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CELNY, A, E, hitting the mark. -strzelec, sharp-shooter, marksman; 2) relating to custom-house duties. Komora celna, custom-that makes many ceremonies. house; 3) eminent, excellent; 4) of a cell. Systemat celny, the cellular system.

CÉLOWAĆ, LUJE, v.imp. to aim, to take aim; 2) kogo lub nad kogo, to excell or surpass one; 3) - sieć, to stich up or mend a fishing net. Jeżeli ranil N., to przypadkiem, nie celował do niego, nie brał go na cel, if he has wounded such a one, it is merely by chance; he was not aiming at him. Celuj w serce! aim at the heart! On celuje w ujeżdżaniu koni, w pływaniu, fechtach, that man excells in driving a horse, swimming, fencing. Celować nad innych, to excel others. Celować futro, to fit up, to set in order the different pieces of a fur.

CEMBROWAĆ, and OCEMBROWAĆ, JE, v. imp. to cover with planks.

CEMBROWINA, Y, s. f. board, plank, timber.

CENA, NY, 8. f. price. Zboże jest to cenie, the corn is dear. Nie jest w cenie, is cheap. Oznaczyć cene, to price, to set a price upon. Rzecz wielkiej ceny, a thing of great price or very dear. Sądząc po cenie, twój barakanik droższy od mego aksamitu, according to the value of things, your drugget is dearer than my velvet. Wiem cenę przyjaźni twojej, dowiedzionej mnie wyświadczeniem téj przysługi, I know all the value or worth of your friendship by the service you have done me.

CENIĆ, NIE, v. imp. to prize, to value, to estimate; 2) to esteem; 3) to ask a price.

CENNY, EGO, s. m. of high price ➡ DROGI.

CENTAUR, A, s. m. Centaur.
CENTURYA, YI, s. f. (a plant),


CENZOR, A, s. m. censor; 2) censor for books and journals. CENZURA, RY, 8.f. censure, blame, aspersion; 2) censorship for books and journals.

CEREMONIANTKA,KI, s.f. a woman that makes many ceremonies. CERKIEW, KWI, s. f. a greek

church. CEROWAĆ, RUJĘ v. imp. to darn. see CYROWAĆ. CERTOWAĆ SIĘ, TUJĘ SIĘ, V. imp. to contend, to dispute, to vie. see SPIERAĆ SIĘ.

CESARSKI, A, E, imperial. CESARSTWO, WA, S. n. empire; 2) the emperor and his consort; 3) imperial dignity.

CESARZ, A, s. m. emperor.
CESARZOWA, WEJ, S. f. empe-


CESARZOWNA, NEJ, S. f. the emperor's daughter.

CESSYA, YI, s. f. cession. CĘTKA, KI, S. f. CĘTECZKA, KI, dim. dot, mole spot, speckle. Ona ma czarną cętkę na jagodach, she has a black mole upon the cheek. Cętki na gronostaju, the spotting of ermine or ermine spot. Ryś ma cętki po całej skórze, the lynx has spots, or is speckled all over.

CĘTKOWAĆ, KUJĘ, v. imp. to spot, to speckle.-NAKRAPIAĆ. CETNAR CENTNAR, A, s. m. a hundred-weight.

CETNO, A, S. n. an even number. Grać w cetno czy licho, to play at even or odd. Trafic w same centno, to hit the nail on the head (adv.).

CEWA, Y, S. f. CEWKA, KI, dim. bobbin, quill to wind silk, or thread; canula, pipe, a cow's dugs or teats. see CYWKA. Nawijać cewkę, to wind on a bobbin.

CHABER, BRU, s. m. (a plant), knapweed, star-thistle.blawatek, blue corn bottle. - żelazni ca, greater knapweed. — łąkowy, brown radiant knapweed.


CHACHA, or CHICHI, onomat. burst of great laughter.

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CHARAKTERYSTYKA, KI, S. f. characteristic. (art.). CHARAKTERYZOWAĆ, ZUJĘ, v. imp. to charatcterize.

CHARCI, A, E, of a greyhound. CHARCICA, CY, s. f. CHARCICZKA, KI, dim. a greyhound-bitch. CHARCIĘ, CIA, S. n. CHARCIATKO, KA, dim. the whelp of a greyhound.

CHARCIK, A, s. m. a nice little greyhound.

