Imágenes de páginas

Lord of the house fhall come, at



e- ven, or in the midst of the night, Pf. Now let-test Thou, O Lord!

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[In the York Breviary, from the Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord inclufive, continually up to the Octave of The Epiphany, complete; also, in the Feast of The Purification of The Bleffed Mary (except that in that Feaft, if it fall within Septuagefima, Alleluya is to be omitted) the Antiphons, Hymns, and Verficles, are as follows.

Antiphon upon the Pfalms.

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O beatus Ortus ille!
Virgo cum puerpera
Edidit noftram Salutem,
Fæta Sancto Spiritu;
Et Puer Redemptor orbis
Os facratum protulit,

Seculorum feculis.

Pfallat altitudo Cœli,
Pfallant omnes Angeli :
Quicquid eft Virtutis ufquam
Pfallat in laudem Dei :
Nulla linguarum filefcat,
Vox et omnis confonet,

Seculorum feculis.

Te fenes, et Te juventus,
Parvulorum Te chorus,
Turba matrum virginumque,
Simplices puellulæ,
Voce concordes pudicis
Perftrepant concentibus,

Seculorum feculis.

Tibi, Chrifte! fit cum Patre
Agiofque Spiritu,

Hymnus, Melos, Laus perennis,
Gratiarum actio;

Honor, Virtus, et Victoria,

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Bleft Sunrife! when the Virgin womb

Teeming with a noble birth, Rich with The Holy Spirit's grace,

Brought forth Salvation to the Earth;
The world's Redeemer, Child benign!
Revealed his countenance divine!
From age to age.

Heaven utters forth a Pfalm on high,
All Angels wake the Pfalm of praise :
All Virtues, Powers, in one to God,

Loud the adoring anthem raise :
No voice be mute His Name to tell,
All tongues the mighty chorus fwell,
From age to age.

Thee, hoary age, Thee, gentle youth,
Thee, the lifping infant throng,
The matron train, the virgin troop,
Guileless maidens in their song
Extol; and with meek-founding voice
Harmonious, in thy praise rejoice,
From age to age.

To Thee, O Chrift! Father, to Thee!
And The Holy Spirit, be

Hymns, Worship, Laud, and Melody,
Thanksgiving everlastingly,

Honour, and Power, and Victory,
Kingdom, and Might, eternally.

From age to age. Amen.

W. Bleffed is He Who cometh in The Name of The Lord.
B. God is The Lord, and He hath fhewn us light.

Antiphon to the Gospel. [See Compline XXII.]

We glorify thee, O Mother of God! because Christ was born of thee: fave all who glorify thee.]

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OW lettest Thou, O Lord! thy Then let the Petitions and Orifons appro



Then the Petitions and Orifons for Compline.

This Compline is not changed throughout the whole Octave.

priate to Compline be gone through. This Compline is faid from the Morrow of

the Octave of The Epiphany to Quadragefima; and from the Morrow of the Feaft of The Holy Trinity to The Advent

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Choir. In peace, in the very fame

THOU, O Lord! art in us, and we I will sleep and take my reft.

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