Imágenes de páginas

DZWONARZ, A, s.m. bell-foun- | gipsy. fem : EGYPCYANKA, xi, der or caster. Egyptian woman.

DZWONEK, NKA, s. m. dim. DZWONECZEK, CZKA, a little bell; 2) bell flower. (Bot.).


DZWONIARZ, RZA, S. m. DZWONNIK, A, bell-ringer, sexton, churchwarden-DZWONNIK. DZWONIĆ, NIĘ, v. imp. to ring a bell, to toll.-zębami, to chatter with the teeth. Dzwoni mi w uszach, my ears tingle or tinkle. na kazanie,to ring the sermon bell. -na obiad, to ring for dinner. na służących, to ring for the servants, to pull the bell.

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DZWONIENIE, IA, S. n. ringing of bells, tolling. w uszach, a tinkling in the ears, or a whizzing sound in the ears.

DZWONKA, KI, s. f. a diamond, at cards. I, A, E, resounding.

DZWONKI, Ków, pl. gills, wattle or flaps that hang bellow the cock's bill; 2) flesh under the chin of swine.

DZWONKO, dim. see DZWO


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EGOISTA, TY, s. m. egotist, selfish man. = SOBEK, SAMOLUB. Jestto wielka egoistka, she is very selfish.

EGOIZM, u, s. m. egotism, selfishness. Glupi egoizm, a stupid egotism.

EJ, EJZE, onomat. have a care, take care. Ej ostróżnie! take care then! Ej tam na dole! beware, take care below! Ej strzeż się kija! beware of the rod or the stick. EKLIPTYKA, KI, s. f. ecliptic. EKLOGA, 1, s. f. eclogue. EKONOM, A, s. m. land-steward. EKONOMIA, 1, s. f. the office of a land-steward; 2) husbandry, economy.

EKONOMICZNIE, adv. econo

mically. OSZCZĘDNIE.
EKONOMICZNY, A, E, economi-
cal, sparing, saving.
EKONOMOWA, WEJ, s. f. the
wife of a land-steward.

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ELEMENT, U, s. m. element. PIERWIASTEK, ŻYWIOŁ. ELEMENTA, pl. POCZĄTKI. ELEMENTARNY, A, E, elementary, hot, compounded, simple. ELEMENTARZ, A, s. m. hornbook, primer.


ELIXIR, u, s. m. elixir. ELIZEJSKI, A, E, elysian. ELIZOWY, A, E, Spoczynek elizejski, elizowy, elysian rest. CieRÓ-nie-e, elysian shades.

EKONOMÓWNA, WNY, s. f. the
daughter of a land-steward.
WNIK, equator.
EKWIPAŻ, a, s. m. equipage,
carriage of state.

POWANIE, A. n. out fit; the fitting
out, equipment. Wydatki -a,
expenses for a fit out, outfits.
pułku, fitting out, equipment of a

DZWONO, A, s. n. felloe of a wheel; 2) a piece of fish. DZYNDZYK, A, s. m. a pendu-battalion. lum of any kind (vulg.).

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EDUKOWAĆ, KUJĘ, y. imp. to educate, to breed, to bring up. WYCHOWAĆ, WYCHOWYWAĆ. | EDUKOWANY, A, E, educated, well bred. To młodzieniec dobrze -y, he is very well-bred, or educated. Dziewczyna zle-a, romp. EDUKT, u, s. m. (Old term of a jurispr.) document proving the nobility of family, letters of a nobility, a voucher.

EDYCYA, YI S. f. edition.

EDYKT, U, S. m. edict. EDYTOR, A, s. m. editor. WYDAWCA.

EDYTORSTWO, A, S. n. editorship, a printing-publisher's trade. EFOD, U, s. m. see HUMORAL. ephod.

EGIPCYANIN, s. m. Egyptian,



ELASTYCZNOŚĆ, CI, s. f. elas-
ELASTYCZNY, A, E, elastical.
wort (a plant.).

