| Samuel Clarke - 1712 - 554 páginas
...even gladly lofe my life ; though I Jhould be forry that Chrißians Jhould take it from me. fropofe me any thing out of This book, and require 'whether I believe it or no ; and feem it never fo incomfrehenßble to human reafon, I will ßibfcribe it with hand and... | |
 | 1716 - 324 páginas
..." only willingly, but even gladly lofe my '* Life, tho' I ftould be forry that Chn** ftians fhould take it from me. Propofe me " any thing out of this Book, and require whe" ther I believe ?br no, and feem it never fo f< incomprehenfible to Human Reafon, I will " Subfcnbe... | |
 | Charles Chauncy - 1743 - 478 páginas
...this, if *' there be Occafion, I will not only willingly, but even ,- *' gladly, loofevmy Life. — Propofe me any Thing out of *' this Book, and require whether I believe it or no ; and 4' feem it never fo incomprehenfible to humane Reafon, I " will fubfcribe to it with... | |
 | Impartial hand - 1764 - 502 páginas
...not only willingly, but even gladly, lofe my life ; though 1 fliould be forry that Chriftians fhould take it from me. Propofe me any thing out of this...will fubfcribe it with hand and heart, as knowing no demonftration can be ftronger than this, God hath faid fo, therefore is it true. In other things, I... | |
 | William Hawkins - 1787 - 442 páginas
...fay, in the words of Chilling.worth^ (whatever the real fentiments of the latter might be,) " Propole me any thing out of this Book, " and require whether...feem " it never fo incomprehenfible to human reafon, I " will fubfcribe it with hand and heart, as knowf " ing no Demonftration can be ftronger than this,... | |
 | William Hawkins - 1787 - 440 páginas
...in the words of Chillingwortht (whatever the real fentiments of tbe latter might be,) " Propofe jne any thing out of this Book, " and require whether I believe or no, and feern " it never fo incomprehenfible to human reafon, I " will fubfcribe it with hand and heart, as... | |
 | Jeremiah Whitaker Newman - 1799 - 330 páginas
...profefs that I cannot find any ref t for the fole of my foot, but on this everlafting rock. " PROPOSE TO ME ANY THING OUT OF THIS BOOK, AND REQUIRE WHETHER I BELIEVE IT OR NOT; HOWEVER INCOMPREHENSIBLE TO REASON IT MAY BE, I WILL SUBSCRIBE TO IT WITH HAND AND HEARTj... | |
 | David Phineas Adams, William Emerson, Samuel Cooper Thacher - 1809 - 444 páginas
...even gladly lose my life, though I should be sorry that Christians should take it from me. Propose me any thing, out of this book, and require whether I believe or no, and seem it never so incomprehensible to human reason, I will subscribe it with hand and heart, as knowing... | |
 | 1809 - 878 páginas
...even gladly lose my life, though I should be sorry that Christians should take it from me. Propose me any thing, out of this book, and require whether I believe orift and seem it never so incomprehensible to human reason, I will subscribe it with hand and heart,... | |
 | Unitarian - 1816 - 120 páginas
...even gladly lose my life, though I should be sorry that Christians should take it from me. Propose me any thing out of this book, and require whether I believe it or no, and seem it never so inconiprebensible to human reason, I 'will subscribe it with hand and... | |
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