CHARCISKO, KA, s. n. an ugly old greyhound.

CHARKAĆ, KAM, v. imp. to hawk and spit. CHARKNĄĆ.

CHARŁAK, A, s.m. a poor starving wretch.

CHARŁACKI, or CHARŁACZY, A, E, of a poor wretch.

CHARMUT, A, s. m. cuttle-fish. CHART, A, s. m. greyhound. Smycz chartów, a leash of greyhounds. Puszczać charty, to slip the greyhounds.

CHARTOWATY, A, E, resembling a greyhound.

CHATA, Y, S. f. CHATKA, KI, dim. cottage, hut, peasant's hovel.

CHCENIE, IA, S. n. volition, mind, inclination, desire. Jak od niechcenia, carelessly, negligently, listlessly. Jakieś chcenie i niechcenie, the state of an irresolute mind, the positive and negative aspirations of a will.

CHCIEĆ, CHCĘ, v. imp. to be willing, to have a mind, desire or inclination, to want, to desire, to try, to endeavour, to attempt, to choose, to please or be pleased. Chcę aby tak było, I will have it so. Uczynię to jak mi się będzie chciało, I will do it when I please or when I have a mind to it. Chce mu się bić, he has a mind to fight. Chego chcesz? what would you have? Sam nie wie czego mu się CHAŁUPA, PY, S. f. CHAŁUPKA | chce, he does not know his own = CHAŁUPECZKA, KI, dim. a mind or what he would have peasant's cottage. | Chcialbym być jego syncz

CHACISKO, KA, S. n. hovel. CHAJA, 1, s. f. a squall, a violent storm but of short duration. CHAŁASTRA, RY, S. f. mob, rab

CENZURANT, a, s. m. a censo-ble, crew. rious man.

CENZURANTKA, KI, s. f. a censorious woman.


wish I were his son. Gdy skończył list, chciał mu go przeczytać, when he had finished the letter, he wanted to read it to him. Chce mnie zabić, he wants to murder me. Sądzę że wiedziała o tym więcej niżeli chciala powiedzieć, I believe she knew more about it, than she chose to say. Mówiła że niechce iść za mąż, she said she did not choose to marry. Chcieli zemknąć, ale ich zatrzymano, they attempted to run away, but were stopped. Chciałem się przejść

pokoju, ale mi sił zabrakło, I tried or endeavoured to walk

through the room, but my strength failed me. Chce mi się jeść, I am hungry. Chce mi się pic, I am thirsty. Chciał jej, ale ona niechciała, he intended to marry her, but she refused. Chciałbym gdyby można, I would if I could. Chcesz abym ci odkrył przyczyny tych nieporządków? Shall I lay before you the occasion of all these disorders? Trzeba tylko chcieć szczerze, a będziesz cnotliwym, to become virtuous requires only a sincere desire of being so. Bardzo, bardzo chce mi się widzieć ją, I long mightily or I die with impatience to see her. Chciało mu się jechać do Rzymu, a dziś już się niechce, the fancy or humour took him to go to Rome, but now his longing is over.

CHCIWIE, adv. eagerly, greedily. CHCIWIEC, WCA, s. m. a greedy

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CHEBD, u, s. m. dwarf elder, danewort (bot.).

CHEC, 1, 8. f. will, wish, mind, desire. Umieram z chęci widzenia go, I die with impatience to see him. Zdjęła go chęć pojechać do Rzymu, the fancy took him to go to Rome. Nigdym nie miał wielkiej chęci do tego, I never had a great mind to it.

CHECHOT, A, s. m. titterer, giggler.

CHECHOTAĆ SIĘ, TAM SIĘ, V. imp. to titter, to giggle.

CHĘDOGI, A, E, clean, neat.
CHEDOGO, adv. cleanly, neatly.
Choć ubogo lecz chędogo, poorly
but cleanly.
CHĘDOGOŚĆ, 1, 8. f. cleanliness,


CHĘDOŻYĆ, żĘ, v. imp. to clean,

to scour.

CHEŁBAĆ, BAM, v. imp. to move, to shake, to stir. -się, to heave, to fluctuate. Łodz chelba się, the boat heaves and sets. Chelba się morze, the sea is heaved and tossed by the wind.

swej nauki, he boasts of his lear-
ning. Człowiek dobrze wychowa
ny nigdy się nie chelpi, ani się
też gani, a well-bred man never
brags nor disparages himself.
CHELPICIEL, A, s. m. boaster,

boastful woman.