ELLIPSA, SY, s. f. (gram.), elision, syncope; 2) (math.), ellipsis. ELLIPTYCZNY, A, E, elliptical. ELIZABETANKA, 1, s. f. a nun of St.-Elisabeth's order. EMIGRACYA, YI, s. f. emigra


EMIGRANT, A, S. f. emigrant. WYCHODZIEŃ WYCHODZIEC. fem: EMIGRANTKA. EMIGROWAĆ, v. a. = - WYJŚĆ. to emigrate. Tłumy rolników emiwater-growały z Europy do Ameryki, crowds of husbandmen have emigrated from Europe to America. EMPIRYCZNY, A. E, empirical. EMPIRYK, A s.m. empiric, quack, a pretended physician. | EMULACYA, YI, s. f. emulation." ELEGANCKO = PO ELEGAN-- szlachetna, a noble, laudable» CKU, adv. elegantly.

ELEGANCKI, A, E, elegant, gay. -e towarzystwo, fashionable society. Zwroty, wyrazy —ie, elegant speech, expression.=WYKWINTNY, ŚLICZNY.

ELEGANCYA, YI, s. f. elegance, finery of dress.

ELEGANT, A, s. m. a beau, dandy.

ELEGANTKA, KI, S. f. an elegant, flaunting woman.

UIE, v. refl. imp. to embellish, to
adorn one's self, to attire. Wyele-
gantowała się jak do slubu, she
is dressed like a bride. Śmiesznie,
dziwacznie elegantuje się, she
tricks herself out, bedizens herself
in a ridiculous manner. = STROIĆ

ELEGIA, 1, 8. f. elegy.
ELEGIJNY, A, E, elegiac.
ELEKCYA, YI, s. f. election.
ELEKCYJNY, A, E, elective.
ELEKT, A, s. m. a new chosen,

ELEKTOR, A, s. m. prince

ELEKTORALNY, A, E, electoral. ELEKTOROWA, WEJ, S. f. electoress. = ELEKTOROWA.

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ELEKTORSTWO, wa, s. n.│MAT, u, s. m. epigram, lampoon,

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EPISTOLA, Y, 8. f. epistle, a part of mass. (catholic). EPOKA, KI, S. f. epoch, epocha. EPOLET, U, s. m. epaulet. SZLIFA, NARAMIENNIK. EPOPEA, EI, S. m. epopee, epic poem.


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ESSENCYA, YI, s. f. essence. rozmarynowa, cynamonowa essence of rosemary, cinnamon. zwierzęca, animal essence or oil. =TRAN. 2) substance, the essential part. Z groszku, przyprawionego po angielsku, woda wyciąga całą essencye, as to peas dressed after the English way, the water draws away all their substance. Wiele sloto, malo-yi w tej książce, there are a great many words and little matter in that book. Wyciągnąć essencyą z książki, to draw a substance from a book. ESKADRA, RY, S. f. a squadron of ships of war.

ESKORTA, TY, s.f. escort, convoy.


to escort, to convoy.
ESOWATY, A, E, having the form
of S. Droga-a, this way is win-
ding, is making zigzag.

ESOWNIK, A, s. m. cornice.

EXAMINOWAĆ, NusĘ, v. imp.

to examine.

EXDYWIZYA, VI, s. f. partition of an insolvent debtor's property among his creditors.

EXEMPLARZ, ▲, s. m. copy. EXJEZUITA, Y. 8.m. EXLOKAJ, A, s. m. EXREKTOR, A, s. m. one who has been, who was once, a jesuit, a footmam, a rec

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FAJANS, U, S. m. earthen-ware, EXORCYSTA, TY, s. m. exorcist. delph. Fajans nazwany od wlosEXORCYZM, U, s. m. exorcism.kiego miasta Faenza, w którem EXORCYZMOWAĆ, MUJĘ, v. się urodził wynalazca, delph taimp. to exorcise. kes its name from Faenza, a town in Italy, where it was invented.

EXORTA, TY, s. f. a funeral

EXPENS, U, s. f. expense.

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EXPENSOWAĆ, SUJĘ, v. imp. to spend, to expend.

EXPENSOWNY, A, E, expensive. EXTRA, adv. extraordinarily, uncommonly, exceedingly.

FAJERKA, KI, S. f. firepan. FAJERWERK, u, s. m. fire-work. FAJDAĆ, AL, A, v. a. imp. intr. and NAFAJDAĆ, AL, (very vulg.). to go to caca, to ease nature, to shite. Ze strachu nafajdał w spodnie, his heart sunk into his breeches or he sate upon tenter-hooks. FAJKA, KI, S. f. FAJECZKA, KI,

FAKCYA, YI, s. f. faction STRONNICTWO.


