22 6 6 8 350 50 271 4 an 8. d. Orphan of China," enabled him to discharge some pecuniary obligations he had incurred, and he made several 52 6 attempts to acquire reputation as actor; but, though he displayed judgment, he wanted powers, and was brutally attacked by Churchill, from motives of party prejudice. Mr. Murphy in a very humorous ode to the naiads of Fleet-ditch, intituled "Expostulation," vindicated his literary character. He withdrew from the stage, studied the law, made two attempts to become a member of the Temple and of Gray'sinn, and was rejected, on the illiberal plea that he had been upon the stage. 17 8 More elevated sentiments in the members of Lincoln's-inn admitted him to 66 0 the bar, but the dramatic muse so much engaged his attention, that the law was a secondary consideration. He wrote 20 0 twenty-two pieces for the stage, most of which were successful, and several are stock pieces. He first started into the literary world with a series of essays, intituled "The Gray's-inn Journal." At one period he was a political writer, though without putting his name to his productions. He produced a Latin version of "The Temple of Fame," and of Gray's "Elegy," and a well-known translation of the works of Tacitus. He was the intimate of Foote and Garrick, whose life he wrote. He had many squabbles with contemporary wits, particularly the late George Steevens, Esq.; but, though he never quietly received a blow, he was never the first to give one. Steevens's attack he returned with abundant interest. His friend Mr. Jesse Foot, whom he appointed his executor, and to whom he entrusted all his manuscripts, says, "He lived in the closest friendship with the most polished authors and greatest lawyers of his time; his knowledge of the classics was profound; his translations of the Roman historians enlarged his fame; his dramatic productions were inferior to none of the time in which he flourished. The pen of the poet was particularly adorned by the refined taste of the critic. He was author of The Orphan of China,' The Grecian Daughter,' All in the Wrong,' The Way to keep Him,' Amounting to The wedding-ring is described as weighing "two angels and a duckett," graven with these words, "Deus nos junxit, J.E.B.Y.R." The date of the marriage is inserted by Mr. B. with great minuteness (at the hour of eight, the dominical letter F. the moon being in Leo), with due regard to the aspects of the heavens, which at that time regulated every affair of importance. I am, &c. June 5, 1826. J. I. A. F. 59 55. On the 18th of June, 1805, died Arthur Murphy, Esq., barrister at law, and bencher of Lincoln's-inn; a dramatic and miscellaneous writer of considerable celebrity. He was born at Cork, in 1727, and educated in the college of St. Omers, till his 18th year, and was at the head of the Latin class when he quitted the school. He was likewise well acquainted with the Greek language. On his return to Ireland he was sent to London, and placed under the protection of a mercantile relation; but literature and the stage soon drew his attention, and wholly absorbed his mind. The success of his first tragedy, "The Know your own Mind,' 'Three Weeks after Marriage,' 'The Apprentice,' 'The Citizen,' and many other esteemed dramatic productions." He had a pension of 2001. a vear from go Surrey. Information to the Editor respecting former elections forGar ett, and especially any of the printed addresses, advertisements, or hand bills, if communicated to the Editor of the EveryDay Book immediately, will enable him to complete a curious article in the next sheet. Particulars respecting Sir Jeffery Dunstan, Sir Harry Dimsdale, Sir George Cook, Sir John Horn Conch, baronets, or other "public characters" who at any time had the honour to represent Garrett, will be very acceptable, but every thing of the sort should be forwarded without an hour's delay. NATURALISTS' CALENDAR. Mean Temperature...59 77. June 20. Custom at Dunmow, in Esser. On this day, in the year 1751, a flitch of bacon was claimed at Dunmow, in Essex, by a man and his wife, who had the same delivered to them as of right, according to ancient custom, on the ground that they had not quarrelled, nor had either repented, nor had one offended the other from the day their marriage.