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Son of MAN be ashamed, when he shall come in the glory of kis FATHER toith the holy angels. Mark viii. 38.

"Why are you so squeamish in little matters? Why not make yourself easy, and conduct yourself like the rest of your clerical brethren;"

To tell you the truth, candid reader, whosoever you may be, 1 bave long and earnestly endeavoured to quiet my conscience, and to reconcile it to my present situation. I have used every method in my power for this purpose. I have pleaded the example of others, great men, good men, useful men: I have soothed it; I have desisted from reading, thinking, examining; I have pleaded the wishes of my friends, the usefulness of my ministerial labours; the disagreeableness of changing my situation, and forming new connections; the extreme inconvenience of giving up my present income; &c. &c. but after all I can do, conscience follows me from place to place, and thunders in my ear, What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?-He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me: and he that loveth a son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me: and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life, shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake shail find it.

How would you conduct yourself in such a case? According to the thirty-sixth Canon we are willingly and ex animo to subscribe, that the book of Common Prayer, and of ordering of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, containeth in it nothing contrary to the Scriptures; and that we acknowledge all and every the thirty-nine Articles, besides the Ratification, to be agree able to the Word of GoD*.

As to Mr. PALEY'S scheme of subscribing the thirty-nine Ar ticles, as articles of peace; it is all sophistry, and such as an honest man should be ashained to avow. I admire the abilities of the man, but detest his recommending prevarication to the Clergy. See his very able and political work, entitled, Moraland Political Philosophy, b. 3. p. 1. chap. 22. p. 180. edit. 1.

Mr. PALEY is very justly reprehended by the excellent Mr. GISBORNE. "The opinion which Mr. PALEY maintains,” says he, "appears to me not only unsupported by argument, but likely to be productive of consequences highly pernicious.-That subscription may be justified without an actual belief of each of the Articles,


GOD of my fathers! what a requirement is this? Can I lift my hand to heaven and swear by HIM that liveth for eter and ever, that I do willingly and ex animo subscribe as is legally required? And can any man living thus subscribe, who has thoroughly considered the subject? We must shuffle and prevaricate in some things, say and do what we will. I myself strongly approve the general strain of the doctrines of our Church; but then here is no choice. It must be willingly and ex animo all and every thing! There is no medium.

And can I (among other things which are to be subscribed) believe from my soul, before the Searcher of hearts, who requireth truth in the inward parts, and in the face of the whole Christian world declare, that "whosoever doth not hold the "Catholic faith" as explained in the Athanasian creed—“ and keep it whole and undefiled, shall, without doubt, perish everlastingly?" This hellish proposition we are enjoined not only to believe ourselves, but to affirm that we do willingly and ex animo subscribe to it, as being agreeable to the Word of God; and then we must openly profess our faith in it fourteen times every year. I am not unacquainted that various manœuvres are made use of to render these harsh expressions palatable; but all illustrations and modifications of these damnatory sentences, appear to me illusive. Bishop BURNET has said all that well can be said upon them, but, in my opinion, to very little puras I understand Mr. PALEY to intimate, is a gratuitous assumption. On this point let the Articles speak for themselves. Why is an Article continued in its place, if it be not meant to be believed? If one may be signed without being believed, why not all? By what criterion are we to distinguish those which may be subscribed by a person who thinks them false, from those which may not? Is not the present mode of subscription virtually the same, as if each Article were separately offered to the subscriber! And in that case, could any man be justified in subscribing one which he disbelieved?"

"No circumstance," he adds, "could have a more direct tendency to ensnare the consciences of the Clergy; no circumstance could afford the enemies of the established church a more advantageous occasion of charging her ministers with insincerity, than the admission of the opinion, that the Articles may safely be subscribed without a conviction of their truth, taken severally, as well as collectively. That opinion I have seen maintained in publications of inferior note, but I could not, without particular surprize and concern, ehold it avowed by a writer of such authority as Mr. PALEY."

pose. Honestly, therefore, did Archbishop TILLOTSON ˆdeclare to him, "The account given of Athanasius's creed seems to me in no wise satisfactory. I wish we were well rid of it."And so do I too, for the credit of our commón Christianity. It has been a mill-stone about the neck of many thousands of worthy men. To be sure, declarations like these descended out of the bottomless pit, to disgrace the subscribing Clergy, to render ridiculous the doctrines of the Gospel, to impel the world into infidelity, and to damn the souls of those, who, for the sake of filthy lucre, set their hands to what they do not honestly believe. The truth is, though I do believe the doctrine of the Trinity, as revealed in the Scripture; yet I am not prepared, openly, and explicitly, to send to the devil, under my solemn subscription, every one who cannot embrace the Athanasian illustration of it. In this thing the LORD pardon his servant for subscribing in time past. Assuredly I will do so no more. Those who can do it are extremely welcome to the best bishoprics and livings in the kingdom. I should like to retain what I have already gotten, but not upon the conditions required. As an honest man, and a man under expectations of salvation, I must renounce my present situation, and the little emoluments which arise therefrom. There is no other


"But you are acting a part extremely imprudent, on account of your family."

