QUOI-erbee ghoys Taftey jeh ny Huilk trimshagh ta Mee-viallys Deiney gys y Leigh shoh tayrn marish, ayns Drogh-vea Jallooderyn, Looderyn cadjin, Brishey Laa yn Chiarn, Cloan vee-arrymagh, Theay mee-viallagh, Dunveryn jeh Bioys as Goo-mie Deiney, Maarderee, Maarlee, