"Hush, ye rebellious murmurs; peace, be still! the Omnipotent reigneth; let the earth rejoice, let the people tremble! Justice and judgment are the habitation of his throne,' righteousness and truth are its everlasting pillars: He holdeth the waters in the hollow of his hand;' he speaketh to the winds, and immediately there is a great calm; he removeth the sackcloth wherewith the skies were girded, and commandeth the clear shining of the sun in majesty and strength. The blessing was awhile suspended, to teach us that God is a sovereign, and debtor to no man. But though long deAayed, at length it came, and proved that his faithfulness faileth not, who is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.' The weeks of the harvest' have returned, if not exactly in their expected, yet in their wellappointed season, to crown our hopes and shame our distrust. The rich produce of our fields has, in a great measure, most favourably been gathered in. • Our garners are full, yielding all manner of store;' we have the happy prospect of such a rich supply, that there shall be no cause of complaining in our streets. Our God has crowned the year with his goodness: his paths drop fatness. Let Britons shout his praise.". The preacher then goes on to treat the subject more spiritually, and with refer ence to the covenant of grace; and many of his remarks appear to us ingenious, and some novel; and in this, as in all the discourses, there is a savour of that name which is "as ointment poured forth;" and without which no sermons are likely to be useful to sinners, or acceptable to believers. early acquaintance with Mr. Grimshaw, Mr. Venn of Huddersfield, Mr. Edwards of Leeds, and other eminent ministers, both in and out of the establishment, introduce some interesting particulars respecting them; and his subsequent union with the Baptist denomination, connected him also with the most distinguished men engaged in the mission to Serampore; while his important lite rary works made him extensively known and highly esteemed, even by the greatest personage in the kingdom. But we forbear entering into any particulars of Dr. Fawcett's life at present, as we shall take the first op portunity of gleaning from it a short Memoir for our Magazine; in the mean time, we can assure our readers, that the whole volume is full of interest, as containing a great body of biographical, theological, and religious literary information, enriched with a variety of valuable reflections, the result of his long experience, laborious studies, and active life. It contains, likewise," many particulars re lative to the revival of religion in Yorkshire and Lancashire," with copious extracts from the diary and correspondence of the deceased. It is a work therefore well adapted for Reading Societies among religious pèr sons, and should have a place in every Christian library, and especially in those of our Dissenting academies. We are sorry it did not reach us sooner. We shall take but one extract at present, and that as a specimen of the liberality of the editor respecting our own work, and its influence on the religious public: "The Evangelical Magazine, which from its commencement, has been conducted, and still continues to be so by ministers of the Gospel, of different denominations, has been a mean of forming a bond of union among themselves, their numerous friends and connexions. Wherever such union takes place on proper principles and with suitable motives, it cannot fail to stir up the mind to love and good works, and to be the means of putting into execution those benevolent plans which solitary and divided efforts would in vain attempt to accomplish. It is unneces sary to enter into a detail of the proceedings of the London Missionary Society (evidently an offspring of that union,) which has been for a succession of years so nobly supported -so widely extended.”. p. 291. Lectures on some important Branches of Practical Religion. By Tho. Raffles, M.A. (now DD.) 12mo. 7s. Longman. THESE ten Lectures (as we learn from the Dedication) were delivered at "The Li verpool Monthly Lecture" in the course of the last four years, and are published in con sequence of repeated solicitations. Dr. R popularity as a preacher is too well esta blished to need our encomiums or fear our criticisms, and we shall attempt neither. The subjects are all important and of a practical tendency, as may be seen by the enumeration:-1. The influence of Christianity on the temporal condition of mankind: Luke ii. 14.-2. On propriety of conduct in public worship: Eccles. v. 1.-3. On the government of the tongue : James i. 26.-4. On the influence of Christianity on the dress of its professors: 1 Pet. iii. 3, 4.-5. The young Christian's duty to his unconverted relatives: John i. 41, 42.-6. On the imprudent way of discharging sacred duties: Rom. xiv. 16.7. The due proportion of Christian benevolence: Mark xii, 41-44.-8. The duty of believers to marry only in the Lord: 1 Cor. vii. 39.-9. The influence of Religion in affliction: Ps. exii. 4.-10. How may each Christian best glorify God? Ps. cxvi. 12. 1 The first Lecture is, in our view, a very masterly and valuable discourse upon a topic seldom treated, and never with better effect. It affords an argument in favour of our religion, level to every capacity, and of overwhelming force. That religion which has done, and is still doing, so much for mankind, can neither be an imposture nor a delusion. The subjects of the 3d, 4th, and 8th Lectures are of great delicacy, but are treated with great ability. The 9th Lecture is of peculiar excellence, and we could wish the author himself would extract from it a tract for the use of Visiting Societies, and sick chambers. The last Lecture is of universal interest; and, upon the whole, we have read this volume with great pleasure, and we cannot conceive that any pious and intelligent reader can peruse it with other feelings. The Leper or an Attempt at the Moral Improvement of Naaman's History. In Six Parts. With Two Essays; first, On Jonah's Gourd, or the Vanity of all Earthly Enjoyments; second, On the Pleasures of Religion. By Owen Morris, Southwold. 