Imágenes de páginas

Of this ethereous mold whereon we stand,

This continent of spacious Heav'n, adorn'd

With plant, fruit, flow'r ambrofial, gems and gold;
Whofe eye fo fuperficially furveys

These things, as not to mind from whence they grow
Deep under ground, materials dark and crude,
Of spiritous and fiery fpume, till touch'd

With Heaven's ray, and temper'd they fhoot forth 480
So beauteous, opening to the ambient light?
Thefe in their dark nativity the deep

Shall yield us pregnant with infernal flame;
Which into hollow engins long and round
Thick-ramm'd, at th' other bore with touch of fire
Dilated and infuriate, fhall fend forth
From far with thund'ring noife among our focs
Such implements of mifchief, as fhall dash
To pieces, and o'erwhelm whatever stands
Adverfe, that they fhall fear we have difarm'd
'The Thund'rer of his only dreaded bolt.
Nor long fhall be our labor; yet ere dawn,
Effect thall end our wish. Mean while revive;
Abandon fear; to ftrength and counsel join'd
Think nothing hard, much lefs to be defpair'd.



He ended, and his words their drooping chear Inlighten'd, and their languish'd hope reviv'd. Th' invention all admir'd, and each, how he To be th' inventor mifs'd; fo easy' it seem'd Once found, which yet unfound most would have thought Impoffible: yet haply of thy race

In future days, if malice should abound,


Some one intent on mischief, or inspir'd
With devilish machination, might devise
Like inftrument to plague the fons of men
For fin, on war and mutual slaughter bent.
Forthwith from council to the work they flew:
None arguing ftood; innumerable hands
Were ready; in a moment up they turn'd
Wide the aeleftial foil, and faw beneath
Th' originals of nature in their crude
Conception; fulphurous and nitrous foam

They found, they mingled, and with fubtle art,
Concocted and adufted they reduc'd



To blackest grain, and into store convey'd:


Part hidden veins digg'd up (nor hath this earth
Entrails unlike) of mineral and stone,

Whereof to found their engins and their balls

Of miffive ruin; part incentive reed

Provide, pernicious with one touch to fire.


So all ere day-fpring, under conscious night,

[blocks in formation]

Look'd round, and fcouts each coaft light-armed fcour,

Each quarter, to descry the distant foe,


Where lodg'd, or whither fled, or if for fight,

In motion or in halt: him foon they met


Under spread enfigns moving nigh, in flow
But firm battalion; back with speediest fail
Zophiel, of Cherubim the swifteft wing,
Came fly'ing, and in mid air aloud thus cry'd.

Arm, Warriors, arm for fight; the foe at hand,
Whom fled we thought, will fave us long pursuit
This day; fear not his flight; fo thick a cloud
He comes, and fettled in his face I fee
Sad refolution and fecure : let each

His adamantin coat gird well, and each

Fit well his helm, gripe fast his orbed shield,
Borne ev'n or high; for this day will pour down,
If I conjecture ought, no drizling shower,

But rattling storm of arrows barb'd with fire.




So warn'd he them aware themselves, and foon

In order, quit of all impediment;

Inftant without disturb they took alarm,
And onward mov'd imbattel'd: when behold
Not distant far with heavy pace the foe
Approaching grofs and huge, in hollow cube
Training his devilish enginry, impal'd
On every fide with fhadowing fquadrons deep,
To hide the Fraud. At interview both stood
A while; but suddenly at head appear'd
Satan, and thus was heard commanding loud.
Vanguard, to right and left the front unfold;
That all may see who hate us, how we seek
Peace and composure, and with open breaft
Stand ready to receive them, if they like
Our overture, and turn not back perverse;





But that I doubt; however witness Heaven,
Heav'n witness thou anon, while we discharge
Freely our part; ye who appointed stand,
Do as you have in charge, and briefly touch
What we propound, and loud that all may hear.
So fcoffing in ambiguous words, he scarce
Had ended: when to right and left the front
Divided, and to either flank retir'd:
Which to our eyes discover'd, new and strange,
A triple mounted row of pillars laid



On wheels (for like to pillars most they seem'd,
Or hollow'd bodies made of oak or fir,

With branches lopt, in wood or mountain fell'd)
Brafs, iron, ftony mold, had not their mouths
With hideous orifice gap'd on us wide,
Portending hollow truce: at each behind
A Seraph ftood, and in his hand a reed
Stood waving tipt with fire; while we fufpenfe
Collected ftood within our thoughts amus'd,
Not long, for fudden all at once their reeds
Put forth, and to a narrow vent apply'd ·
With nicest touch. Immediate in a flame,



But foon obfcur'd with smoke, all Heav'n appear'd, From thofe deep throated engins belch'd, whofe roar. Imbowel'd with outrageous noise the air,

And all her entrails tore, difgorging foul

Their devilish glut, chain'd thunderbolts and hail
Of iron globes; which on the victor host
Level'd, with fuch impetuous fury fmote,


That whom they hit, none on their feet might ftand,


Though standing else as rocks, but down they fell
By thousands, Angel on Arch-Angel roll'd;

The fooner for their arms; "unarm'd they might 595
Have eafily as Spi'rits evaded swift

By quick contraction or remove; but now
Foul diffipation follow'd and forc'd rout;

Nor ferv'd it to relax their ferried files.

What fhould they do? if on they rufh'd, repulfe 600 Repeated, and indecent overthrow

Doubled, would render them yet more defpis'd,

And to their foes a laughter; for in view
Stood rank'd of Seraphim another row,
In pofture to difplode their fecond tire
Of thunder: back defeated to return

They worfe abhorr'd. Satan beheld their plight,
And to his mates thus in derifion call'd.


O Friends, why come not on these victors proud? Erewhile they fierce were coming; and when we, 610 To entertain them fair with open front

And breaft (what could we more?) propounded terms
Of compofition, ftrait they chang'd their minds,
Flew off, and into strange vagaries fell,

As they would dance; yet for a dance they feem'd 615
Somewhat extravagant and wild, perhaps

For joy of offer'd peace: but I suppose,
If our propofals once again were heard,
We should compel them to a quick result.

To whom thus Belial in like gamefome mood. 620
Leader, the terms we fent were terms of weight,
Of hard contents, and full of force urg'd home,


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