EXTRAKT, U, s. m.=' WYCIĄG, extract, abstract. Nie znam cale-dim. smoking-pipe. go dzieła, ale kilka z niego extraktów (better wyciągów), I am not acquainted with the whole work, although I have read some extracts from it. Oto extrakt z ich ETYKIETA, TY, s.f. etiquette.listów, there is an abstract of their Jestto człowiek biegły w etykiecie, he is a great man for etiquette, he is a proficient in etiquette. ETYKIETALNY, A, E, belonging to etiquette or ceremony. ETYMOLOG, A, s. m. etymolo


ETYMOLOGIA, 1, s. f. etymo

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FAKTOR, A, s. m. broker, commission-agent. koński, horsedealer, horse-jockey. FAKTOROWAĆ, RUJE, v.n. to transact business for others. FAKTORSTWO, WA, s. n. the ISTNIE-business of a broker.

EXYSTENCYA, 1, s. f. existen-
ce. == BYT, BYTNOŚĆ,

exist. see BYĆ, ISTNIEĆ, ŻYĆ.


EUROPEJSKI, A, E, european. EWANGELIA EWANJELIA, 1. |-jedwabnych materyi, sukna, s. f. gospel. Zwiastować, opo- kapeluszów, the manufacture or wiadać-q, to announce, to preach manufacturing of silks, cloths, hats. the gospel. Swiatlo, obietnice—ii, To wyszło z jego fabryki, that's the light, the promises of the gos- a fabrication of his own, Cena -i, pel. Urzędnicy-ii, the ministers or cena fabryczna, cost-price. of the gospel. Wierzy w to jak Fabryka kościoła parafialnego, w-ją, he takes that for gospel. the structure, repairs and mainte(prov.). nance of a parochial church.

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FAKTORYA, VI, s.f. factory. FALA, LI, S. f. wave, billow. : WAL, BAŁWAN. surge, swell. Powstają wielkie-e, the waves, the billows run high.

FALBANA, NY, S. f. furbelow, flounce.

F. Żaden prawdziwie_polski FALD, u, s.m. fold, rumple. wyraz nie zaczyna się od F, there Robić różne, male, wielkie -y, is no polish word begining with F. to make several folds, plaits, small FABER, BRA, S. m. doree, Iohn folds, large folds. Rękawka z faldoree. (zoolog.). deczkami, ruffles plaited in small FABRYKA, KI, s. f. manufacture.plaits. Ten frak niema ani jednéj faldy, that coat sits close to the body. Ten frak marszczy się w fałdy, nigdy ich niestraci, that coat will never lose its crease, will always pucker, gather, will always have gathers. Skóra tego zwierzę cia ma faldy, that animal's skin has plaits. Faldeczka or marszczek na lisciu róży, the wrinkle of a rose leaf. Miec pofaldowane czoło, to have, wrinkles, furrows on one's forhead. Faldy draperyi powinne być nie liczne, naturalne i plawne, the folds of the draperies should be few in number, easy and flowing.

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proceeding. To falsz wierutny, Oczywisty, it is an evident falsehood, cheat, imposture. -mówić, to tell a falsehood.

FAŁSZERSTWO, WA, s. n. falseness, falsity.

FAŁSZERZ, A, s. m. falsifier. FAŁSZOWAĆ, SZUJĘ, v. imp. to falsify, to adulterate, to forge. FAŁSZOWANIE, IA, S. n. falsification, adulteration. FAŁSZYWIE, adv. falsely; 2) treacherously.

FARAON, A, s.m. a game at cards.
FARBA, BY, S. f. die, tinge, co-
lour - BARWA

FARBIERNIA, NI, S. f. diehouse.
FARBIERSKI, A, E, of a dier.
FARBIERSTWO, WA, s. n. the
art and trade of a dier.

FECHTOWANIE, JA; 8.N. FECHTUNEK, NKU, the art of fencing.

FELCZER, A, 8. m. surgeon FELDFEBEL, BLA, S.M. sergeant-major.

FELPA, PY, s. f. plush. FENIK, A, farthing. FENIX, A, 8. m. phoenix. fenix ludzi dowcipnych, he is the phoenix of wits.


