The New Congress. ITS APPORTIONMENT AMONG THE STATES ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF 1890. The New Apportionment Bill, which, however, does not go into effect until March, 1893, after the Presidential election, provides for a House of 356 Representatives, being an increase of 24 over the present number. No State will lose a member. New York will continue with its present representation. The States whose membership in the House will be augmented, are as follows: Alabama, gain of 1: Arkansas, 1; California, 1; Colorado, 1; Georgia, 1; Illinois, 2; Kansas, 1; Massachusetts, 1; Michigan, 1; Minnesota, 2; Missouri, 1; Nebraska, 3; New Jersey, 1; Oregon, 1; Pennsylvania, 2; Texas, 2; Washington, 1; Wisconsin, 1. The principal gain is observed in the Western States, which acquire 14 of the 24 new members. The South, counting Missouri as a Southern State, gets 6, while the remainder is distributed among Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts. The representation of the Northern States is therefore increased by 18. The Electoral College is augmented by 24 new members, giving that body a membership of 444, making 223 votes necessary for election. The present number, counting in the five new States, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, is 420. This is increased by 24 under the new bill. The new members are from the same States as the new representatives. From 1789 to 1792 as provided by the U. S. Constitution........ 1792" 1803 based on the U. S. Census of........ 1790 33,000 30,000 1803" 1813 66 66 66 66 66 1800 33,000 1810 35,000 66 66 66 66 1820 40,000 66 66 66 66 66 1830 47,700 86 1843" 1853 66 06 66 66 แ 66 1840 70,680 1850 93,420 1860 127,381 The Territories-Alaska, Arizona, District of Columbia, Indian Territory, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Utah-will each be represented by a delegate. The delegates have no voice nor vote, except upon questions pertaining to their locality. New York in 1888. THE VOTE BY COUNTIES SHOWING REPUBLICAN STRENGTH ABOVE AND DEMOCRATIC BELOW THE HARLEM. (From the Republican Reference Book.) Counties. Harrison. Counties. Allegany 7,067 3,625 3,442 Otsego.. 8,405 6,447 1.958 Oswego. Cattaraugus. 8,586 6,173 2,413 Orleans. Cayuga.. 9,646 6,380 3,266 Ontario.. Chautauqua. 12,108 6,178 5,930 Putnam. 2,098 1,515 583 Chenango... Clinton Columbia. 5,798 4,640 1.158 Rensselaer... 15,718 15,410 308 8,102 8.594 6,570 2,024 Cortlandt.. Delaware.. Dutchess... Erie Essex. Herkimer. Jefferson Lewis.. Madison.. Franklin Fulton and Genesee 5,892 4,634 1.258 Warren. Livingston.. 5.584 4.067 1,517 Harrison majorities above 4.732 3,163 1,569 Schenectady. Monroe.... 21.650 16,677 4.973] Montgomery. 6.365 5.677 Niagara. 4091 91,764 Harrison's majority above Harlem. Less Cleveland's majority above Harlem...... Actual majority Harrison above Harlem... 91.197 5,793 85,404 Cleveland's majority south of Harlem....... 71,598 567 Actual majority Cleveland south of Harlem.............. 71,031 In other words, Harrison came to the Harlem River with.... Majority Harrison over Cleveland................ 14,373 |