Imágenes de páginas

się wziął do tego, you went the 8. m. perqui

wrong way to work. WZIĄTEK, TKU, sites, bribe.

is now stronger. Ból, choroba
wzmaga się, the pain, disease in

nieba, w niebo, to raise, to lift up one's hands, eyes to heaven. Wznieść myśl do Boga, to raise up, to lift up one's heart, soul,

WZIĘCIE, CIA, s. n. taking, sei-A, s.n. the act of increasing.SIĘ, mind, thoughts to God. SIĘ, to

zure, capture.miasta, the taking of a town. see WZIĘTOŚĆ. WZIERAĆ, AM, v. imp. WEJ RZEĆ, RZĘ, V. perf. w co, to look into, to inquire into. Wzierać we wszystkie kąty, to look into all corners. Wejrzeć we wszystkie szczególy, to examine, observe narrowly all the particulars. We rzeć w jaką rzecz, to look well into a business, see WGLĄDAĆ. WZIERANIE, A, S. n, the act of looking into,

WZIĘTOŚĆ, SCI, s. f. repute, credit, interest, authority. Mieć u kogo, to have interest with one, to stand in high credit. Stracic —, to lose one's credit, To mu sprawiło, zrobilo, that brought him into repute. -u ludu, popular favour, popularity.

WZIĘTY, A, E, taken, seized. being in repute, having credit or interest. -y u kogo, having intein fashion, in

increase, increased intensity, a rise, to mount, to ascend. Para
more violent fit. WZMAGANIE | wznosi się z ziemi, vapours rise
SIĘ, choroby, serious return of the from the earth. Wznieść się do
symptoms of a disease,
góry, w powietrze, to rise in the
air, to soar, to tower. Balon wzno-
si się w powietrze, a baloon rises
in the air. Wznieść się do nuj-
wyższych godności, zaszczytów,
to rise to the pinnacle of honours,
to raise one's self to the highest
rank. Wznieść się nad drugich, to
rise above all the others. Wznios!
się nad ludzi, i pogroził światu,
he rose above the level of mankind,
and threatened the world with

WZMIANKA, 1, s. f. mention. Uczynić o czem wzmiankę, to make mention of a thing. Nie było już o tem żadnej wzmianki, there was no longer any mention of that. WZMIANKOWAĆ, KUJĘ, v.imp. o czem, to metion a thing, to make mention of it. Nie wzmiankuj o tem nikomu, do not mention it to any one.


WZNAK,NAWZNAK, adv, upon one's back. Nawznak leżeć, to lie or to be lying on one's back. Upaść nawznak, to fall upon one's back. WZNAWIAĆ, ᎪᎷ . v. imp. WZNOWIĆ, WIE, v.perf, to renew, to revive. Wznowić dawny zuy czaj, to renew or revive an old rest with one. custom. Wznowić proces, kłótnię, vogue, in request. spór, to revive a lawsuit, a quarWZIEWAĆ, AM, v. imp. to in-rel. Wznowić mode, to revive a hale, to introduce air or vapour fashion. into the lungs. Wziewając i wy. ziewając powietrze, in inhaling and exhaling air.


WZLATAĆ, AM, v, n. imp. WZLECIEĆ, CĘ, v, perf. to fly up, to mount, to soar, to ascend. Wzlecieć balonem, to rise or mount in a baloon. Wzlecieć wysoko, to take a high flight, WZLOT, u, s.m. soar, towering flight.


WZNAWIANIE, A, s, n, the act
of renewing, reviving.

CIĆ, CE, v. perf. fig. to stir up,
to raise, to excite, see PODNIE-



WZNOSZENIE, A, S. n. the act of raising, rearing, elevating, erecting, lifting up.

WZNOWIĆ, see WZNAWIAĆ. WZNOWICIEL, A, s. m. and fem, WZNOWICIELKA, 1, s.f. renewer, innovator. Są - e w religii, w polityce, w filozofii, there are innovators in religion, in politics, in philosophy.

WZNOWIENIE, A, s.n. renewal. innovation.

WZNOWIONY, A, E, rendewed, revived. innovated.

WZÓR, ORU, s. m. model, pattern, paragon. Natura jest wzo rem sztuk, nature is the model of the arts. Skarga był wzorem wymowy, Skarga was a model or a WZNIESIENIE, A, s. n. the act paragon of cloquence. Brać z kogo of raising, elevating, rearing, erect- -, to take a pattern from one. Żying. — myśli, serca do Boya, the eie tego człowieka jest wzorem elevation of one's heart to God. enoty, the life of that man is a patrising ground, elevation, eminence. tern of virtue. Służyć za —, to WZNIESIONY, A, E, raised, rear-serve as a model. Zapatrywać się na, to keep to the model; fig. to take example by or from one.

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WZNIOSLE, adv. in a high strain, with elevation of language, loftily, sublimely.