CHELPLIWIE, adv. boastingly.
CHELPLIWOŚC, 1, s. f. passion
of boasting.

CHEEPLIWY, A, E, boastful,
CHEŁZNAĆ, NAM, v. imp. to
bridle, to put on the bridle.

CHEMIA, 1, S. f. chymistry.
CHEMICZNIE, adv. chymically.
CHEMICZNY, A, E, chymical.
CHEMIK, A, s. m. chymist.
CHERA, Y, s. f. snow-storm,
snow-drift (little used).

my bread, than work on the terms. Skórka chleba, crust bread. Zarabiać na chleb, to ea one's bread or livelihood. Kęs ch ba i swoboda! a crust of bread a liberty!

CHLEBNY, E, E, abounding wi bread. Kraj chlebny, a count producing a great deal of corn.

CHLEBOWY, A, E, of brea Kosz chlebowy, bread-basket. Pi chlebowy, baker's oven. Chlebow drzewo, bread-fruit tree. CHLEPTAĆ, TAM, v. imp. CHLI PNĄĆ, NE, v. inst. to lap. CHŁAPAĆ.

CHLEW, A, S. m. pig-sty. CHLIPAC, PAM, v. imp. CHL PNĄĆ, NE, v. inst. to quaff; 2) whimper.

CHŁOD, U, 8. m. CHŁODEK DKA, dim. coolness, freshness. CHŁODNĄĆ, NE, v. imp. to gro OCHŁODNĄĆ.

CHERLAČ, LAM, v. imp. to la-
bour under some grievous distem-cool.
per, to have indifferent health, to
be sickly, to peak.

CHŁODNIK, A, s.m. arbour bower; 2) (in glass-houses), coolin CHERLAK, A, s. m. valetudina-pan; 3) any cooling drink. rian, invalid, sickly person.

CHERUB, A, s. m. cherub.
CHĘTKA, KI, S. f. velleity, fancy,


CHĘTNIE, adv. willingly, fain. CHĘTNY, A, E, willing, fain, ready.

CHEZA, Y, 8. f. a jade (vulg.). CHIMERA, RY, 8. f. (a fabulous monster), chimera; 2) chimera, whim, freak, caprice, maggot. Nie radzi się rozsądku lecz chimery, he is more guided by caprice, by

whim than by reason.

to have starts of fancy, to be whim-

CHIMERYCZKA, x1, s.f. a
whimsical, capricious woman.
whimsey, odd fancy.

1, s. f.

CHIMERYCZNY, A, E, whimsical, capricious, magotty. Kon chimeryczny, a restiff horse.

CHIMERYK, A, s. m. a whimsi-
cal, capricious man.

CHINA, NY, S. f. peruvian bark,
Jesuits powder.

CHIŃCZYK, A, 8. m. Chinese.
CHINKA, KI, S. f. a Chinese wo-

CHIŃSKI, A, E, chinese. Chin-
Szczyzna, articles of China.

CHINY, N. pl. China.

CHLASTAC, TAM, v. imp. CHLASNĄĆ, NE, v. inst. to thwack, to bang. Chlasnąć kogo w pysk, to give one a box on the ear. Powinienes był chlasnąć w pysk tego blazna, you should give that rascal a sound drubbing.


CHLEB, A, s. m. bread. razowy, brown bread, household bread.-pszenny, white bread.

CHŁODNO, adv. rather cold. CHŁODNY, A, E, cool, fresh Przyjaźń jego codzień chłodniej sza, his friendship gets coole every day.


CHŁODZIĆ, DZĘ, v. imp. to cool - się, to refresh one's self. CHŁODNĄĆ, NE, v. imp. to grow cool.

CHŁOP, A, s. m. peasant, coun tryman. Żołnierz chłop w chłopa the choice men of an army, compa ny of picked men.

CHŁOPACZEK, CZKA, CHŁOP CZYK, YKA, CHŁOPCZYNA, NY s. m. dim. a pretty little boy. CHŁOPIĄTKO, CHŁOPIĘ. CHŁOPAK, A, s. m. lad, strip


CHŁOPCZYSKO, кл, s.n. ar ugly urchin.

