CORIOLANUS.] This play I conjecture to have been written in the year 1609. See An Attempt to afcertain the order of ShakSpeare's plays, Vol. I. It comprehends a period of about four years, commencing with the feceffion to the Mons Sacer in the year of Rome 262, and ending with the death of Coriolanus, A. U. C. 266. MALONE. The whole history is exactly followed, and many of the principal fpeeches exactly copied from the Life of Coriolanus in Plutarch. POPE. PERSONS represented. Caius Marcius Coriolanus, a noble Roman. Titus Lartius,} Generals against the Volscians, Cominius, Menenius Agrippa, friend to Coriolanus. Young Marcius, Son to Coriolanus. Tullus Aufidius, General of the Volfcians. Confpirators with Aufidius. A Citizen of Antium. Two Volfcian Guards. Volumnia, Mother to Coriolanus. Valeria, Friend to Virgilia. Gentlewoman, attending Virgilia. Roman and Volfcian Senators, Patricians, Ediles, Lictors, Soldiers, Citizens, Meffengers, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants. SCENE, partly in Rome; and partly in the Territories of the Volfcians and Antiates. |