WZMACNIAĆ, v. imp. WZMOCNIĆ, NIE, v. perf. to fortify, to strengthen, to make strong.ed, erected, elevated, lifted up, Wino wzmacnia żołądek, wine uplifted. strengthens the stomach. Cwiczenie wzmacnia ciało, exercise strengthens the body. Wzmocnić zdrowie,to strengthen one's health. Wzmocnić załogę, to reinforce a garrison. Filozofia chrześcijańska wzmacnia umysł i serce, the Christian philosophy fortifies the mind and heart. SIĘ, to gather strength, to grow strong, to fortify one's self,

WZMACNIAJĄCY, A, E, strengthening, fortifying. Wino jest -e, wine is a strengthening ali


WZMACNIANJE, WZMOCNIENIE, A, s.n. the act of strengthening, fortifying. Lekarstwo na wzmocnienie, a strengthening or tonical remedy.

WZMAGAĆ, AM, v. imp. WZMÓDZ, OGĘ, v. perf. to make stronger, to increase the intensity of a thing. SIĘ, to gather strength again, to grow stronger, to increase. Wzmógł się, he has increased his power, wealth, authority. Mróz, wiatr wzmógł się, the frost is more intense, the wind

WZNIOSŁOŚĆ, ŚCI, s. f. height, elevation. fig. elevation, loftiness, sublimity, greatness, grandeur, nobleness. umyslu, elevation of mind. stylu, loftiness, sublimity of style. myśli, grandeur of thought, of conceptions. WZNIOSŁY, A, E, high, tall, lofty. -e cedry Libanu, the lofty cedars of Libanus, fig. lofty, sublime, grand, elevated. y geniusz, a sublime genius. -y styl, a high strain of speech, a sublime style. -y umysł, an elevated or exalted mind.

WZNIŻ, adv. and prep. down,

[blocks in formation]

WZOREK, RKU, S. m. a pattern, sample of embroidery. Wzorki z kogo zbierać, fig. to censure, criticise one.

WZOROWO, adv. exemplarily. sprawować się, postępować, to behave in an exemplary manner, to behave very well.

WZOROWOŚĆ, ści, s. f. exemplariness.

WZOROWY, A, E, exemplary. życie kaplana powinno być the life of a clergyman ought to be exemplary. a cnota, pobożność, exemplary virtue, piety. -y pi sarz, a standard author, a classic author.

WZRASTAĆ, am, v. n. imp. WZROŚĆ, WZROSNĄĆ, NĘ, v. perf. to grow up. Wzrość w czyim domu, to grow up in a family. Fig. Wzrastać w cnotę, w mądrość, to grow in virtue, wisdom, to become more virtuous, wiser. Przez to wzrosła jego potęga, his power was increased thereby. To miasto wzrasta handlem, that city increases or grows powerful by trade.

WZRASTAJĄCY, A, E, growing,


WZRUSZYĆ, see WZRUSZAĆ. nouns : X. Sapieha, prince Sa WZRUSZYCIEL, A, s.m. publi- pieha. X. Kopczyński, the Reve WZRASTANIE, WZROŚNIĘ-cznej spokojności, disturber of rend Kopczyński. the public tranquillity, see NARU

CIE, A, s.n. growth, increase, in


WZRĘCZ, adv. openly, peremptorily, flatly, in plain terms, downright.się sprzeciwiać, to oppose openly. odmówić, to refuse flatly, to give a flat refusal.

WZROK, U, s. m. (the sense of seeing), signt. Mieć dobry, krótki -, to have a good sight, a short sight, to be short-sighted. Bystry - sharp, quick or acute sight. Stracić, to lose one's sight. Odzyskać, to recover one's sight, eye-sight. look, glance. Rzucić -na co, to cast one's look, view r eyes upon an object. -w kim, wczem utopić, to bend or fix one's eyes upon one or on a thing.




WZUĆ, JE, V. perf. WZUWAĆ, AM, v.imp. bóty, trzewiki, to put on one's boots or shoes. Tych bótów wzuć nie mogę, I cannot put on these boots.

WZUTY, A, E, shod, having one's boots or shoes on.

WZWIADY, see ZWIADY. WZWODZIĆ, DZĘ, v. imp. WZWIEŚĆ, WZWIODĘ, v. perf. to to pull up, to draw up, to lift up (most wzwodzony, a draw-bridge). WZWYŻ, adv. in height, high. Na chlopa wzwyż, of a man's height. Na sześć stóp wzwyż, six feet in height, six feet high. above.



There is no Polish word beginning by this letter. Formerly the conjuction i, and, was written y Ja y wy, you and I.