CHŁOPEK, PEA, s. m. a poor worthy peasant.

CHŁOPIEC, PCA, s. m. boy. CHŁOPIĘCY, A, E, boyish. CHŁOPISKO, KA, s.n. boor churl, clown.

CHŁOPKA, KI, S. f. country.


CHŁOPSKI, A, E, of a peasant 2) rustic, churlish, clownish.

CHŁOPSTWO, WA, s.n. pea santry; 2) rusticity, churlishness.

CHLOSTA, TY, s. f. whipping flogging, stripes, bastinado. go dzien chlosty, he deserves to be bastinaded.

CHŁOSTAĆ, TAM, v.imp. to whip, to flog, to lash. dziecko to whip, to flog a child.

CHLUBA, BY, s. f. honour, credit. = CHELPA (old.). Być chlu bq swego wieku, kraju, rodziny, to do honour or to be the pride of mastem, butter and bread.-la- one's age, country, family. Z chlu skawy, pension. On niewart chle-bq, with honour, reputably. Mied ba, he is not worth the bread he co sobie za chlubę, to take pride cats. Wolę gnój wozić niż się po- in a thing, to glory in it. Umrzed CHELPIĆ SIĘ, PIĘ SIĘ, v. imp. dobnym sposobem dorabiać chle- chlubq or chlubnie, to die ho to boast, to brag. Chelpi się żeba, I had rather pick a dunghill for [nourably, on the bed of honour.

- na


Szukać w czém chluby, to glory, I chodzić, the children have no clo- CHOROWAĆ, RUJĘ, v. imp. tô to pride one's self on a thing. Wythes to put on. Chodzić za kim krok labour under a complaint. razy honor, chluba, zaszczyt, w krok, to tread on one's heels. febrę, to be sick of a fever. dobre imie i chwala niekiedy Chodził po pokoju, he walked up oczy, to have sore eyes. na gloznaczą toż samo, the words ho- and down the chamber. Mądrze we, to have the head-ache.-na nour, glory, credit, repute and re-chodzi za tą sprawą, he has car-seby, to have the tooth-ache. ChoDown, are sommetimes synony-ried on the affair with a high hand. ruje z tęsknoty (za krajem), he Chodzić za interesami, to be bu- is home sick, he pines for home. sy, to be upon business. Po obie- Choruje na obrazy włoskie, he is dzie poszliśmy chodzić, after din-picture-mad, he is excessively fond ner we went out to take a walk. of the italian pictures, that is his


CHLUBIĆ SIĘ, see CHELPIĆ "CHLUBNIE, ade. honourably,


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s.f. the branch

CHMIEL, v, s. m. hop. W tẻm piwie za nadto chmielu, the beer s too much hopped. CHMIELINA, NY, or tendril of hops. CHMIELNIK, A, s. m. CHMIELISKO, KA, S. n. hop-field. CHMIELNY, A, E, brewed with hop. CHMIELOWY.

CHMURA or CHMARA, RY, S.f. cloud. Ich niesnaska była tylko przelotną chmurq, their quarrel was but a transient cloud.

CHMURNY, A, E, cloudy, gloomy, overcast.

CHMUROWŁADCA, Y, s.m. the master of the clouds (Jove).

CHMURZYĆ, RZĘ, v. imp. to cloud.się, to grow cloudy. Chmurzy się, the weather begins to be overcast. CHMYZA, ZY, s. m. a worthless nag, a jade.

CHOC, adv. at least. Choć troche, ever so little.

CHOĆ CHOCIAŻ, conj.though, although.― by nawet, even though. Uczciwy choć biedny, although he is a poor man, he is ho


CHÓD, u, s. m. walk, gait. okrętu, the trim of a ship. Znam go po chodzie, I know him by his gait. konia, pace, see KROK. CHODAK, A,S.m. CHODACZEK, CZKA, dim. shoe made of the bark of a tree or of a hog's skin, clog. CHODZENIE, NIA, S. n. walking,


O co tu chodzi? what is the matter
in question? Nie chodzi o małą
rzecz, it is not a trifling concern or
of small moment. Chodzić z dzie
ckiem, to be pregnant.

KI, dim. pine-tree; 2) pine-forest.

CHOMĄT, CHOMĄTO, A, s. m. horse's collar.


