The Craftsman, Volumen11R. Francelin, 1737 |
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abfolutely affert affure againſt almoſt amongſt Anſwer becauſe befides Bill Cafe call'd Cato's Letters Caufe cife common Confent Confequence confider'd Confiderer confifts Conftitution Corruption Country D'ANVERS deferves Defign defire Diffenters Duty endeavour Excife Expence faid fame farther Favour feems ferve feveral fhall fhew fhould fince firft fome Frauds ftand ftill fuch fufficient fuppofe fure Gentlemen Government greateſt hath Himſelf Honour Houfe Houſe House of Commons infift Inftance Intereft intirely itſelf Jacobites Juch juft King Kingdom laft late leaft Liberty likewife Lord Manner Meaſures mention'd Minifter minifterial moft moſt muft muſt myſelf Nation neceffary Neceffity noble Number obferve Occafion oppofed Oppofition Paper Parliament Patron Perfons pleaſed poffible Power prefent preferve Prince Projector propofed publick Purpoſe raiſed Reaſon Repeal Reprefentatives ridiculous SATURDAY Scheme Senfe Taxes thefe Themſelves theſe Thing Thofe thoſe Tobacco Trade uſed voted Walfing Walfingham Whig whilft whofe Writers
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Página 226 - Remember, O my friends, the laws, the rights, The generous plan of power deliver'd down, From age to age, by your renown'd forefathers, (So dearly bought, the price of so much blood) O let it never perish in your hands ! But piously transmit it to your children.
Página 140 - The second was of an Opinion directly contrary, to tax those Qualities of Body and Mind for which Men chiefly value themselves, the Rate to be more or less according to the Degrees of excelling, the...
Página 163 - A. Becaufe Mankind in a State of Slavery and Freedom is a different Sort of Creature , for Proof of this I have read what the Greeks were of old, and what they are now in a State of Slavery.
Página 165 - I have not received, or had by myself, or any person whatsoever in trust for me, or for my use and benefit, directly or indirectly, any sum or sums of money, office, place, or employment, gift, or reward, or any promise or security for any money, office, employment, or gift, in order to give my vote at this election, and that I have not been before polled at this election.
Página 113 - Whatsoever the people is chiefly maintained by, that the government supports itself on : nay, perhaps it will be found, that those taxes which seem least to affect land, will most surely of all other fall the rents.
Página 164 - Confequence, and the Election of the Member who voteth for that Law, may be both carried by one Vote ; great and important Services for the Liberties of their Country, have been done by ordinary Men : I have read, that the...
Página 160 - Intention of Government being the Security of the Lives, Liberties, and Properties of the Members of the Community, they never can be fuppofed, by the Law of Nature, to give an arbitrary Power over their Perfons and Eftates. King is a Title, which, tranflated into feveral Languages, fignifies a Magiftrate with as many...
Página 159 - Law; and Loyalty Obedience, according to Law; therefore He who pays this Obedience, is a loyal...
Página 163 - I am able, to pre" ferve the publick Tranquility ; and, as I am a Freelf balder, to give my Vote for the Candidate, whom I '* judge moft worthy to ferve his Country ; for if from '' any partial Motive I fhould give my Vote for one " unworthy, I fhould think myfelf juftly chargeable '
Página 265 - ... they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment.