Heaven grant my mother play'd my father fair! Ne'er iffu'd from his blood. Take my defiance, Claud. Nay, hear me, Isabel. Thy fin's not accidental, but a trade; Claud. Oh, hear me, Isabel. Enter Duke and Provost. Duke. Vouchfafe a word, young fifter; but one word, Ifab. What is your will? Duke. Might you difpenfe with your leifure, I would by and by have fome fpeech with you; the fatisfaction I would require, is likewife your own benefit. Ifab. I have no fuperfluous leifure; my ftay must be ftolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile. Duke. [To Claudio afide.] Son, I have over-heard what hath paffed between you and your fifter. Angelo had never the purpose to corrupt her; only he hath made an affay of her virtue, to practise his judgment with the difpofition of natures. She, having the truth of honour in her, hath made him that gracious denial, which he is moft glad to receive: I am confeffor to Angelo, and I know this to be true; therefore prepare yourself to death. Do not fatisfy your refolution with hopes that are fallible: to-morrow you muft die; go to your knees, and make ready. Claud. Let me ak my fitter pardon. I am fo out of love with life, that I will fue to be rid of it. [Exit Claud N° III No. III.-AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT. II. SCENE VII. Foreft. Enter Duke Sen. and Lords. DUKE Sen. [A Table fet out. I Think he is transform into a beaft, For I can no where find him like a man. I Lord. My Lord, he is but even now gone hence; Here was he merry, hearing of a song. Duke Sen. If he, compact of jars, grow mufical, We shall have shortly discord in the spheres. Go, seek him. Tell him, I would fpeak with him. Enter Jaques. 1 Lord. He faves my labour by his own approach. Duke Sen. Why, how now, Monfieur, what a life is this, That your poor friends muft woo your company! What! you look merrily. Jaq. A fool, a fool; I met a fool i' the forest, A motley fool-a miferable world As I do live by food, I met a fool, Who laid him down and bafk'd him in the fun, In good fet terms-and yet a motley fool. Good morrow fool, quoth I-No, Sir, quoth he, And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags : K. 5 An An hour by his dial. O noble fool, A worthy fool-motley's the only wear. Jaq. O worthy fool! one that hath been a courtier; Duke Sen. Thou shalt have one. Jaq. It is my only fuit; Provided that you weed your better judgments To blow on whom I pleafe; for fo fools have. "The wife man's folly is anatomiz'd If not, Even by the fquand'ring glances of a fool. To fpeak my mind, and I will through and through If they will patiently receive my medicine. Duke Sen. Fie on thee! I can tell what thou would't do. Jaq. What, for a counter, would I do but good? Duke Sen. Moft mifchievous foul fin, in chiding fin: For thou thyself haft been a libertine, As fenfual as the brutish fting itself; And all the emboffed fores and headed evils, T Till that the very very means do ebb? That fays, his bravery is not on my coft; There then; how then? what then? Let me fee wherein Enter Orlando, with a fword drawn. Orla. Forbear, and eat no more. Jaq. Why, I have eat none yet. Orla. Nor fhalt thou till neceffity be ferv'd. Jaq. What kind should this cock come of? Duke Sen. Art thou thus bolden'd, man, by thy diftrefs; Or else a rude despiser of good manners, The thorny point That in civility thou feem'ft fo empty? Till I and my affairs are answer'd. Jaq. If you will not Be anfwered with reafon, I must die. Duke Sen. What would you have? Your gentleness shall More than your force move us to gentleness. Orla. I almoft die for food, and let me have it. [force Duke Sen. Sit down and feed; and welcome to our table. I thought that all things had been favage here; And therefore put I on the countenance Of ftern commandment. But whate'er you are, Under the fhade of melancholy boughs, K 6 Lofe Lofe and neglect the creeping hours of time; [Sheathing the fword. Orla. Then but forbear your food a little while, Duke Sen. Go, find him out, And we will nothing wafte till you return. Orla. I thank ye; and be blefs'd for your good comfort! Duke Sen. Thou feeft, we are not all alone unhappy: 'This wide and univerfal theatre [Exit. Presents more woful pageants, than the scene Jaq. All the world's a ftage, And all the men and women merely players: Made |