CHOROWITY, A, E, sickly,


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CHOW, v, s. m. (bydła), bree ding or rearing of cattle.

CHOLEWA, WY, s. f. CHOLEWKA, KI, dim. the leg of a boot. CHOWAĆ, WAM, v.imp. to Gęba jak cholewa, his mouth is breed or rear; 2) to keep or prelike the leg of a boot-his conver-serve; 3) to keep or observe; 4) to sation is obscene and scurrilous. hide or conceal; 5) to bury or Cholewki smalić do dziewczyny, inter.- bydło, to breed cattle. to pay one's addresses to a girl, pieniądze do kieszeni, to put to court or woo her, to talk amo- money into the pocket.-miecz do rous nonsense. pochwy, to sheathe the sword or return the sword into the scabbard. Chowaj twą radę na czas lepszy, keep your counsels for a fitter opportunity. w pamięci, to keep in mind. Chowaj Boże! God for bid! Dzieci im się nie chowają (hodują), their children die when young. przykazania Boskie, to keep or observe the commandments of God. tajemnicę, to keep a secret. umarlego, to bury a dead body. — się, to hide or conceal one's self, to abscond; 2) to play at seek and hide.

CHOMIK, A, S. m. hamster rat.
CHÓR, u, choir, quire.
CHORAGIEW, GWI, S. f. stan-
dard, ensign, flag, banner.

CHORĄGIEWKA, K1, s. f. pen-
non, streamer. na dachu, vane,
weather-cock. na okręcie, the
vane of a ship, a weather flag. On,
ona obraca się za każdym wia-
trem jak chorągiewka, that man,
that woman is a mere weather-cock.
banneret. Szlachcic-, a baronet.
CHORAŁ, u, s. m. church mu-
sic, plain chant.

CHORĄSTWO, WA, S. n. the
office of standard-bearer; 2) the
standard-bearer and his wife.
CHORĄŻANKA, KI, S. f. the daugh-
ter of a standard-bearer.
CHORĄŻY, ŻEGO, s. m. stan-

CHORĄŻYNA, NY, S. f. the wife
of a standard-bearer.
choral. CHORALNY.

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CHORO, adv. in bad health. CHOROBA, BY, s. f. illness, sickness, distemper, disorder. complaint, disease. dziedziczna -, hereditary complaint, disease. Wstydliwa, shameful disease. Namiętności są chorobami duszy, the passions are the maladies of the soul. ciężka, a grievous dis temper.morska, sea-sickness. CHODZIĆ, DZĘ, v. freq. to use,-S. Walentego, falling sickness, to walk or kościoła, to epilepsy. Bodaj go choroba! plague use to go to church. piechotą, upon him! Idź do choroby! go to go on foot. za kim, to follow and be hanged! one. po francuzku, to dress after the french fashion. -z kim w zapasy, to vie, cope or contend with one. To dziecko nie umie je- CHOROBLIWY, A, E, one who szcze chodzić, this child cannot is easily subject to diseases, who yet walk. Dzieci nie mają w czém I often feels himself indisposed.

CHOROBLIWOŚĆ, ci, s.m. sickly disposition. - umysłu, the infirm temper of mind, weakly mind.

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CHOWANY, A, E, bred; 2) tame, domestic. see DOMOWY.

CHRABĄSZCZ,seeCHRZĄSZCZ. CHRAMAĆ, MAM, v. imp. to limp, to halt, to hobble. CHRAP, CHRAPY, pl. nostrils of a horse."

CHRAP, u, s. m. CHRAPKA, KE, s. f. grudge, spite, rançour, ill will. Miec chrapkę na kogo, to bear one a grudge, to owe him a grudge or spite.

CHRAPAC, PIE, v. imp. CHRAPNĄĆ, NE, v. inst. to snore, to snort. Chrapie aż się ściany trzę są, he snores enough to make every thing tremble. Koń chrapie, the horse snorts.

CHRAPAK, A, s. m. sleep. dal chrapaka, he fell asleep soundly. (fam.).

CHRAPAŁA, Y, s. m. a snorer.

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underwood. CHRUST.
CHRUP! onom. crack!
CHRUPAĆ, PAM, v. imp.
craunch or crackle, between the

CHRUŚCIĆ, SZCZĘ, ścić, v. imp.
to put up twigs.
CHRYPIEC, PIĘ, v. n. to have
a hoarse throat.