-The above Engraving is after a large print by C. Mosley, "from an original painting taken on the spot by David Ogborne," which print represents the procession of the last-mentioned claimants on their return from Dunmow church with the flitch. Ogborne's print, from whence the preceding engraving is taken, bears this inscription : "An exact Perspective View of DUNMow, late the Priory in the county of Essex, with a Representation of the Ceremony & Procession in that Man nor, on Thursday the 20 of June 1751 when Thomas Shakeshaft of the Parish of Weathersfield in the county aforesaid, Weaver, & Ann his Wife came to demand and did actually receive a Gammon of Bacon, having first kneelt down upon two bare stones within the Church door, and taken the said Oath pursuant to the ancient custom in manner & form prescribed as aforesaid." A short account of this custom precedes the above inscription. Mr. Brand speaks of his possessing Ogborne's print, and of its having be come "exceedingly rare;" he further cites it as being inscribed "Taken on the spot and engraved by David Ogborne." Herein he mistakes; for, as regards Ogborue, both old and mo dern impressions are inscribed as already quoted in the preceding column: in the old impression "C. Mosley sculpt." stands below "the oath" in verse, at the right hand corner of the plate; and in the modern one it is erased from that part and placed at the same corner above"the oath," and immediately under the engraving; the space it occupied is supplied by the words "Republish'd Oct 28th, 1826 by R. Cribb, 288 Holborn": its original note of publication remains, viz. "Publish'd according to Act of Parliament Janry. 1752." The print is now common. Mr. Brand, or his printer, further mistakes the name of the claimant on the print, for, in the "Popular Antiquities" he quotes it "Shapeshaft" instead of "Shakeshaft ;" and he omits to mention a larger print, of greater rarity in his time, "sold by John Bowles Map & Printseller in Cornhill," entitled "The Manner of claiming the Gamon of Bacon &c by Tho. Shakeshaft, and Anne his wife" which it thus represents sweare, A whole Gammon of Bacon you shall receive, And bear it henceforth with love and good leave. For this is our Custome at Dunmow well known, Though the pleasure be ours, the Bacon's your own. On the taking of this oath, which is cited by an old county historian, and somewhat varies from the verses beneath the before-mentioned prints, the swearers were entitled to the flitch, or gammon. The "Gentleman's Magazine," of 1751, mentions that on this day "John Shakeshanks, woolcomber, and Anne his wife, of the parish of Weathersfield, in Essex, appeared at the customary court at Dunmow-parva, and claim'd the bacon according to the custom of that manor." This is all the notice of the last claim in that miscellany, but the old "London Magazine," of the same year, adds, that "the bacon was delivered to them with the usual formalities." It is remarkable that in both these magazines the parties are named "Shakeshanks." On reference to the court-roll, the real name appears to be Shakeshaft. Ogborne's print affirms that this custom was instituted in or about the year 1111, by Robert, son of Richard Fitz Gilbert, Earl of Clare: but as regards the date, which is in the time of Henry I., the statement is inaccurate; for if it originated with Robert Fitzwalter, as hereafter related, he did not live till the time of "King Henry, son of King Plott, in his Staffordshire, from History of Robert Fitzwalter. Lond. 1616. John," who commenced his reign in 1199, and was Henry III. Concerning the ceremony, the print goes on to describe, that after delivering the bacou, "the happy pair are taken upon men's shoulders, in a chair kept for that purpose, and carried round the scite of the priory, from the church to the house, with drums, minstrells, and other musick playing, and the gammon of bacon borne on a high pole before them, attended by the steward, gentlemen, and officers of the manor, with the several inferior tenants, carrying wands, &c., and a jury of bachelors and maidens (being six of each sex) walking two and two, with a great multitude of other people, young and old, from all the neighbouring towns and villages thereabouts, and several more that came from very great distances (to the amount of many thousands in the whole), with shouts and acclamations, following. The chair in which the successful candidates for "the bacon" were seated, after obtaining the honourable testimony of their connubial happiness, is made of oak, and though large, seems hardly big enough for any pair, but such as had given proofs of their mutual good-nature and affection. It is still preserved in Dunmow Church, and makes part of the admiranda of tha. place. It is undoubtedly