FENOMEN, U, s. m. phenomen. FERALNY, A, E, unlucky, ominous. - dzień, a day on which there is cessation from labour, holy

FARBIERZ, A, s. m. dier. FARBOWAĆ, BUJE, v. imp. to die, to tinge; 2) (said of wounded game), to besprinkle with blood. Farbować lisy, cheat, deception, vain pretext. nici, welnę, jeFAŁSZYWY, A, E, false; 2) trea- dwab, etc. to die thread, wool, cherous, double-dealing. - świa- silk., etc. To sukno farbowane dek, false witness. To-czlowiek, w wełnie, (t. i. welnę ufarbo-day. he is a false, he is a deceitful man. wano przedtem niż z niej zro- a historya, wieść, false story, biono sukno), the wool of that -a porada, false advice cloth has been first dyed. Po bitmisinformation. -e pieniądze, wie krew farbowała rzekę, affalse coin, counterfeit money. yter the battle, the river was discolouwstyd, bashfulness. -y śmiałek, red with blood. oraggadocio, swaggerer. -a myśl, erroncous thought. -a strung, wrong, or untuned string.-y glos, discordant voice.


FAMILIA, 1, s. f. family. FAMILIANT, A, s. m. one betonging to a great family. fem. FAMI

KI, an earthen dish.
FARNY, A, É, parochial, parish.
FARTUCH, A, s. m. apron.
FARTUSZEK, SZKA, s. m. a little
apron; 2) the flap in breeches. Lubi
fartuszek, przepada za fartusz-
kiem, he adores a petticoat; he lo-

FARYNIARZ, A, s. m. a low ea-
ting house keeper. fem: FARY-
NIARKA, 1, a slovenly, nasty, bad

FANABERYE, Yi, pl. finery, gau-ves women.
dery, pretensions to wit, to birth.
(vulg.). Stroi fanaberye, his tone
is very assuming, high flowen. Od-
kąd udało mu się dostać to miej-
sce, stal się pełen fanaberyi, since
he has been invested with this of-
ice, he carries it high. Patrz na
nią, co za fanaberye! see how
she bridles up!

FASA, SY, FASKA, KI, 8. f. FASECZKA, кi, dim. a small barre commonly used for butter, cade, firkin.

FASOLA, LI, s. f. french bean. FANATYCZNY, A, E, fanatic. FASOWAĆ, SUJE, v. imp. to disFANATYK, A, s. m. fanatic. tribute victuals among soldiers, to FANATYZM, U, 8. m. fanaticism. barrel, to stow. sledzie, to barFANFARON, A, 8. m. dandy, cox-rel herring. konia, to shorten comb, fop, bully, vain boasting, the rein, to check him. bombastic. On nić mężny ale→, he WAĆ, PAKOWAĆ.


is not brave but a mere boaster.
Udawać-a, to play the bully. Nie-
zważaj na pogrożki tego fanfa- | to baste, to sew stightly.
rond, his threats are nothing but

FASTRYGA, GI, S. f. baste, stitch.

FASZYNA, Y, §. f. fascine.
FATAŁASZKI, Szków, pl. fiddle

FANFARONADA, DY, S. f. swag-faddles, trifles, bawbles.
gering, rodomontade; 2) coxcom-
bry, foppery.


to play the coxcomb, to swagger. FANT, u, s. m. a piece of cloth; 2) pawn, pledge, security. Grac w fanty, to play at forfeits.

FATALNIE, adv. fatally.
FATALNOŚC, CI, s. f. fatality.
FATALNY, A, fatal.
FATYGA, GI, 8. f. fatigue, wea-
riness, trouble.


FATYGOWAĆ, GUJE, v. imp. to fatigue, to put to trouble or to give FANTASTYCZNIE, adv. fantas-one the trouble. SIĘ, to fatigue one's self, to take the trouble. FAWORYT, A, 8. m. favorite,




FANTASTYK, A, s. m. a fantastical man, a visionary.

FANTAZYA, Yi, s. f. fantasy, humour, mind, fancy, whim; 2) spirit, mettle. Uczynił to przez fantazyę nie przez rozsądek, he did that out of mere whim and not from reason. WYOBRAŻENIE, KAPRYS.