12mo. 4s. Holdsworth. SUCH of our readers as are familiar with the contemplations of Bishop Hall, may perhaps he ready to ask, on hearing the title of a work on a piece of Scripture history, which among many others he has handled-" What can the man do that cometh after the King?" We answer, in defence of the apparent boldness of our author, first, that his reflections are more at large than was consistent with the Bishop's plan; secondly, that how masterly soever the productions of that eminent writer are, it is hardly to be supposed that he has so completely cleared every field in which he laboured, as to have left no gleanings to those who come after him; thirdly, that the writings of Bishop Hall are in the hands of comparatively few persons; and lastly, that, notwithstanding the almost unrivalled pithiness of that distinguished author, it is probable there are many readers for whom the style of Mr. Morris is, on the whole, better adapted than that of the venerable Prelate; whose sentences, from being formed on the Latin model, and containing numerous words now obsolete, must be to a man whose reading has been small and wholly confined to modern English, often obscure. We cannot say of Mr. Morris, that he is a pattern of correct and elegant writing. Here and there an awkward expressionsuch as, "No doubt but what,"-will be considered, by readers of polished taste, as in some degree marring the beauty of his periods. Yet his style is, on the whole, easy and animated; and, what is better, his sentiments are unexceptionable. There are four requisites of authorship, which, when they meet in a work, entitle it to commendation, notwithstanding minor defects; viz. as to the matter, truth and importance; and as to the manner, perspicuity and impressiveness: these qualities, we are happy to say, are not wanting in the little volume before us. If the author, when encouraged to print a second edition, will take such measures as may be necessary for securing a reduction in the price, there is reason to hope that his book will obtain that extent of circulation, which its truly excellent tendency makes us desirous it should have. The Deluge. A Poem. First Part, In three Books. S. Low. 8vo. sewed. This is the first and laudable attempt of a young author to employ his promising talents to a useful purpose. Although he cannot claim originality in his subject, nor be allowed on such a theme the privilege of invention, he has nevertheless made the most of his legitimate materials: and, after the German poetic prose of The death of Abel, Noah, and Montgomery's "World before the flood," this Poem still merits our attention, as containing some well delineated descriptions and just reflections; and nothing contrary to Revelation, though some things not to be found in the sacred writings; such as the converse of angels, and the discourse of the divine Persons. Notwithstanding the example has been given by the Italian poets, and followed by Milton, we think it should be copied sparingly, and with great caution, The difficulty of ascertaining the facts, and the danger of surmise, are thus properly acknowledged by the author, p. 31:"The flood o'erturn'd Of human pride, skill, power, each monument; There are a few blemishes, as in the two Spencerian verses, which introduce the Poem. In the first is this limping line, "Since the bard of visual ray forlorn." In the second verse, confine and sublime are false rhymes. On page the 7th, line the 3d from the bottom, the article is omitted The "Word of Wisdom, essence of my love," We have observed a few other exceptionable lines; but the author's representation of his disappointments and discouragements, from page 25 to 30, is sufficiently affecting to disarm all criticism, and interest his readers in his favour. We hope this first part of his poem will meet with sufficient success to induce him speedily to proceed with the remainder, with additional circumspection. The Cottage Minstrel: or Hymns for the Assistance of Cottagers in their Domestic Worship. By James Edmeston. 18mo. 6d. Westley. As Mr. Edmeston is already known to our readers by two small volumes of "Sacred Lyrics,' * little need be said of the present small work, but that it will not disgrace his talents. Our readers will probably recollect, that a gentleman last year held out the reward of 20 guineas for a work of this nature, and we understand Mr. E. has been the successful candidate. We give the first hymn, " On Prayer Meetings," as a specimen, in our poetical department of this month. Whatever scarcity may have been recently supposed, we think there can be no more room for complaint, after this publication, Mr. Beck's Hymns for Villagers, and Mr. Cobbin's Village Hymns. (See our Mag. for June, p. 241.) * See our Mag. for April last, p. 154. Third Report of the Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and the Correction of Juvenile Offenders, 1821. With an Appendix, Svo. 3s. J. and A. Arch. WE last year introduced this Society to our readers by an account (p. 391) of their Anniversary, and are glad to see the progress they have since made in their important undertaking; not only in many parts of this kingdom, but in France, Switzerland, Italy, Flanders, Germany, Russia, and America, where the object is taken up, with more or less zeal, for the reform as well as punishment of criminals. Two points in this benevolent work parti cularly interest us, as editors of a religious publication, 1. The introduction of religions