUDS the following Hymn. PSALM XCIV. [Ps. XCV. E. V.] COME, let us be joyful Clerk. The Lord our God To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: when your fathers works. with thanksgiving, and with tempted Me, proved Me, and faw my Pfalms rejoice before Him. Choir. The Lord our God, O come let Choir. O come let us worship. us worship. For The Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods: for The Lord will not reject his people, fince in his hand are all the confines of the Earth, and the heighth of the mountains He beholdeth. Choir. O come let us worship. For his is the Sea, and He made it, and his hands founded the dry land: O come let us worship and fall down before God, let us weep before The Lord that made us; for He is The Lord our God, we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Forty years was I very near at hand to this generation, and faid, they do alway err in their hearts, for they have not known my ways: to whom I fware in my wrath, if they fhall enter into my reft. Choir. The Lord our God, O come let us worship. Glory be to The Father, and to The As it was in the beginning, is now, and The following Hymn is only faid on the SATURDAY next before the FIRST SUNDAY in QUADRAGESIMA, when it is the ordinary SATURDAY Service. SUMMÆ Deus clementiæ ! Præfta Pater piiffime! Patrique Compar Unice! Cum Spiritu Paraclito! Regnans per omne feculum. Amen. THOU Framer of Earth's fabric! hear, In Perfon undivided Three! We may joy in Thee more and more. Purge throughly with thy chaftening fire; So may our loins be girt within, And banished every ill defire. Now, as we wake the midnight hours In choral strains of prayer and praise, Of Heaven, thy blifsful dwelling-place. Throughout the Summer is faid the Hymn NOCTE furgentes vigilemus omnes. the falvation of our God: rejoice in God, all the Earth; fing ye, exult, and fing pfalms. Sing ye pfalms unto The Lord upon the harp; upon the harp and with the voice of pfalmody: with long trumpets and the voice of the cornet. O fhew yourselves joyful before The Lord The King; let the Sea be moved, and the fulness thereof: the orb of the worlds, and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands, and the mountains exult together before The Lord: for He cometh to judge the Earth. He fhall judge the orb of the worlds with righteoufnefs: and the people with equity. [Send forth, O Lord! Thy Salvation into our hearts, Who haft revealed thy righteousness unto all nations; and do Thou, Who didft once come to be judged by the Gentiles, when Thou shalt come again, grant thy mercy to thofe for whofe fake Thou waft judged, Who liveft and reigneft God, world without end. Amen.] |