FANTOWAĆ SIĘ, TUJĘ SIĘ, to give a piece of cloth in pledge, to pawn clothes, to execute one's self.

FARA, RY, S. f. parish-church.

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FEROWAĆ, RUję, v. imp. (wy► rok). to pass sentence, to pass one's verdict.

FERTAĆ SIĘ, TAM SIE. 7. 7. ka bustle, to bestir one's self. Fert nogami, he is fidgeting, he is im patient to be off.

FERTYCZNY, A, E, dashing, dapper, flaunting, brisk. = FERTALSKI.

FEST, 0, s. m. holiday, festival. Bożego ciala, corpus-christi-day. Ubrany jak na fest, trimmed up and decked out as for a wedding.

FESTON, NU, 8. m. festoon. FESTYN, U, s. m. feast, entertainment, festival.

FETOR, U, s.m. stench

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FIAŁEK, LKA, s. m. violet. FICKLAÜZ, Á, s. m. (a bird), jack-snipe.

FIGA, GI, §. f. fig. Pokazać komu fige, to fig one, to give one the fico.

FIGIEL, GLA, s. m. trick, prank, frolie. Wyplatać komu figla, to play a trick upon one. To dziecko co dzień nowe figle plata, that child plays new tricks, pranks every day. Wyrządził mu figla, he has played him a trick.

FIGLARKA, KI, 8. f. a wild frolick some woman,FIGLUS.

FIGLARNOŚĆ, c1, s. f. frolicksomeness, wanton trick, waggishness.

FIGLARNY, A, E, frolicksome, wild, wanton. To bardzo-edziec ko, it is a very roguish child. FIGLARZ, A, s. m. a wild frolicksome fellow.

FIGLOWAĆ, LUJĘ, v. n. to frolick, to play wild pranks. FIGOJADKA, KI, 8. f. (a bird). figpecker.

FIGOWY, A, E, the fig.-e drze wo, fig-tree. -e liście, fig leaves.

FIGURA, RY, s. f. figure, shape; 2) à cross set by the road-side. -w tańcu, w balecie, the figure FECHMISTRZ, A, 8. m. fencing-of a country-dance, figure, situation of a ballet. Wielkanocny baranek FECHTOWAĆ, TUJE, v. n. to byl figura Eucharystyi, the pascal lamb was a figure of the Eucarist.



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Śmieszna -a, an odd figure. Studenci w oracyach ubiegają się za figurami i dlatego śmieszni,scholars are profuse in figures, and thus the speech becomes ridiculous. see POSTAĆ.

FIGURANT, A, s. m. a person of distinguished appearance. FIGUROWAC, RUJĘ, v. n. to cut a figure, to represent.

FINANSOWY, A, E, financial. FIOLETOWY, A, E, violet. FIRANKA, RI, s. f. curtain. FIRCYK, A, s.m. hop-o'-my thumb, coxcomb, a spark, a beau, a fop.

FIRCYKOWATY, A, É, of a coxcomb, foppish, coxcomical.

FIRKA, 1, 8. f. (old.). farthing. Stoi za firke, I would not give a farthing for it. Niewart firki, to be worth little or nothing, not to be

FIK, u, (term of medic.). fig, excrescence 2) onomat. FIK, MIK, secret practice, underhand dea-worth a groat. ling, by-play. Jest tu w tej sprarie jakieś fik mik, (vulg.), there has been a good deal of by-play in

that business.

FIRLEJE, used only in this proverb: Stroic Firleje, to do extravagant things, to be fond of spending. Boua Sforzia, wife of Sigismundus 1, king of Poland, heaped benefits, presents and honours upon the Firley family, whence arose the proverb.

FIKCYA, YI, S. f. fiction FIKNĄĆ, v.n. inst. to fail on the ground, to tumble, (vulg.). FILAR, U, s. m. pillar, column, a small square column. Ma nogi jak lory, he has good lusty legs. FILGRANOWY, A, E, of a cuTous work in gold or silver, in man-accounts. ner of threads or grains, filigrane, alagree.

FILIŻANKA, KI, S. f. tea or coffe

FILOZOF, A, s. m. philosopher.

FILOZOFEK, FKA, S. m. MĘDREK, philosophist. Szajka tegoczesnych filozofkow, the modern philosophists.