CHRYPKA, KI, s. f. hoarse throat. Dostać chrypki, to grow hoarse, to get a hoarse throat. CHRYPLIWY, see CHRAPLI


CHRZCIĆ, CHRZCĘ, CHRZCZĘ, v. imp. to baptize, to christen, to give one a nick-name.

the use of some kinds of food n kes one fall away. CHUDZIUCHNY CHUDZI CHRZCICIEL, A, s. m. baptist. TENKI, A, very lean, having n CHRZCIELNICA, cy, s. f. bapti-hing but skin and bones. stery, font.

CHRZCINY, N, pl. the ceremony of baptism, christening. CHRZCZONY, A, E, baptised. CHRZEŚCIANIN, a, s.m, nie, pl. christian.

CHRZEŚCIANKA, KI, s.f. a christian woman.



CHRZEŚCIAŃSTWO, wa, s. m. christianity; 2) christendom."

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CHUSTA, TY, s. f. a piece linen, a kierchief. CHUSTY, T. 1 linen. Zbladł jak chusta, he gr pale as death.

CHUSTAĆ, TAM, v. imp. to wh round in the air, to swing, to se saw.się, to swing one's self. s HOJDAĆ SIĘ.

CHUSTAWKA, KI, S. f. seesa

CHUSTKA, KI, 8. f. CHUSTI CZKA, KI, dim. handkerchief. CHRZESTNY, A, E, baptismal. na szyję, neckcloth, cravat. do n - ojciec, god-father. matka, sa, pocket or snuff-handkerchie godmother.-syn, godson.— cór - biała, kolorowa, a white, ka, god-daughter.imie, chri-coloured handkerchief. stian name. woda, baptismal CHWAŁA, ŁY, s. f. praise, lau fonts, water. 2) glory, renown, 3) adoration CHRZEST, CHRZTU, S. m. bap-worship. Boza, the worship tism. Trzymać dziecię do chrztu, God. Bogu chwala, God be praised to stand god-father or god-mother | Oddać chwalę, to bestow praise to a child. — krwi, the baptism of -próżna, vain glory, ostentation blood. conceit. Dać-prawdzie, to giv or render glory to truth. Szuka z czego -y, to glory in a thing to take pride in a thing, to valu one's self upon it.

CHRZĘST, U, s. m. Rattle,



TAM, SZCZE, V. n. to rattle, to clat-
ter, to clash.

CHRYZMO, A, 8. n. chrism,

holy oil.

CHUĆ, 1, s. f. lust, concupiscence.

CHUCHAĆ, CHAM, v.n. CHUCHNĄĆ, NĘ, v. inst. to breathe, to blow. -w palce, to blow one's fingers. Chuchnąć warcaba, to huff a man at draughts. Chuch! I blow you! Chuchac nad kim, to fondle, to make much of. Ta matka chucha nad swoją córką, that mother takes great care of her daughter.

CHUCHRAK, A, s. m. a gaunt,
emaciated man.

CHUCHRO, RA, S. n. the guts
of fish, milt, the soft roe of a fish.
dim. a lean, meagre fellow,

poor wretch.
CHUDERLAWY, A, E, somewhat


CHUDEUSZ, A, s. m. poor devil, poor body. CHUDAK.

CHUDNĄĆ, NE, v. n. to grow
lean. On codzień chudnie, he
grows thinner every day.

CHRYSTUS, A, s. m. Christ,
Messiah. Pan, Lord Jesus.
CHRYSTE! voc. for CHRYSTU-meanly, miserably.
SIE! o Christ! used in prayer

CHUDO, adv. leanly; 2) poorly,

CHRYSTUSOWY, A, E, of Christ. CHRZĄKAĆ or KRZĄKAĆ, KAM, v. imp. to grunt, to force up phlegm with a noise.

CHRZAN, u, s. m. horse radish.
CHRZĄSTKA, KI, S. f. cartilage,

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CHUDOBA, Y, 8. f. a modest for-
tune, small property.
CHUDY, A, E, lean, meagre, lank,
gaunt; 2) poor, indigent.
cholek, a poor wretched fellow.
Z chudą twarzą, meagre, lean
faced.-jak szczep, jak deska,
jak śledź, as lean as a church
mouse, as a whipping post.
mięso, lean meat, styl, meagre
style, jejune discourse.