instruction and moral discipline; the succes of which, particularly in the female department of Newgate, (Appen. p. 191,) by the blessing of God on the zeal of some pious ladies, has been certainly beyond expectation. The remarks of the Committee on the du ties of Prison Chaplains are also just and striking; and we perfectly agree with them, that there are few stations more eminently useful than that of a Chaplain to a prison," though this seems not to have been considered in the slender provision made for their support. As a model of zeal, of piety, and of kindness, the Committee of the Paris Society particularly point out "the excellent Père Joussony," who shut himself up voluntarily with the slaves in Algiers for 30 years, and died among his charge, "who were dearerto him than life." The remarks of the Committee on the evils of attending fairs in the neighbourhood of the metropolis are also just and striking, particularly as it respects the multitudes of children and youth who resort to thent. This leads us to notice→→→ 2. The case of Juvenile delinquents, with which the Metropolis in particular abounds -the great majority of whom are repre sented by the Committee, who have the best opportunities of knowing, as the offspring of ignorance, depravity, and neglect, and the victims of circumstances over which they could have no controul. Numbers are nursed in depravity and tutored in crime." For such offenders a « Temporary Refuge has been provided; and we are happy to see several instances of its success, particu larly in the child of a poor sailor, who, on returning thanks to the Committee, used this expressive language" This house has saved me from ruin.". (See Appendix p. 180 to 187.). "Small Beginnings not to be Despised." A Sermon, preached for the Benefit of the Port of London Society, on board the Floating Chapel, Thames. By J. A. James. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Westley. THIS discourse, the reader will readily conjecture, is founded on the question of the Prophet Zachariah, ch. iv. 9. " Who has despised the day of small things?" Applying this text, 1. To the case of Religious Institutions, Mr. James reviews (very briefly of course) the rise of Christianity-of Protestantism of Methodism of the London Missionary Society-the Baptist Missionthe British and Foreign Bible Society :2dly, To the case of personal religion: and, in the improvement of the discourse, to the Society now before him, of which he gives us the following (among others) encouraging particulars: More than 60 boats have been seen round this floating chapel at the same time, waiting to convey their crews from the solemnities of public worship to their respective vessels! Six hundred sailors have been beheld at one time listening to the glad tidings of salvation!" Mr. James apologises for borrowing some ideas from a sermon on the same subject by Mr Jay; but we cannot judge with what necessity, as we have not, at the present moment, the opportunity of comparing them. Rabant St. Etienne. Also, preparing for publication, Vol. I. of The Preacher, (to make 6 vols. 12mo.) or Sketches of Original Sermons, from the MSS. of two eminent Divines of the last Century. With a familiar Essay on pulpit Composition. The Evangelical Diary (a Religious Almanack,) with considerable improvements, will be published as usual with the other Almanacks, Nov. 20. In the Press. A New Edition of Neale's History of the Puritans, by Toulmin, 5 vols. 8vo. carefully revised, corrected, and enlarged. By W. Jones, author of a "History of the Christian Church." Contemplations on the Sufferings, Death and Resurrection of Christ and of his People. from the Manuscripts of the late Rev. Augustus Toplady. Also, a New Edition of Mr. T.'s Devotional Retirement; with am Essay on Job, &c. A New Edition of Dr. Dick's Lectures on the Acts. 2 vols. 8vo. Happiness! a Tale for the Grave and the Gay. 2 vols. post 8vo. Biblical Fragments: intended to promote among her own Sex a taste for Biblical Reading. By Mrs. Schimmelpennick. Abridgement of the Abbé Rochon's Voyage \to Madagascar; with a Portrait of Prince Rataffe. By Tho. Towne. The Warning Voice, being a Narrative of AM, by Mrs. Hewlett. Mary Nelson; or the Narrative of a Wi dow's Family. In 1 vol. Dialogues between Farmer Watson and his Man Harry. SELECT LIST. Anecdotes, interspersed with Observations intended to furnish Entertainment and Instruction for Leisure Hours. By J. Thorn ton. 2 vols. 12mo. 8s. Mental Discipline: or Hints on the Cul tivation of Intellectual Habits. By the Rev. H. F. Burder. 8vo. 4s. 6d. A New Edition of the Rev. R. Hall's Apology for the Freedom of the Press. 3s. 6d The Winter Season; being an Attempt to Improve "the storms of Winter." By Js Fisher, author of the Spring Day. 8vo. 7s The Pleasures of Home, and other Poems By R, Porter. 2d Edit. 12mo. 4s. Satan's Devices Exposed, in Four Sermons By Rev. T. Knowles, B.A. 4th Ed. 2s. 6d The Consolations of Gospel Truth dis played in various interesting Anecdotes, & By J. G. Pike. vol. 2. 3s. 6d. An Essay on the Evils of Scandal, Slan→ der, and Misrepresentation. 12mo. 3s. 6d. The History of Geo. Desmond, founded on Facts which occurred in the East Indies; and now published as a Caution to Young Men going out to that country. 12mo. 7s. Sermons." Superior Advantages of the Present Period," a Monthly Meeting Ser mon, by H. Lacey.-On Christian Unity, by T. Young.-On the King's Visit to Ireland, by J. Petherick, Dublin. Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. By Mrs Hake. 18mo. 1s. 6d. The Westminster Selection of Hymns. Part I. 18mo. 1s. 6d. Eliza Harding, a Tale founded on Facts. By Mrs. Hewlett. 18mo. 2s. 6d. T. Johnson's Reasons for Dissenting from the Established Church. 2d. A Dialogue between a Traveller and Dick Hardy the Hostler. 2 Parts. 2d. |