Z, and for the sake of euphos WZYWAĆ, AM, v. imp. WE-ZE, prep. which governs the gear tive case. It denotes:

WZROST, u, s. m. growth. fig. growth, increase, augmenta-ZWAĆ, wĘ, v. perf. to call, to bid tion, progress, advancement, im- come, to call for, to send for. provement, aggrandizement. Wzywać kogo na świadka, to nauk, umiejętności, the advance- call one to witness. Wzywać Boga ment of learning. Przyczynić się na świadectwo, to call God to do wzrostu nauk, to contribute to witness. Wzywać kogo na pomoc, the advancement of learning. na ratunek, to call to one for help. jego potęgi, the increase of his Wzywać Boga na pomoc, to call power, his aggrandizement. = size, God for help. Wezwano wszystature. Człowiek pięknego, słu-stkich krewnych, doktora, all the sznego wzrostu, a man of a great relations bave been sent for, physisize, a tall man. Człowiek śre- cian was sent for. to call on dniego wzrostu, a man of a middle (upon), to invoke, to implore, to size, a middle-sized man. On jest crave. Wzwywać imię Boga, to mego wzrostu, he is of my size. call on the name of the Lord. WZRUSZAC, AM, v.imp. WZRU-Wzywać czyjej litości, to implore SZYĆ, szę, v. perf. to move. Wzruszać ziemię, to loosen the earth. Wzruszyć gwóźdź w ścianie, to loosen a nail. to move, to stir, to shake, to toss, to make to totter. Wzruszyć mózg, to shake one's brains. Wzruszyć posady państwa, to shake or sap the foundations of an empire. = to stir up, to excite. Wzruszyć lud, to stir up the people. Wzruszyć WZYWANIE, A, s. n. the act of kogo, czyje serce, to move one's calling, summoning. WEZWANIE, heart to pity, compassion. Wzru-A, S. n. call, summons, invocation. szyć kogo, to stagger one's resolution. Jego grozby nie wzruszą mnie, his threats cannot move me, cannot move me from my purpose, see PORUSZYĆ. Wzruszyć spokojność, porządek, to disturb public tranquillity, to put out of order, to disorder, see NARUSZYĆ. SIĘ, to be moved. - czyjemi Izami, na czyje łzy, to be moved by one's tears.


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WZRUSZAJĄCY, A, E, moving, |


1. The matter of which any thing is made: ol.Korona ze złota, i crown of gold. Kapelusz ze słomy, a hat of straw. Stół z marmuru, a table of marble.Most z kamienia,a bridge of stone. Drzwi z drzewa, door of wood. In such phrases, the substanstives which mark the mat ter, are generally changed into a adjective: Korona złota, a golden crown. Kapelusz słomiany, i straw-hat. Stól marmurowy, a marble-table. Most kamienny, a stone-bridge. Drzwi drewniane, a wooden door; unless there be a verb which marks expressly that a thing was made of any matter: Pr dełko było zrobione z mahonia, the box was made of mahogany, Wóz był cały z cedru, the charit was all of cedar. Chleb robi się z zboża, bread is made of corn. Obs posągi zrobione były z jednex kamienia, the two statues were cut out of a single block. Fig. Zrob ze swego syna adwokata, he ha made an advocate of his son, he ha made his son an advocate. Zrobię Otrzymać wezwanie dokąd, to z niego krawca, I shall make a be called to a place, to receive a tailor of him, I shall make him a summons to appear somewhere. tailor.Z potrzeby cnotę zrobic, to Wezwanie Ducha Świętego, the make a virtue of necessity. To this invocation of the Holy Ghost. We-class belong the following idioma zwanie do Muzy, invocation. Miasto poddało się za pierwszem wezwaniem, that place surrendered at the first snmmons.

one's mercy,clemency, compassion.
= to summon, to call, to convoke,
to invite. Wezwany został do
dworu, he was summoned to court.
Wezwano naczelników na radę,
the chiefs were all summoned to the
council. Wezwać miasto, twier-
dzę do poddania się, to summon
a place. Wzywać lud do broni, to
call out the people to arms.


This letter has been lately dis

WZRUSZENIE, A, s. n. move, stir, excitement. Jest jakieś―w luIzie, między ludem, there is some stir among the people, see PORU-missed from the Polish alphabet, SZENIE. emotion. Mówił zc -m, he spoke with emotion. Bez najmniejszego -nia, without the slightest emotion.

WZRUSZONY, A, E, loosened. = moved, stirred, shaken. stirred up, raised, excited. = moved, touched.

and its place taken by KS, but is
still geuerally retained in the middle
of some few words derived from
the Latin tongue such as: Examın,
Expens, Exekucya, Extrakt, etc.
As an abridgment X., stands for
Książe, prince, duke; Ksiądz,
priest, clergyman, before proper

tical lucutions, in which the verb BYĆ is left out: Dziarski z nieg chłopiec, he is a smart, brisk boy. Mąż z niego poważny, rozsądny, he is a grave, sensible man. Jak tez to z twego brata prostak what a rude, churlish fellow you. brother is!