CHUDZIĆ, DZĘ, v. imp. to make
lean. Niektóre pokarmy chudzą,

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CHWALIĆ, LĘ, v. imp. to praise, to commend. Boga, to adore or worship God. się, to commend or praise one' self; 2) to boast, to glory. się ze swych bogactw, to boast of one's riches. to glory in them. Za nadto go chwalicie, you cry up that mar greatly. Nie chwaląc się, lepiej tc umiem od ciebie, without vanity, vanity apart, I known more about that subject than you. Zrobil mi usluge, ale się zbytnie chwali, he has rendered me a service but he boasts too much of it.

CHWASCISTY, A, E, weedy. CHWAST, U, S. m. weed. CHWIAĆ, WIEJĘ, v. imp. to make to reel, to shake. Chwieje się tylko co nie padnie, he staggers. he is on the point, of falling. głową, to nod or shake the head.

-się, to waver, to totter. - się w swych przedsięwzięciach, to be wavering or irresolute in one's undertakings. Chwieje się w swych odpowiedziach, he falters in his answers, he contradicts or disagrees with himself.

CHWILA, LI, s. f. CHWILKA, KI, dim. a while, a moment. Col chwila, every moment. Za chwilę, in a moment.

CHWOSTAĆ, OSTAL, OSZCZE, V. imp. to whip, to flog, to lash.

CHWOSZCZE, A, s.n. borse◄ tail, shave-grass (bot.).

CHWOSZCZANKA,KI,§.f. horsetall, shave-grass.

CHYCHOTKA, 1, s. f. laughter,
a laughing woman, jeerer, merry

CHYL, u, s. m. chyle (physiol.);
2) eminent place, hill. Stał na chylu,
he stood on an eminence, viz. ex-
posed to the eyes of all, he ven-
tured his life and fortune.
v. imp. to bend, to
bow. -się, to bend, to stoop; 2)
to be on the decline, to decay.

CHWYTAĆ, TAN, v.imp. CHWYCIC, C, v.prf. to lay or catch bold, to grasp, to gripe. Chwycił mnie za ramię, he laid hold or caught hold of my arm. Chwycono slodzieja, they apprehended the thief. Pies chwycił go za nogę, the dog snapt his leg. Chwycił go za leb, he laid hold of or fastened on his hair. Chwycić się z kim za barki, to grapple or close with one. Chwytac co jeden przed drugim, to scramble for a thing. Chwy-to al się pijaństwa, he betook himself to drinking. Kot chwycił kaarka, the cat has clutched the canary bird.

CHWYTNY, A, E, catching, grasping, prehensile. Ogon chwyiny, prehensile tail.

CHYBA, conj. except, unless. Nie mogę tego zrobić, chyba że mi pomożesz, I cannot do it unless you help me.



CHYBAĆ SIĘ CHYBOTAĆ SIĘ, BAM SIĘ, BOCE SIĘ, v. imp. CHYBNĄC SIĘ, NĘ SIĘ, v. inst. to reel to and fro, to swing or wave to and fro.

CHYBANIE, A, s.n. swinging, waving. powozu, the swinging of a carriage.-lodzi, the rocking of a boat.

CHYBIAĆ, BIAM, v. imp. CHYBIC, BIE, v. prf. to miss, to fail. -do celu, to miss the mark in shooting, Chwali się, że na piętnastu strzalach, ani razu nie chybil, he boasts that he shot fifteen times without a miss.



CHYŁKIEM, adv. in a sneaking
manner. Wymknąć się chyłkiem,
sneak away.

CHYNĄĆ, v. imp. sce SKŁA-

RZCA, s. m. a cunning blade. To
chytrek nie lada, he is a sly rogue.
cunningly, craftily.
CHYTROŚĆ, 1, 8. f. cunningness,
craftiness, sliness.


CHYTRY, A, E, cunning, crafty,
CHYTRZEĆ, RZEJĘ, v.imp. to
grow cunning.

CHYZO, adv. swiftly, nimbly.
CHYZOŚĆ, 1, s. f. swiftness,
nimbleness, fleetness, velocity.
CHYŻY, A, E, swift, nimble,


CI, abr.=TOBIE, for you. dat. of TY.


