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attentively, and devoutly to recite this Office, and deferve to be heard before the face of Thy Divine Majefty, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.

A devout Prayer before faying the Divine Office. O Father of Mercies, deeply and truly do I know how much rather it would become me, a miferable and unworthy finner, to cast myself proftrate before Thee, and with crying and tears, to entreat pardon of my fins, than to praise Thee with unclean lips. Nevertheless trufting in thy most tender goodness and great loving-kindness, and thy power, which Thou haft revealed to all mortals: I defire from the bottom of my heart to give Thee praife; befeeching the bowels of thy fatherly compaffion, not to despise me, an unclean worm, a dead dog, a corrupt carcase, O Lord, my God, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

ORISONS BEFORE PSALMODY. [Vouchfafe, O Almighty Lord God, to accept thefe facred verfes, which I an unworthy finner, defire to fing in honour of Thy Name: for myself a miferable finner, and for all my mifdeeds, actions, fayings, thoughts, iniquities, lufts, for all my neglects great and small: that they may profit to my eternal life, by helping my walk, and turning

me to pure penitence, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.

Orifon of the Venerable Beda.

Grant, I entreat Thee, Almighty and Merciful God, that speaking with understanding and good will, and in plainness, I may deserve to be heard by Thee; for I need thy help in all things; fo that by the gift of thy grace, I may be enabled not unworthily to fing the words of Thy Majefty, through our Lord Jesus Christ.j

O Liberator of fouls, Redeemer of the world, Jefus Chrift, The Lord, King Eternal and Immortal: I fupplicate and befeech thine infinite goodness, that of thy great mercy by the Pfalms, which I unworthy and a finner, fing before Thee, Thou wouldeft free my foul from fin, turn my heart from every evil way, from all wicked and perfidious thoughts, release my soul from the flavery of Sin, drive far away carnal concupifcence, loose me from every fnare of Satan and his wicked minifters vifible and invifible, who feek after my foul: protect me from these and all other evils, Almighty Lord. Amen.]k

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§ From Tib., C. vi. MSS. Cott. f. 30; and Spelman's Anglo-Saxon Pfalter.

Galba, A. xviii., MSS. Cott. f. 177, Athelftan's Pfalter.

From the Sarum Proceffional, Rothom. 1555, and Maskell's Mon. Rit., III. 343. According to the Salisbury Ritual, the Bidding Prayer was given out every Sunday and Festival (except the fixth day after Christmas Day and S. Silvefter's Day if it be Sunday, and except on Palm Sunday) at the Sprinkling of Holy Water, going in proceffion by the South fide of the Choir to the Western fide of the Rood loft, and ftanding before it. In Parish Churches, there was no proceffion, but it was given out from fome altar or pulpit. The Pfalm "De Profundis," "Out of the depths," and the Prayer" Abfolve we befeech Thee," were always faid before the Crofs. The Rubric is as follows: "Then let the proceffion go in this order; let a Minifter precede, carrying his wand in his hand, making way for the proceffion; then a Boy, in a furplice, with bleffed water; then the reft of the Minifters, according to the aforesaid order; then the Boys and Clerks of the fecond form, according to the order in which they are placed in the Chapter, without changing their vestments; and let the proceffion go out at the North door of the prefbytery and make a circuit round it. Let the Bishop, if prefent, carry his Mitre and Staff. In the end of the proceffion let the Prieft, whether the Bishop be prefent or no, go forward with the Boy carrying the bleffed water, and as he goes fprinkle each altar. Then coming to the Southern fide by the fonts ("per fontes"), let them proceed to the Cross; the Prieft with his aforefaid Minifter ftanding in the midft, in their order, fo that the Boy carrying the water and the Acolyte ftand on the fep before the Crofs." The form here given was ufed on all Sundays which were not Doubles, throughout the whole year, with any Antiphons and Orifons which might be peculiar to the Sunday.


Church, that God keep it in good eftate: efpecially the Church of England, our Mother Church, this church, and all other in Chriftendom: for the Archbishops and Bishops, and efpecially for our Bishop N., that God him keep in his holy fervice: for the Dean (or Rector,) and all other minifters that ferve this church: for the Holy Land, that God deliver it out of the hands of the heathen: for the peace of the church and of the earth, for our Sovereign Lady the Queen, and all her children, and all that have this land to govern: and for the welfare of N. and N., and all this church's friends: for our brethren and fisters, and all our parishioners, with all that any good do to this church and foundation, and for all true Christian people.


Deus mifereatur. Ps. lxvi.

OD be merciful unto us and blefs us: and fhew the light of his countenance upon us, and be merciful unto us;

That we may know thy way upon earth thy faving health among all nations. Let the people give thanks to Thee, O God: yea let all the people give thanks to Thee.

Let the nations rejoice and be glad, for Thou doft judge the folk with equity: and govern the nations upon earth.

Let the people give thanks to Thee, O God, let all the people give thanks to Thee: the earth hath given her increase.