2. A certain number taken ou of a larger quantity: of, out of. Z wszystkich zwierząt pies naj najwięcej podlega wściekliznic. of all animals, the dog is the mosi subject to madness. Z każdego na rodu, out of every nation. Najstar szy z was, the eldest of you. Kie ry z nich ? which of them? Z diop ga zlego trzeba zawsze wybie rać mniejsze, of two evils the less is always to be chosen.

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the trees shed their leaves. Wy- from beyond, from behind. Z za prowadzić się z domu, to remove | góry, from beyond the mountain. from a house. Precz mi z oczu, get Z za drzwi, from behind the door. out of my sight. Zejść, ustąpić komu Z za Renu, from beyond the z drogi, to get out of one's way. Rhine. Wylaz z pod łóżka, he crept from under the bed.


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3. A place from which any thing comes, proceeds or is derived, as well as birth, extraction of, out of, from, by. Przybywam z Polski, z dalekiego kraju, I come from Poland, from a far country. Tylko 5. Motive, cause, instrument: of, co przyjechał z Londynu, he has from, through, for, with, by. Czy- Z, ZE, prep. which governs the just arrived from London. Odejść, nić co szlachetnych pobudek, instrumental case, noting conoddalić się z jakiego miejsca, to to do a thing from an honourable comitance, in company of, union, go away, to leave or quit a place. motive. Zwłasnego natchnienia, agreement, in opposition to, in Wiatr wieje z północy, z polu- of one's own accord. Zochoty, with competition or contest, in mutual dnia, the wind blows from the a good will. Z dumy to uczynil, he dealing, simultaneity, comparison: north, from the south. Pić ze did it through ambition. Z niena- with. Matka z pięciorgiem dzieci, szklanki, to drink out of a glass. wiści, through hatred, from hatred. a mother with five children. Chodź Z własnej kieszeni, out of one's Z bojazni, for fear of. Plakac ze mną, come along with me. Móown pocket. Książka wyszła z radości, to weep for joy, Skawiłem z nim, I spoke with or to z druku, a book is out of print. kać z radości, to leap for joy. him. Ze stryczkiem na szyi, with Portret malowany z natury, a Umrzeć z febry, to die of a fever. a halter round his neck. Z książką portrait painted from nature. Ujść Umarł z ran, he died of his w ręku, z piórem za uchem, with z więzienia, to escape from prison. wounds. Umrzeć z głodu, z zimna, a book in his hand, with a pen Wyjść z mody, ze zwyczaju, to to die with hunger, with cold. behind his ear. Przychodzić do grow out of fashion, to grow old Umierać ze wstydu, to die with kogo z proźbą, z rozkazem, to and forgotten, to grow out of use. shame. Edynburg slawny jest come to one with a view to beg or Kupować z drugiej ręki, to buy at z piwa i z uniwersytetu, Edin- request a thing of him, to ask him second hand. Przebudzić się ze burghis famous for its ale and its a favour; to bring him an order. snu, to awake out of sleep. Dowia- university. Sławny, znamienity Ze lzami w oczach, with tears in duję się z gazet, z jego listu, Iz dowcipu, z wymowy, z piękno- his eyes. Mądrość z latami przylearn from the newspapers, I un-ści, famous, remarkable for his chodzi, wisdom comes with years. derstand by his letter. Wiadomo wit, eloquence, beauty. Umart Z czasem, in time, in process of jest z Pisma S., it is known clear z ręki kata, he died by the hands time, at length, one day. Z uszanofrom Scripture. Wiedzieć z do- of the executioner. Nie z jego waniem, with respect. Z radością, świadczenia, to know by expe- | poległ ręki, it was not by his hand with joy. Z ochotą, willingly, readirience. Znać z gruntu, to know that man met his death. ly. źle się z nim dzieje, things thoroughly. Posiada tę naukę don't go well with him. Cóż się z gruntu, he is thoroughly master stanie z twoim synem? what will of that science. Wywrócić z grunbecome of your son? Zniszczyć ze tu, to raze to the very bottom or szczętem, z kretesem, to undo to ground. Wyprowadzać z założeń all intents and purposes. Zgadzać wnioski, to draw consequences się z sobą, to agree one with from premises. Wielkie skutki another. Walczyć, wojować, wojz małych przyczyn wynikłe, ne prowadzić z kim, to fight with very important consequences proor against one, to vie with one. ceeding from insignificant causes. Wraz ze dniem, ze wshodem Z ojca to ma, he takes it after his slonca, at day-break, as soon as father. Brać z kogo przykład, to the sun was risen. Wstawać wraz take example by one. Jaką korzyść ze dniem, ze słońcem, to be by odnosisz z czytania? what beday-break. Porównywać jedno nefit do you reap by (from) your z drugiem, to compare one thing reading? Będziesz miłował Pana with another. Boga twego z całego serca twego, z calej duszy twojej, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul. Rodem z Warszawy, a native of Warsaw. Miał z niej jednego syna, he had one son by her. On jest z pierwszego loza, he is born of his father's first wife. Z matki szlachcic, z ojca mieszczanin, a nobleman by his mother, a commoner by his father. Kto z domu była jego matka? who was his mother by birth (born)? what is the name of his mother's family? what is his mother's maiden-name? 4. Separation, stripping, taking off, deprivation, removal, distance, etc. from, off. Zsiąść z konia, wysiąść z pojazdu, to alight from one's horse, carriage. Spadl, upadł z konia, ze schodów, he fell off his horse, he fell down stairs. Obedrzeć drzewo z kory, to strip a tree of its bark. Obedrzeć ze skóry, to take off the skin. Liśc opada z drzewa, drzewa opadają z liścia, the leaves fall from the trees,