FIRLETKA, 1, §. f. a species of lychnis (bot.).

FIRMA, Y, S. f. firm, a book of

FIRMAMET, 0, 3. m. firmament,


FIRMAN, U, s. m. firman, a pass port to trade to certain parts or places.

FISKAŁ, LA, s. m. an attorney who prosecutes all causes wherein the ford paramount or the public are interested. (fig.) a man fond of


FISTULA, LY, S. f. fistula. FISZBIN, U, s. m. whale bone. Brykle fiszbinu, whale-bone busk. FIUFIU, or FIUBŹDZIU (w glowie), a giddy-brained or hare-brained man; aflighty of à volatile young man or woman,

FILOZOFIA, 1, s. f. philosophy. - chrzesciańska, Arystotelesa, Platonska, Newtońska, etc., the christian philosophy, the Aristotelian, Platonic, Newtonian philosophy. Uczęszczać, uczyć się -i, to be a student in philosophy, to attend a class of philosophy. Cala jego filozofia na tém, aby się lada czém niepokoić, his philosophy consists in troubling or making him-sopher. self uneasy about nothing. FILOZOFICZNIE, adv. philoso


FILOZOFICZNY, A, E, philosophical. Roztrząsać kweslye filozoficzne, to agitate, discuss, canvass questions of philosophy. FILOZOFOWAĆ, FUJĘ, v. n. to philosophize.

FILTROWAĆ, RUJE, v. imp. to filtrate, to strain. PRZEGEDŽAĆ. FILUT, A, s. m. rogue, knave, To filut nie lada, he is a sly one, a cunning fox.

FILUTERNIE and FILUTERSKO, adv. artfully, cunningly, slily, knowingly.

FILUTERYA, vi, s. f. roguery, knavery.=FILUTERSTWO.

FILUTKA, 1, s. f. fem. of FILUT. a sly, cunning woman. Wieksza to filutka niż się zdaje, she has more cunning about her, than you are aware of.

FIMFA or FINFA, Y, s. f. smoky paper held under one's nose when asleep. fig.=affront. Dostał w nos imfe, he has had a terrible rap over the knuckles. FINANSE, Sów, pl. finances, re


FIZYCZNIE, A,E,adv. physically.
FIZYCZNY, A, E, physical.
FIZYK, A, s. m. natural philo-

FIZYKA, KÍ, S. f. physics, natural philosophy.

FLAĆZÉĆ, ċzeję, v. n. to flag, to hang loose.

FLADER, DRU, S. m. grain or streaks in wood.

FLADRA, RY, S. f. flounder, sole; 2) a slut, a draggle-tail, a slattern. FLADROWATY, A, E, streaky, speckled.

FLĄDROWATY, A, E, sluttish, slovenly, lazy.

FLAGA, GI, S. f. flag, or the colours of a ship.

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he is a man who has a great deal of phlegm in his character, he is a very phlegmatic man. Ta jego flegma zabija mnie! the phlegm of that man drives me to despair. FLEGMATYCZNY, A, E, phleg matic, pituitous.

FLEGMATYK, ▲, s.m. a dull heavy fellow, phlegmonous.

FLEGMISKO, A, s.n. a nasty phlegm. intens. of FLEGMA. FLEGMISTOŚĆ, 1, s. f. abundance of pituite, pituitous humour.

FLEGMISTY, A, E, phlegmatic; viscous, ropy, full of slimy matter.

FLESTUCH, A, 8. m. lint; 2 hurds of hemp, with which the barrel of a gun is cleaned inside; 3) a dirty slovenly person. Przybicto ram the wad. Dziewczyna wielki , she is a perfect slut, sluttern.= NIECHLUJ.

FLET, U, 8. m. FLECIK, A, dim. Ante.

FLINTA, x, 8. f. firelock, gun. FLINTPAS, A, s. m. bandoleer, shoulder belt.

FLIS, A, s. m. a waterman on board the transport ship sailing in the rivers of Poland.

FLISOWAĆ, v. n. to float wood down a river, to navigate, to exercise the profession of a waterman.

FLISOWKA, 1, s. f. watermanship. 2) floating-wood.

FLISOWSKI, A, IE, of a water


FLISOWSTWO, ▲, s.n. watermanship, 2) unlaiding.

