| Thomas Gray - 1768 - 142 páginas
...water's rufhy brink With me the Mufe fhall fit, and think (At eafe reclin'd in ruftic flate) How vain the ardour of the Crowd, How low, how little are the...Still is the toiling hand of Care: The panting herds repofe : Yet hark, how thro' the peopled air The bufy murmur glows ! The infedt youth are on the wing,... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1768 - 140 páginas
...water's rufliy brink With me the Mufs fhall fit, and think (At eafe reclin'd in ruflic ftate) How vain the ardour of the Crowd, How low, how little are the...Still is the toiling hand of Care : The panting herds repofe : Yet hark, how thro' the peopled air The bufy murmur glows ! The infedT: youth are on the wing,... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1770 - 136 páginas
...water's rufhy brink With me the Mufe fhall fit, and think (At eafe reclin'd in ruftic flate) How. vain the ardour of the Crowd, How low, how little are the Proud, How indigent the Great i Still is the toiling hand of Care : The panting herds repofe : Yet hark, how thro' the peopled air... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1775 - 168 páginas
...in ruftic ftate), How vain the ardour of the crowd., How low, how indigent the proud. How little are the great'! :Still is the toiling hand of Care ; "The panting herds repofe : Yet "hark, how thro' the peopled atr The biify murmur glows ! • "The infect youth are on... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1778 - 182 páginas
...water's rulhy brink With me the Mufe fhall fit, and think, (At eafe reclin'd in ruftic ftate), How vain the ardour of the crowd, How low, how little are the proud, How indigent the great ! a bank O'er-canbpied with lufcious woodbine. S/ialicfp. Midf, Nifht's JDrtam* Still Still is the... | |
| 1782 - 370 páginas
...water's rufhy brink With me the Mufe fhall fit and think (At eafe reclin'd in ruftic ftate) How vain the ardour of the crowd, How low, how little are the proud, How indigent the great b ! III. Still is the toiling hand of care : The panting herds repofe : Yet hark, how through the peopled... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1782 - 386 páginas
...water's rnfhy brink With me the Mafe fhall fit and think (At cafe reclin'd in ruftic ftate) How vain the ardour of the crowd, How low, how little are the proud, How indigent the great b ! III. Still is the toiling hand of care: The panting herds repofe : Yet hark, how through the peopled... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1786 - 210 páginas
...water.s rufhy brink With me the Mufe fhall fit, and think, (At eafe reclin'd in ruftic ftate), How vain the ardour of the crowd, How low, how little are the...Still is the toiling hand of Care; The panting herds repofe : Yet hark, how thro' the peopled air The bufy murmur glows! The infccl youth are on the wing,... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 372 páginas
...water's rufhy brink With me the Mufe fhall fit, and think (At eafe reclin'd in ruftic ftate) How vain the ardour of the Crowd, How low, how little are the Proud, How indigent the Great t »----» bank O'ei-canopied with lufcious woodbine. SHAKISP. MIDS. NIGHT'S DBIAM. . Still Still is... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 páginas
...water's rulliy brink With me the Mufc (hall fit, and think (At eafe reclin'd in rulty ftate) How vain the ardour of the crowd, How low, how little are the...Still is the toiling hand of Care; The panting herds rcpole : Yet hark, how thro' the peopl'd ait The bufy murmur glows! The infeft youth are on the wing,... | |
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