True; but then I am obeying the dictates of conscience, and, of course the commands of COD. And you know where it is written:-By faith ABRAHAM, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a

* I have for some years made myself tolerably easy under the damnatory clauses of the Athanasian creed, by omitting to read it at the times appointed. But, to an upright mind, this is not perfectly satisfactory; because we solemnly declare and subscribe our names before the Bishop, that we will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as by law established. Now every time we omit to read the said creed, or any other part of the service of the church, when appointed by law to be read, we are guilty of a breach of engagement. So that, whether we read the creed in question, or neglect to read it, we are culpable, if we do not-ex animo approve of it.


strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with ISAAC and JACOB, the heirs with him of the same promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is GOD.

By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of PHARAOH's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of GOD than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the REPROACH of CHRIST greater riches than the treasures in EGYPT; for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward*.

"You are already in the Church, and have got over the business of Subscription. You may continue, therefore, in your present station without being called upon to repeat the same painful ceremony."

I have many years been determined never to subscribe again, agreeably to the requirement of the 36th Canon, whatever offers of preferment might be made me. But, when I reflect seriously and closely upon the subject, this does not satisfy me. I cannot help considering my holding a church, and complying with all its rites and ceremonies, as a silent acquiescence in, and a tacit approbation of, all the unevangelical traits of the Church of England as by law established. While such is my situation, I certainly constitute a part of the grand system of the antichristian apostacy, which, as I understand the prophetic scriptures, is, in due time, to undergo a total sub


"You are quitting a situation of uncommon usefulness."

Granted: With my views, however, I cannot honourably and safely do otherwise. I believe, and fear, and tremble at,

* I do not recollect reading or hearing of any instance so like unto this of MOSES as that of the Marquis of Vico in Italy, who died A.D. 1592, at the age of 74. When he was come to years, and the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, he refused to be called the son and heir to a Marquis, a cup-bearer to an Emperor, nephew to a Pope, and chose rather to suffer affliction, persecution, banishment, loss of lands, livings, wife, children, honours, and preferments, than to enjoy the sinful pleasures of Italy for a season; esteeming the reproach of CHRIST greater riches than all the honours of the most brilliant connections, and all the enjoyments of the most ample fortune; for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward.

See his Life at large, written by Mr. SAMUEL CLARK, which is extremely well worth the attention of every man, who is in any respect a sufferer for the sake of a good conscience.

the Word of the MOST HIGH. Besides, GoD can do as well without my labours as with them. And if he should think proper, by this step to cast me quite aside, as a broken vessel no longer of use, I will endeavour to acquiesce in the Divine determination.

"GOD doth not need

Either man's work or his own gifts; who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best: his state
Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve, who only stand and wait."

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If the Church of England retains much of the spirit, and some of the superstitions of the Church of Rome*, what is a conscientious man to do, and how is he to act, under such a persuasion? Let any person weigh thoroughly the meaning of the following declarations, and then let him say in what manner I ought to act:~And the third Angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the BEAST and his IMAGE, and receive his MARK in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the LAMB; and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the BEAST and his IMAGE, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of his name. Rev. xiv. 9-11.

* The late Lord CHATHAM, in a celebrated speech, which he made in the house of Lords, in favour of the Dissenters, said, "We have a Popish liturgy, a Calvinistic creed, and an Arminian clergy."

+ Dr. DODDRIDGE observes on this paragraph of scripture, "When I seriously reflect on this text, and how directly the force of it lies against those, who, contrary to the light of their consciences, continue in the communion of the Church of Rome, for secular advantage, or to avoid the terror of persecution, it almost makes me tremble; and I heartily wish, that all others, who connive at those things in the discipline and worship of Protestant churches, which they in their consciences think to be sinful remains of Popish superstition and corruption, would seriously attend to this passage, which is one of the most dreadful in the whole book of GOD, and weigh its awful contents, that they may keep at the greatest possible

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