of great antiquity, probably the official chair of the prior, or that of the lord of the manor, in which he held the usual courts, and received the suit and service of his tenants. There is an engraving of the chair in the "Antiquarian Repertory," from whence this notice of it is extracted it in no way differs from the chief chairs of ancient halls. Of "the bacon," it is stated, on Ogborne's print, that "before the dissolution of monasteries, it does not appear, by searching the most ancient records, to have been demanded above three times, and, including this (demand of Shakeshaft's) just as often since." These demands are particularized by Dugdale, from a manuscript in the College of Arms, to the following effect: "Robt. Fitzwalter, living long beloved of king Henry, son of king John, as also Inscription on Ogborne's Priut. of all the realme, betook himself in his latter dayes to prayer and deeds of cha rity, gave great and bountifull alms to the poor, kept great hospitality, and reedified the decayed prison (priory) of Dunmow, which one Juga (Baynard), a most devout and religious woman, being in her kinde his ancestor, had builded; in which prison (priory) arose a custome, begun and instituted, eyther by him, or some other of his successours, which is verified by a common proverb or saying, viz.-That he which repents him not of his marriage, either sleeping or waking, in a year and a day, may lawfully go to Dunmow and fetch a gammon of bacon. It is most assured that such a custome there was, and that this bacon was delivered with such solemnity and triumphs as they of the priory and the townsmen could make. I have enquired of the manner of it, and can learne no more but that it continued untill the dissolution of that house, as also the abbies. And that the party or pilgrim for bacon was to take his oath before prior and convent, and the whole town, humbly kneeling in the churchyard upon two hard pointed stones, which stones, some say, are there yet to be seen in the prior's church-yard; his oath was ministered with such long process, and such solemne singing over him, that doubtless must make his pilgrimage (as I may term it) painfull: after, he was taken up upon men's shoulders, and carried, first about the priory church-yard, and after, through the town with all the fryers and brethren, and all the town'sfolke, young and old, following him with shouts and acclamations, with his bacon borne before him, and in such manner (as I have heard) was sent home with his bacon; of which I find that some had a gammon, and others a flecke, or a flitch; for proof whereof I have, from the records of the house, found the names of three several persons that at several times had it." Anno 23. Henry VI. 1445, one Richard Wright of Badbury, near the city of Norwich in the county of Norfolk, labourer (Plebeius) came to Dunmow and required the bacon, to wit, on the 27th of April, in the 23d year of the reign of King Henry VI. and according to the form of the charter was sword before John Cannon, prior of the place and the convent, and very many other neighbours, and there was delivered to him, the said Richard a side or flitch of bacon. Auno 7 Edw. IV. 1407, one Stephen Samuel of Ayston-Parva, in the county of Essex, husbandman, on the day of the Blessed Virgin in Lent (25th March) in the 7th year of king Edward IV. came to the priory of Dunmow, and required a gammon of bacon; and he was sworn before Roger Bulcott, then prior of the place and the convent, and also before a multitude of other neighbours, and there was delivered to him a gammon of bacon. Anno 2 Hen. VIII. 1510, Thomas le Fuller of Cogshall, in the county of Essex, came to the priory of Dunmow, and on the 8th day of September, being Sunday, in the 2d year of king Henry VIII. according to the form of the charter, was sworn before John Tils, then Prior of the house and the convent, and also before a multitude of neighbours, and there was delivered to him, the said Thomas, a gammon of bacon. Priorat Extract from the Court Roll. Dunmow, Nuper AT a court baron of the right worshipful Sir Thomas May, knt. there holden upou Friday the 7th day of June, in the 13th year of the reign of our sovereign lord William III. by the grace of God, &c. and in the year of our lord 1701, before Thomas Wheeler, gent. steward of the said manor, it is thus enrolled: (Elizabeth Beaumont, Spinster Henrietta Beaumont, Spinster Annabella Beaumont, Spinster Jane Beaumont, Spinster Mary Wheeler, Spinster Homage. Dugdale's Monasticon. Jurat' |