6. Any kind of local respect, situation: on. Z tej strony, z tam tej strony, ze wszystkich stron, on this side, ont he other side, on all sides. Z tej strony Wisły, z tam tej strony Wisły, on this side the Vistula, on the other side the Vistula. Z bliska, close, near, hard by. Z bliska za kim postępowac, to follow one close, close at the heels. Z bliska na kogo nacierac, nastawać, to press one hard. z bliska się czemu przypatry wać, to take a close view of a thing; to look narrowly into a thing. z daleka, from afar, at a distance, far off, off. Witać kogo z dalekiej podróży, to welcome one on his return from a distant country. Z boku, on one side; sideways, alongside, laterally. Z przodu, in the front, ahead. Z tyłu, from behind. Z góry, from high, from above. Z dolu, from the bottom, from the lower part, from below, from beneath.

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Z, ZE, with the acc: case before numeral nouns and those indicating any length of time: some, about, more or less. Było nas ze dwudziestu mężczyzn i z dziesięć kobiet, we were some twenty men, and ten women (more or less). Daj mi ze dwa szylingi, give me a shilling or two. Jest temu ze sto lat, it may be some hundred years ago. Ze dwie godziny, an hour or two. Z kwandrans jak wyszedł, it may be a quarter of an hour since he is gone.

7. Time in, towards. Z rana, in the moring. Zaraz z rana, early in the morning. Wczora z wieczora, yesterday towards evening. O pierwszej z południa, Prefixed to verbs, the preposiat one o'clock in the afternoon. tion Z conveys the idea of a descent 8. With some adjectives the from a higher place to a lower. preposition Z forms adverbial Zstępować, zchodzić, to step phrases. Zwolna, slowly. Znagla, down, to come down. Zlac, to pour suddenly, on a sudden. Z nienacka, down. Zlecieć, to fly down, to fall at unawares, unexpectedly. Z kiep-down. ska po francuzku, in a broken 2. It means also a union or gathFrench. Z węgierska nosić się, to ering together of many persons or dress after the Hungarian fashion. things. Zgromadzić, to gather to9. It is joined with other prepo-gether, to assemble, to collect. sitions. Z nad, ponad, from Zgromadzenie, meeting. Zbiór, above. Z pomiędzy, from among. collection, store, sum total. Z pośrodka, from amidst. Z za,| ZA, prep, with the genitive case.


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ZA, used in interrogative and exclamatory phrases. Co za oka zala budowla! what a magnificent building! Co sa przepych w ubnorach, co za ruch, co zu wesołose! what magnificence in dresses, what active, busy, merry life! Co to za lud, ktorego dziewice porywon za oręż? what people is that, whose women even run to arms? Co to za człowiek, któremu nawet wią try i morze są posłuszne? what manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?