May God, even our God, blefs us; may God bless us and all the ends of the world fear Him.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghoft;

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O Lord, fhow thy mercy upon us.
And grant us thy falvation.

Let thy Priefts be clothed with righteoufnefs;

And let thy Saints rejoice. O Lord, fave the Queen; And hear us in the day that we call upon Thee.

Give falvation unto thy people.
Govern them and lift them up for ever.
Let there be peace in thy ftrength, O

And plenteousness within thy towers.
O Lord, hear our prayer;
And let our cry come unto Thee.
The Lord be with thee.
And with thy fpirit.

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ET us pray for the fouls of N.


and N., Archbishops, Bifhops, Clergy, Benefactors, &c., who have ferved this church, or done any good thereto, or to this foundation: and for all fouls whofe bones reft in this church and churchyard, and all thofe that have given to this church or foundation, rents, vestments or other goods, whereby God is better worfhipped in this church, and the minifter thereof better fuftained; for all our brethren and fifters' fouls, all our parishioners' fouls, and for all the fouls that have done any good to this church, and for all Chriftian fouls.



De Profundis.

T of the depths I cried unto Thee,
O Lord: Lord, hear my voice.

O let thine ears be intent: unto the voice of my fupplication.

If Thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquity: O Lord, who fhall abide it?

For with Thee there is propitiation: and because of thy law I have waited for Thee, O Lord.

My foul hath endured in his word: my foul hath trufted in The Lord.

From the morning watch even to the night: let Ifrael truft in The Lord.

For with The Lord is mercy: and with Him is plenteous redemption.

And He fhall redeem Ifrael: from all his iniquities.

Glory be to the Father.

As it was in the beginning.

UR Father (fecretly).


And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Amen.


Grant them eternal reft, O Lord;
And everlasting Light.

From the gates of hell;

Deliver their fouls, O Lord.

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AY God The Father, who created all things out of nothing, blefs me; may The Son of God keep me, who with his own blood restored loft man. May The Holy Spirit illuminate me: the infufion of whofe loving confolation may it ever comfort me. May The Moft Holy Trinity deliver me from all evil, preferve and confirm me in every good work, and lead me to eternal life. Amen.

I believe to fee the good things of the O Lord Jefus Chrift, hear my prayer,


In the land of the living.

ABSOLVE, we beseech Thee, O Lord,

the fouls of thy fervants and handmaidens, our relations, our neighbours, our friends, our benefactors, as well as the fouls of all the faithful departed, from all the chains of their fins, that in the glory of the refurrection they may be raised up to life and


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fulfil my defire to my good, and the praise of Thy Holy Name. Amen.

[OTHER BENEDICTIONS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE TIME AND OF THE SAINTS, always prefaced by Jube Domine benedicere, Lord bid him blefs, or, O Lord, bid a bleffing, and ending with Amen.]

"Then cometh the Reader and afketh leave of God Almighty, and help of your prayer that she may read to our Lord's worship, and fay the Jube,' &c., Lord, bid me fay well;' as if fhe faid, Lord, give me leave, and bid me fay or read, for elfe I dare not prefume to open my mouth to thefe holy words; and give me ftrength and grace, to read and say well, and so well that Thou be pleased, and the reader be edified, and my foul unhurt.' And though these words be faid principally to God, yet they are faid alfo to her that giveth the bleffing, which therein occupieth God's ftead, that she should in His Name bless and give her leave to read; for bleffing is underftanded, giving of leave: wherefore fhe faith Jube,' &c., that is, Lord, bid her bleffe." From the Myrroure.

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In the Second Nocturn.

4 May The Almighty Lord with his grace, evermore blefs us.

5. May Chrift give to us the joys of life everlasting.

6. Inwardly and outwardly may The Good Spirit ever purge us.

In the Third Nocturn.

If there be expofition of the Gospel according to S. Matthew.

7. May the Gospel leffon be unto us health and protection.

7. If according to S. Mark. May The Creator of the world fhield us by the arms of the Gospel.

7. If according to S. Luke. offences be blotted out by the the Gofpel.

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May our give us peace.
words of

May the

7d. If according to S. John. fount of the Gofpel fulfil us with heavenly doctrine.

7. If there be no expofition of the Gospel. May The Creator of all things bless us both now and for ever.

8. May the Divine help be upon us, for ever abiding.

On Sundays from the Feast of the most Holy Trinity to Advent.

9. May The Holy Trinity ftrengthen us in charity perfect.


May the power of Chrift dwell in our hearts.

3. May The Good Spirit fent from Heaven teach us.

For the Benedictions on the Feast of All


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i.e.-Sundays and the greater feafts (except Eafter-tide, i.e. from Eafter Day, inclufive, to Trinity Sunday exclufive).

Pi. e.-In Eafter-tide, the leffer feafts, and week days.

a Ante.

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Corp. Jur. Canon. Vol. I. 484, Paris, 1687; Canon. Concilii Gerundin. 517.

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