| John Milton - 1711 - 464 páginas
...leaft We ftall be free ; th' Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence : 2Sa Here we may reign fecure, and in my Choice To reign...But wherefore let we then our faithful Friends, Th' aflbdates and copartners of our loft,. j«y Lye thus aftoniflTd en th' oblivious Pool, And call them... | |
| 1712 - 482 páginas
...ft> All be free ; th* Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, rvil not drive us hence : Here rve may reign fecure, And in my choice To reign is worth Ambition, tbd* in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, thanferve in Heaver*. AMIDST thofe Impieties which this fenraged... | |
| 1737 - 314 páginas
...Here for his Envy, will not drive us hence > Sero we may reign fecure ; and in my Choice *fo reifn is worth Ambition, tho' in Hell: 'Better to reign in Hell, than ferve in Heaif.n. AMIDST thofe Impieties which this enraged Spirit ? fitters .in other Places of the Poem, the... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 464 páginas
...leaft We fhall be free ; th' Almighty hath not built Here for his envy ; will not drive us hence : 26"0 Here we may reign fecure ; and, in my choice, To reign...But wherefore let we then our faithful friends, Th' aflbciates and copartners of our lofs, 265 Lye thus aftonifh'd on th' oblivious pool, And call them... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 260 páginas
...lenll We fhall be free ; th' Almighty hath not built Here for His envy ; will not drive us hence : z60 Here we may reign fecure ; and in my choice To reign...But wherefore let we then our faithful friends, Th' affociates and copartners of our lofs, 265 Lye thus aftonifh d on th' oblivious pool, And call them... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 666 páginas
...leaft We mall be free; th' Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence : 260 Here we may reign fecure, and in my choice To reign is worth ambition though in Hell : Better to reign in Hell, than ferve in Heaven. But wherefore let we then our faithful... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 672 páginas
...Hereatleaft -n We fhall be freej th' Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence : 260 Here we may reign fecure, and in my choice To reign. is worth ambition though in Hell : Better to reign in Hf 11, than ferve in Heaven, But wherefore let we then our faithful... | |
| William Laudér - 1750 - 210 páginas
...preeefle Tartaro fiquidem juvat, Ccelis tjuam in ipfis fervi obire munia. . . y, ,1 Ji MILTON. - ' And, in my choice, To reign is worth ambition, tho' in hell: •-.' a! : \..A Better to reign in hell, than fcrve in heav'n. B. i."i26i. I have known fome much... | |
| William Dodd, Joseph Addison - 1762 - 264 páginas
...be chang'd by Place or time. And afterwards, Here at kaft Wejhallbefree; tV Almighty bath not built Here for his Envy, *will not dri've us hence : Here...we may reign fecure, and in my choice To reign is wortb amhition, tho in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, thanferve in Heaven. AMIDST thofe Impieties which... | |
| William Dodd, Joseph Addison - 1762 - 284 páginas
...afterwards, Here at Itaft Wejhall he free ; th' Almighty hath iiat built Here for his En'yy, ltiill not drive us hence : Here we may reign fecure, and in my choice To reign is worth amhition, tho' in Hell : Better to reign in Hell, thanferve in Heaven, AMIDST thofe Impieties which... | |
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