during, in time of, in. Za naszych | one. Mieć za sobą kogo (of a man), kogo za rękę, to take one by the czasów, za dni naszych, in our to have for a wife, to be married hand. Wodzić kogo za nos, to time, in our days. Za dawnych to. On ma za sobą młodszą sio- lead one by the nose. Uchwyciłem czasów, in old times, in times of strę swego przyjaciela, he has go za brodę, I caught him by the yore. Za króla Jana, in the king married the younger sister of his beard. Powiesić za nogi, wisiec za John's time, in the reign of king friend. Mieć kogo za sobą, to have nogi, to hang by the feet. = with John. Za życia jego ojca, in his a man on one's side, to be backed, the instr. case: at, by, on, upon, by father's life time. Za dnia, by day, protected, countenanced by him. means of, by the help of, through. in the day-time. Za pogody, when With the acc. or instr. cases: Za jego prośbą, za jego wstawie it is yet fine weather. with the for. Za ile? for how much? Za pię niem się, at his entreaty, by his acc. case in the course of such a zlotych, for five florins. Wymie-interposition, intercession. Za t time. Za godzinę, in an hour. Zanialem psa za konia, I exchanged przyczyną Pana naszego Jezusa trzy dni powrócę, I will return in my dog for a horse. Z góry za rok Chrystusa, through Jesus Christ, three days. Za miesiąc wyjadę, I placić, to pay in advance for a our Lord. Ża moim rozkazem, at shall start, I shall be off within a year. Nie można nabyć mądrości my bidding. Za pozwoleniem, za month. Za chwilę, za minutę, in za złoto, wisdom cannot be gotten wiedzą, by or with one's leave, a short time, in a minute. Od dziś for gold. Modlić się za kogo, to not without one's knowledge. Za za tydzień, this day week, a week pray to God for one. Dobry pa- | pierwszą zręcznością, on or upon hence, this sennight. Za kilka lat, sterz daje swe życie za swe o- the first opportunity. Za podbe within a few years. Za rok, in a wieczki, the good shepherd giveth chtaniem czarta, by the instiga year, by this time twelvemonth. his life for the sheep. Zapłacić za tion of the devil. Ża jego pomocą, ZA, governs the acc. when mo- kogo, to pay for one. Ręczyć za by his means, help, assistance. Za tion to a place is signified, and the kogo, to stand security for one, to jego radą, by his advice. Za po inst. case when rest in or motion give bail for one. Bić się za wol-mocą słownika, teleskopu, with behind a place is expressed or im-ność, walczyć za ojczyznę, to the help of a dictionary, with the plied: beyond, behind, out of, with-fight for liberty, for one's native help of a telescop. Za danym kaout, abroad, after. Schronił się country. Obrać kogo za naczelni- slem, znakiem, at the signal given sa Alpy, za morze, he fled beyond ka, za dowódzcę, to choose one Za jednem cięciem, uderzeniem, the Alps, beyond the sea. Skrył się for a leader, for a chief. Bóg wsze- at one blow. sa obicie, he hid himself behind chmogący często i niewinnych the hanging. Wyjść za miasto, to karze za grzechy ich ojcow, Algo out of the town. Wypchnąć ko- mighty God often chastises the ingo za drzwi, to turn one out of nocent for the sins of their fathers. doors. Wyjechać za granicę, to Dać komu córkę za żonę, to give go to a foreign country, to go one one's daughter for a wife. Mieć abroad. Spojrzeć za siebie, to co komu za zle, to take it ill of look behind. Spojrzyj za siebie, one, to take amiss, to take offence look behind you. Mieszka za mo- at something. Mieć kogo za co, to rzem, za Alpamí, he lives beyond take one for. Mam go za przyjathe sea, beyond the Alps. Stoi za ciela, I take him to be my friend. bramą, he stands without the gate. Mieć kogo za uczciwego człowieKraj za morzem leżący, a coun-ka, to look upon one as an honest try situated beyond the sea. Jesz-mán, to account or think him an cze słońce za chmurami, the sun honest man. Za nic mieć kogo, to is still hidden behind the clouds. make no account of one, to consiZostawil smród za sobą, he left der him as a man of no account. a stink behind him. Zostawić kogo Mieć co za nic, to set a thing at daleko za sobą, to leave one far nought, to make nothing of it. Miabehind. Mieszka za granicą, he les za nic wszystkie moje rady, lives abroad, in a foreign country. you have set at nought all my counZa oczami psy na kogo wieszać, sels. U niego wszyscy, wszystko to speak ill of one behind his back. za nic, he has no regard for peoBiega za kobietami, he runs after ple, he does not regard, respect women. Jść za kim, to follow one. any thing. Uchodzić za bogatego, Idź za mną, follow me. Iść za za pięknego, to pass for a rich man, czyją radą, zdaniem, przykła- for a beauty. Miałem za przykład dem, to follow one's advice, one's mego starszego brata, I had my opinion, one's example. Jedno nie- elder brother for an example. szczęście idzie za drugiem, one Powiedzieć za kim dobre slowmisfortune follows another. Rok za ko, wstawić się za kim, to put in rokiem, dzień za dniem schodzi, a good word for one, to intercede one year follows another, one day for one or in his behalf. Jeżeli Bóg follows another; years, days roll, za nami, kłóż będzie przeciwko pass, glide away. Stać listy za li-nam? if God be for us, who can be stami, to send letters upon letters. against us? Za kim jesteś? whom Za tem poszło, hence, thence fol- are you for? Jestem zawsze za lowed, arose, proceeded. To this wojną, my voice is still for war, I class belong the following idioma-am for going to war. = with the tical locutions Byc za kim, wyjść acc. case: instead of, in lieu of, for. za koyo (of a woman), to be mar-Stawił się przed sądem za braried to one. Za kim jest siostra ta, he appeared before the court pańska? whom is your sister mar-instead of his brother. Przybrać ried to? Mogłaby była wyjść za kogo za syna, to adopt one for a niego, gdyby była chciala, she son. Przybrał mnie za syna, i could have been maried to him, if stal mi za ojcu, he adopted me and she had pleased. Wydać córkę za stood me instead of a father. kogo, to marry one's daughter to with the acc. case: by. Wziąść


