Along thy glades, a solitary guest, The hollow-sounding bittern guards its nest ; Amidst thy desert walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries ; Sunk are thy bowers in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mouldering... Choice Poems and Lyrics - Página 48por Choice poems - 1862 - 317 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Eschenburg - 1789 - 484 páginas
...way, Along thy glades a folitary gueft, The hollow founding bittern guards its neft Amidft thy defert walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries. Sunk are thy bowers in fhapelefs ruin all And the long grafs o'ertops the mouldering wall. Near : SSefdjrei'Bcn&e ©ebidjte.... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1792 - 312 páginas
...folitary gueft, The hollow- founding bittern guards it's neft ; Amidft thy defert walks the lapwing ffies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries. Sunk are thy bowers in fhapelefs ruin all, And the long grafs o'ertops the mould'ring wall ; And trembling, fblinking from... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1794 - 114 páginas
...Along thy glades, a folitary gueft, The hollow-founding bittern guards its neft ; Amidft thy defert walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries ; Sunk are thy bowers in fliapelefs ruin all, And the long grafs o'ertops the mould'ring wall ; And, trembling, flu inking from... | |
 | 1795 - 432 páginas
...unvary'd cries. Sunk are thy bow'rs in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mould'ring wall, And, trembling, shrinking from the spoiler's hand, Far, far away thy children leave the land. . * * * # * * The sounds of population fail, No chearful murmurs fluctuate in the gale, No busy steps... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 574 páginas
...Along thy glades, a folitary gueft, The hollow-founding bittern guaids its neft ; " Amidft thy defert walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries. Sunk are thy bow'rs in (hapelefs ruin all, And the long grafs o ertop* the mould'ring wall; And trembling, flirinking... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1800 - 192 páginas
...stints thy smiling plain ; No more thy glassy brook reflects the day, But, choak'd with sedges, works its weedy way; Along thy glades, a solitary guest, their echoes with unvaried cries. Sunk are thy bow'rs in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mould'ring wall, And trembling, shrinking... | |
 | 1800 - 322 páginas
...stints thy smiling plain ; No more the glassy brook reflects the day, But choak'd with sedges, works its weedy way; Along thy glades a solitary guest,...walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaryM cries. Sunk are thy bow'rs in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mould'ring... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1803 - 192 páginas
...stints thy smiling plain ; No more thy glassy brook reflects the day, But, chok'd with sedges, works its weedy way ; Along thy glades, a solitary guest,...walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvary'd cries. Sunk are thy bowers in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mould'ring... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1805 - 264 páginas
...thy smiling plain ; No more thy glassy brook reflects the day, But chok'd with sedges works its weary way ; Along thy glades, a solitary guest, The hollow-sounding...walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvary'd cries. Sunk are thy bow'rs in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mould'ring... | |
 | 1806 - 330 páginas
...//i,'/,li//if<ftft><-''/'"/" ) No more the glassy brook reflects the day, But choak'd with sedges, works its weedy way Along thy glades a solitary guest, The...walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvary'd cries. Sunk are thy bow'rs in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mould'ring... | |
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