CIAŁO, LA, S. n. body, flesh. Boże Ciało, Corpus-Christi-day. Zawiść idzie za cnotą jak cien za ciałem, envy is inseparable from virtue as shadow is from body. Ma kształtne ciało, he is a well shaped man. Ciała niebieskie, celestial bodies, stars.

CIAPA, PY, S. m. driveller, milksop, humdrum.

CIAPAC, PAM, v. imp. to strike slowly, with an axe. Ciapu groch ciapu kapusta, a person who never thinks for himself, but always adopts the opinions of those present (prov.).

CIARKA, 1, 8. f. chill, shudder. Aż mię ciarki przechodzą, it makes my skin creep.

CIARLATAN, A, s. m. mountebank, quack, charlatan. - polityczny, a political quack. sce SZALBIERZ.

CIAŚNINA, NY, s. f. strait, frith.
CIASNO, adv. straitly narrowly,

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CIASNY, A, E, strait, narrow tight. głowa, a bluntheaded, thickskulled fellow. Zapędzić kogo w ciasny kąt lub w kozi róg, to leave one no hole to creep out at. dłoń, a close-fisted man. Ciasno mu, he is pinched, reduced to straits.




CIĄĆ, TNE, v. imp. to hew, to smite, to strike. w kawały, to cut in pieces. kogo przez twarz, to cut or slash one over CIASTKO, KA, the face. - drzewa, to fell or cuts. n. dim. cake, pastry. down trees. - komu prawdę, to CIASTO, TA, S. n. dough, paste. tell one the plain truth. Ciął mnie CIĄŻ CIĄŻA, ŻY, s. f. pregnanw głowę, he smote or struck me cy. Zona jego w ciąży zostaje, on the head. Tnie mazura, he his wife is big with child or in the dances the mazurka. Tnie kielich family way. Zastąpiła lub zaszła po kielichu, he quaffs, he tosses w ciążę od trzech miesięcy, she off many glasses of liquor, he gulps is gone three months with child. them down (fam.). Zaszła w ciążę od niego, he has got her with child.

CIĄG, U, s. m. draught; 2) course or space of time, interval. W cią gu dnia, in the course of the day.

w slowie, to fail in one's word or
promise. Człowiecza rzecz jest
chybiać, all men are subject to
failings. • swego obowiązku, to
fail in one's duty. terminu or
nie stawić się na czas, to break
an appointment. Chybila go na-
wiatru, draught of air. Ciąg
dzieja, he has been disappointed czyli przelatywanie ptaków, the
in his expectation. Chybily uro- passage or migration of birds. Dal-
dzaje, the crops failed or miscar-szy ciąg, continuation, sequel.
ried. Nie chybi cię szubienica, Jednym ciągiem, at one stroke or
thou wilt be hanged without fail. dash.
Ogromnie mu chybiles, you have
offered him a grievous offence.


CHYBNOŚĆ, 1, s. f. liableness to fail or miss.

CHYBNY, A, E, missing, failing; 2) disappointing, baffling.-strzał, a bad shot.

CHYC! onom, hop! Chyc przez rów, he landed on the other side of the ditch at a leap.

CHYCH, U, s. m. titter, giggle. Będziesz tu miał chychy, you'll be in no humour for laughing. To nie chychy, that is no matter for laughing, that is no trifling business. (vulg.).


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CIĄGNĄĆ, FE, v. ipmf. to draw, to pull; 2) to dilate, to extend. kogo za plaszcz lub za rękaw, to pull one by the cloak or by the sleeve.-kogo za uszy, to pull one by the ears. wodę, to draw water. loteryą, to draw a lotery. -korzyść, to derive a benefit, to reap an advantage. Konie co wóz ciągną, horses that draw a cart. Wojsko ciągnęło w tę stronę, the army marched or went towards such a place,

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CICHUCHNY CICHUTENKI A, E, quite still, stockstill. CICHY, A, E, still, quiet. CIEC, KĘ, CZESZ, CZE, CZEMY, CIE, KA, v. imp. to run or leak. Ciecze mu z nosa, his nose runs or drops. Ciecze dachu, the eaves drop. Beczka ciekąca, a leaky cask.

CIĘ, CIEBIE, see TY. CIĘCIE, IA, S. n. cut, stroke, blow..

CIECIORKA, 1, s. f. hen of the heath-cock.

CIĘCIWA, WY, s. f. string of a bow; 2) chord of any arch of a


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