Prefixed to verbs, ZA has an inchoative signification. Zapłakać, to fall a crying. Zaśpiewać, to fall a singing, to give a song, to begin to sing. 2) It signifies stopping up, shutting, closing, obstructing, encumbering, overspreading, etc. Za murować, to wall up. Zatkać, to stop up. Zalać, to overflow, to overrun. 3) The act of going far, penetrating deep into. Zagłębic się, to dive into. Zadłużyć się, to run into debt. Zamyslic się, to be lost in thoughts. 4) It marks that the action expressed by the simple verb to which it is added, is com pletely done, quite finished. Zekłóc, to stick to death, to spear to death. Zabić, to kill.

ZA, adv. too, overmuch. Za wiele, za nadto, too much, too many. Za nadto pieniędzy, too much money. Zu nadto nus, we are too many. Za mało, too little. Za prędko idziesz, you go too fast. Za dlugi, too long, overlong. Za porywczy, too hasty, overhasty.

ZÅALPEJSKI, ▲, IE, situated beyond the Alps.

ZAAMBARASOWAĆ, SUJĘ, г. perf. kogo, to embarrass, puzzle, perplex one (better, klopoin bawić, see NABAWIĆ.

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ZABAŁAMUCIĆ, cĘ, v. perf. ko

ZABAWA, Y s. f. amusement,

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ZAB, ZĘBA, S. m. tooth. Zęby przednie, the foreteeth. Zęby trzo-go, vulg. to delay, detain one, to nowe, grinders, molar teeth. Zęby make one neglect his duty or miss mleczne, first teeth, milk-teeth. an appointment by detaining or Zęby się dziecku wyrzynają, keeping him back. kogo, to dziecko zębów dostaje, that child puzzle one's mind, to confound or is cutting his teeth. Wyrzynanie perplex one's ideas.-SIĘ, to stand się zębów, the cutting of the teeth, talking, staring and gaping, to stand dentition. Ból zębów, the tooth-fooling, trifling (and thereby neglect ache. Cierpieć na zęby, miewać one's duty, miss one's appointból zębów, to be subject, liable to ment, etc.). Zabalamucił się i za the tooth-ache, to be often troubled pomniał ze obiecałbydz uñas, he by the tooth ache. Zeby go bolą, kept somewhere talking, and forgot he has a tooth-ache. Zęby ścinać, that he promised to call on us. ścisnąć, to set the teeth. Zgrzytać ZABAŁKAŃSKI, A, IE, situated zębami, to grind, to gnash the beyond the Balkans; one that has teeth. Będzie tam placz i zgrzy-crossed the Balkan mountains. tanie zębów, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Klupać ze-pastime, entertainment, sport, dibami, chatter with the teeth. version. dziecinna, children's Stara bez zębów, a toothless hag, play. Niewinna-, innocent, harma decrepit old woman. Trzymać less amusement. occupation, język za zębami, to hold one's pursuit. tongue. Dostał chleba kiedy zę- ZABAWECZKA,see ZABAWKA. bów nie ma, he got bread when ZABAWIAĆ, AM, v. imp. ZABAhe has no teeth to eat it. To dla WIC, WIE, v. perf. to stay, to deniego na jeden ząb, there is hard-tain, to take one's time. Ta robota ly enough for his hollow tooth. zabawi mnie tydzień, it will take Fig. Koszulę w zębach nosić, to me a week's time. kogo, to be but a child, a boy, a stripling. amuse, to entertain, to divert, see Jeszczes ty koszulę w zębach no- BAWIĆ. ZABAWIĆ, v.n. gdzie, sil, kiedym ja służył krajowi, you jakiś czas, to stay, stop, remain were but a snotty boy, when I serv- somewhere for a certain time, to ed my country. Wziąść kogo na continue in a place some time.. zęby, to tear or pull one to pieces, SIĘ, to amuse one's self, to busy to speak ill of him. Wpaść komu one's self, to bestow one's time na zęby, to be ill spoken of, to be about a thing for pastime, sée BAmade a common talk. Oko za oko, WIĆ SIĘ. Zabawić się gdzie, ząb za ząb, eye for eye, tooth for to stay, stop, remain or continue tooth. Ząb za ząb z kim się kló- somewhere. cić, to be at daggers drawn with one, to be quarrelling incessantly. Zęby ostrzyć na co, to set the teeth on edge, to be sharp set, to be hungry; to have a design upon a thing, to long, wish for it. Zęby ostrzyć na kogo, to have an aching tooth at one, to have à spite or an old grudge against one. Zęby zjeść na czem, to grow old in the practice of a thing. Darowanemu koniowi nie zaglądają w zęby,ous prov. people must not look the gift wag. horse in the mouth. Smierć w zęby nie patrzy, prov. as soon goes the young lamb's skin to the market, as the old ewe's; young people die as well as old ones. = Zęby u pily, brony, grablów, grzebienia,verting, pleasant. the teeth of a saw, a harrow, a rake, a comb. Zęby u kold, the teeth or cogs of a wheel. Ząb uklucza, the key-bit. Babie zęby (a plant), toothwort, dentaria.

