The Edinburgh Annual Register, Volumen6Walter Scott John Ballantyne and Company, 1815 |
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Términos y frases comunes
allied army appeared arms arrived artillery attack Bidassoa brigade Britain British Buonaparte Captain cause cavalry Chancellor circumstances Colonel command conduct considerable corn laws corps court crown daughter declared division duty Earl Edinburgh Elbe Emperor enemy enemy's favour fire force France French army guns honour hope House immediately important India judge jury justice king lady land late Lieut Lieutenant Lord Chancellor Lord Wellington lordship majesty majesty's Major-General measure ment military minister morning murder nation neral o'clock object officers operations opinion parliament party peace persons ports present Prince of Orange Prince Regent Princess of Wales principles prisoners proceeded received regiment retreat royal highness Russian ships siege sinking fund sion Sir John Sir Rowland Hill Spain Spanish Sweden tain taken Tarragona tion took town troops vessels whole William wounded
Pasajes populares
Página ccliv - Our inclinations are not in our power, nor should either of us be held answerable to the other because nature has not made us suitable to each other. Tranquil and comfortable society is, however, in our power ; let our intercourse, therefore, be restricted to that...
Página cccxlii - Then strip, lads, and to it, though sharp be the weather, And if, by mischance, you should happen to fall. There are worse things in life than a tumble on heather. And life is itself but a game at foot-ball. Then up with the Banner, etc.
Página cclxxxii - And whereas the Senate of the United States have approved of the said arrangement and recommended that it should be carried into effect, the same having also received the sanction of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of His...
Página cclxxix - We, his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the...
Página cclxxiii - Our public ships of war in general, as well as the private armed vessels, have continued also their activity and success against the commerce of the enemy, and, by their vigilance and address, have greatly frustrated the efforts of the hostile squadrons distributed along our coasts, to intercept them In returning into port, and resuming their cruises.
Página ccxxxiii - Those who have advised you, sir, to delay so long the period of my daughter's commencing her intercourse with the world-, and for that purpose to make Windsor her residence, appear not to have regarded the interruptions to her education which this arrangement occasions; both by the impossibility of obtaining the attendance of proper teachers, and the time unavoidably consumed in the frequent journies to town, which...
Página cciv - ... and traverses, in the horn-work, on the ramparts of the curtain, and inside of the town opposite to the breach, and ready to pour a most destructive fire of musketry on both flanks of the approach to the top of the narrow ridge of the curtain.
Página xxxiv - The hair was thick at the back part of the head, and, in appearance, nearly black. A portion of it which has since been cleaned and dried, is of a beautiful dark brown colour.
Página ccliv - The avowal of your conversation with Lord Cholmondeley neither surprises nor offends me ; it merely confirmed what you have tacitly insinuated for this twelvemonth. But after this, it would be a want of delicacy, or rather an unworthy meanness in me, were I to complain of those conditions which you impose upon yourself.
Página 114 - This disposition of the government of the United States, — this complete subserviency to the ruler of France — this hostile temper towards Great Britain, are evident in almost every page of the official correspondence of the American with the French government.