FLORESY, Sów, pl. flourish. FLORET, U, s. m. foil. FLOTA, TY, S. f. fleet, navy. FLOTRAWERS, v, s. m. flute. FOCHY, CHOW, pl. freak, whim, capricious pranks. Od kilku dni niewiem skąd jej te fochy i czemu niechce gadać ze mną, I do not know what ails her, but, for some time back, she looks sour and won't speak to me. W nieustannych fochach na siebie, they continually pout at one another.

FOKA, KI, 8. f. seal, sea-calf, FOLARZ, A, s. m. fuller. - FOLUSZNIK.

FOLDROWAĆ, OWAŁ, UJĘ,(old.). to enter or bring an action against one, to sue one at law - NASTA

WAĆ (na kogo), POWSTAWAĆ,
(na kogo).

FLAK, A, s. m. bowels, entrails.
2) an indolent FLAKI, tripe.pation, charge, accusation.
KARZ, A, s. m. dealer in tripe, a

FOŁDROWANIE, a, s. n. încul

[blocks in formation]

FOLGA, GI, S. f. relaxation; relief, alleviation, indulgence; 2) a link Gjewelery).

FOLGOWAĆ, GUJĘ, v. Ñ. to ease, to loose, to relax; to release, to alleviate; to indulge, to connive. FOLGOWANIE, A, s. n. = POBŁAŻANIE, OCHRONIENIE, ULGA, indulgence.

FOLIAŁ, U, s. m. folio.
FOLOWAĆ, LUJĘ, v. imp. to


FOLUSZ, A, s. m. fulling-mill,

FOLUSZNIK, A, s. m, fuller


FOLWARCZNY, A, E, belonging to a farm-house.

FOLWARK, U, S. m. farm-house. FOMFRY, ów, s. m. used only in plur. caprice, whim, humor, freak. Kobieta z fomframi, she is a capricious, a whimsical creature or she is difficult to be pleased (vulg.).

FONTANNA, NY, S. f. fountain, water-spout, jet.

FONTAŻ, IA, s. m. a knot of ribbons, top-knot.

FORA! interj. out with him or

with it.

FORYŚ, IA, s.m. forespurrer, fore-rider, jockey.

FORYTOWAĆ, TUJE, v. n. to ride one of the fore-horses; 2) v.a.: to promote, to countenance.

FOSA, SY, S. f. moat. FOSFOR, U, s. m. phosphor. FOSZKI, SZKÓW, diminut. of FOCHY.

FRACHT, U, s. m. freight, load,


FRACHTARZ, A, s.m. freighter.

FRACHTOWAĆ, TUJE, v. imp. to freight.

FRASZKA, KI, s. f. trifle, frivolity, frivolousness. Zajmować się tylko fraszkami, to be wholly occupied about frivolities. W tym sklepie same fraszki, that shop contains nothing but baubles. Wszystkie pieniądze traci na-i, he spends all his money on trash. Lada bawi go, the slightest trifle is sufficient to divert him. Powaśnili się o-e, they have fallen out about a trifle, a feather, a straw. Trudnić się mi, to have one's head full of nonsense, to fid


FRASZKOPIS, A, s. m. the wri

FRACZKOWY, A, E, dressed after the French fashion. Panicz,ter of paltry things, epigrams, aumłodzik, rycerz, −y, a beau, a thor of loose sheets, or fugitive spark, exquisite (ironically). pieces.

FOREMNOŚĆ, CI, s.f. regularity. FOREMNY, A, E, regular. FORMA, MY, S. f. form, shape; 2) mould. see POSTAĆ, KSZTAŁT. Robić co dlaformy, to do any thing FRAK, A, S. m. FRACZEK, cZKA, for form's sake, for fashion's sake. dim. dress coat. Frak codzienPosągi bronzowe, działa, dzwony, or na codzień, an every day ny, leją się w formy, bronze sta- coat. Dobrze zrobiony, a well tues, cannons, bells etc. are cast in made coat. - Haftowany (munmoulds. Forma do świec, a mould dur), an embroidered coat. Nie haffor making, a cast for moulding towany, a plain coat. candles. FRAMUGA, GI, s. f. niche. FRAMUŻKA, dimin.

FORMALNIE, adv. formally; 2) quite, altogether.