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ZABAWIENIE, ▲, ś. n. štay, sojourn, residence (for a given time). the act of amusing.

ZABAWKA, 1, 8. f. dim. see ZABAWA. → toy, plaything. Zabawki dziecinne, children's toys or playthings.


ZABAWNIE, adv. amusingly. =
pleasantly, Iudicrously, drollingly,
comically, facetiously.
ZABAWNIS, SIA, s. m. a humor-
ludicrous fellow, a jester, a

ZABAWNOŚĆ, SCI, s. f. playful
humour, facetiousness, drollery,

ZABAWNY, A, E, busy, busied, engaged, occupied. = amusing, dihumorous, ludicrous, facetious, droll, funny, waggish.


ZABAZGRAĆ, AM, v. perf. to scrawl all over, to bedaub, to blot all over.

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ZĄBEK, BKA, 8. n. dim. a little tooth. ZĄBKI, pl. Archit. denticles, dentils, fretwork. w ząbki, notched, jagged, denticulated, toothed, indented.

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ZABEZPIECZAĆ, am, v. imp. ZABEZPIECZYĆ, CZĘ, v. perf. to insure, to make save, to secure. Zabezpieczyć od czego, to secure from, to keep from, to protect from. Zabezpieczyć sobie co, secure for one's self. SIĘ, to se cure one's self, to provide against. Zabezpieczyć się od czego, to secure one's seff against a thing, to provide against it, to be secure against.

ZABEZPIECZENIE, A, 8. n. insurance, security, safety; protection, shelter, safeguard.

ZABI, A, E, of a frog. Żabi krzek, fry of frogs, young frogs. Żabi kamien (a fish-tooth petrified), toad-stone, bufonite. Żabi ściek (a plant), frogbit, hydrocharis. Żabie gronka (a med. plant), rupture-wort, herniaria.


ZABICIE, A, 8. n. the act of killing, slaying. Dla zabicia, in order to kill. Po zabiciu, after having killed. Przed zabiciem, before kil ling. - SIĘ, the act of killing one's self, suicide, self-mnrder.

ZABIĘ, CIA, ŻABIĘTA, a little frog, a young frog.

ZABIEDZ, see ZABIEGAĆ. ZABIEG, u, s. m. generally used in the pl. ZABIEGI,ów,endeavours, exertions. Zabiegi o co robić, to take steps in order to attain an object, to sue earnestly, to seek for, to make interest for, to put in for, to stand for.

ŽABIEGAĆ, AM, y. n. imp. ZABIEDZ, ZABIEGNĄĆ, ZABIEŻEĆ, GE, GNE, V. perf. to run as far as, to run to. Tatarzy aż do bram Krakowa zabiegali, the Tartars extended their inroads, incursions as far as the gates of Cracow. komu drogę, to cross one's way; to go, to come to meet a person. Zabiedz komu drogę do czego, to debar or preclude one from a thing, to stop one in one's career.czemu, fig. to obviate, to prevent, to hinder, to remedy, to put a stop to see ZAPOBIEGAĆ. Zabiegać o co, koło czego, to busy one's self about a thing, to exert one's self, to make or use one's endeav ours, to take steps in order to attain an object. Zabiegać komu, fig. to court one, to endeavour to gain his favour.

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ZABIEGANIE, ZABIEŻENIE, A, ZĄBCZASTY, A, E, toothed, jag-s.n. the act of running as far as. = ged, indented. Zabieganie czemu, the act of obviating, preventing, see ZAPOBIEGANIE.

ZABĘBNIĆ, NIĘ, v.n.perf.incho. to fall a drumming. Zabębniono, the drums struck up.

ZABA, F, 8.f. frog. drzewna, zielona, tree-frog or green frog. Zaby skrzeczą, the frogs croak. Koniowi nogę kują, a żaba swoje nadstawia, prov. he would cope ZABECZEĆ, CZĘ, v.n.perf.incho. with his betters. a shrimp, a to begin to bleat; fig. fam. to fall dwarf. = swelling in a horse's a blubbering; (of a sorry singer), mouth, lampas. Surgery: a tu- to begin to bellow, to roar.


ZABIEGLE, adv. with much forecast and industry.

ZABIEGŁOSC, SCI, 8.f. industry, activity, diligence.

ZABIEGŁY, A, F, arrived at a

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