FORMALNOŚĆ, 1, s.f. formality. FORMALNY, A, E, done in due form; 2) thorough, complete.

FORMOWAĆ, MUJĘ, v. imp. to | form, to shape. -pretensye, to lay a claim. Formować młodzieńca, to form, or train up a youth.

FORMULARZ, A, s. m. formu


FOROWAĆ, RUJE, v.imp. to drive away, to dislodge. (vulg.). FORPOCZTA, TY, S. f. outpost. FORTECA, CY, S. f. fortress, stronghold, fastness. TWIERDZA, WAROWNIA.


FORTECZNY, A, E, belonging to a fortress. -e rowy, ditches, trenches or dikes of a fortress.

FORTEL, U, S. m. artifice, cunning contrivance, cunning device. Podejść kogo fortelem, to outwit or over reach one.

FORTELNY, A, E, artful, cunning, crafty, shrewd.

FORTKA, s. f. FÓRTECZKA, KI, dim. wicket.

FORTUNA, NY, s. f. fortune, lot, luck; 2) fortune, wealth. dim. FORTUNKA. Stracić wielką, to fall from a high estate.-a uśmiecha się jemu, fortune smiles upon him, favours him. -a grzbiet mu pokazala, fortune has turned her back upon him. Ubiegać się za-q, to hunt after fortune. Ustalić swoją -e, to drive a nail in fortune's wheel. Człowiek musi sam sobie budować-e, every man is the architect of his own fortune. FORTYAN, A, s.m. door-keeper, (in monasteries). FORTYFIKACYA, cYI, s.m. for



to fortify.

FORUM, indeclin. forum, a court of justice, a public place, a market.

FRANCA, CY, S. f. the pox or venereal disease.

FRANCIK, dimin. of FRANT. FRANCISZKANIN, ▲, s. m. franciscan friar, grey friar; fem: FRANCISZKANKA, franciscan nun.

FRANCO, adv. free of expense. Otrzymasz tę posyłkę franco, you will receive this packet carriage free.

FREZLA, LI,,8. f. fringe. FREZLOWAĆ, v. a. imp. to


FRONT, u, s. m. the front of an army or of a house.

FRU, onomat. quick noise nimbly repeated, as that produced by a bird taking its flight, or that of a spinning-weel, etc. Fru na fru, bru na bru, (prov.) well attacked well defended.

FRUCZEĆ, AL, v. n. to buzz, to rustle, to rattle. FRUCZKA, see FRYGA.

FRUKT, u, s. m. a, pl. fruit. FRYC, A, S. m. novice, raw boy. FRYGA, 1, s. m. a top, peg-top 2) whelk or winkle.

FRYJ, A, or FRYJERZ, A, S. M. fem. FRYJERKA, 1, 8. n.= = GACH, GAMRAT; gallant, corteous, a co

FRANCOWATY, A, E, infected
with the venereal disease.
FRANCUZ, A, s. m. frenchman.quette, (old.).
FRANCUZKA, KI, s. f. french


FRANCUZCZYZNA, NY, french fashion and language.

s. f.

FRANCUZKI, A, E, french. FRANCYA, YI, s. f. France. Wyspa Francyi, Isle of France, including the departments of the Aisne, the Oise, the Seine, the Seine and Marne, and the Seine and Oise. Nowa Francya, new France, now called Canada.

FRANK, A, S. m. frank. Język Franków, a sort of jargon or mixture of French, Italian, Spanish, etc., in use among the lower class of Franks in the Levant, lingua franca.

FRANT, A, S. m. a brazen-faced fellow; 2) cheat, rogue, knave.

FRYJE, ów, pl. -UMIZGI, ZALECANKI. Fryje są młodemu do twarzy, complaisance towards ladies is very becoming in a young man. (old.)

FRYJOR, u, s. m. the season in which Polish boats laden with corn start for Danzick.

FRYMARCZYĆ, czĘ, v.n. to barter, to truck, to chaffer.

FRYKAS, U, s. m. fricasse, daintiness, nicety, delicacy. Znacher na frykasy, he is a competent judge of good cheer. (vulg.).

FRYMARK, u, s. m. barter, truck.

FRYSZ, A, S. m. brisk, nimble, sprightly (little used). Stary jeszcze frysz, he is brisk and healthy although old.

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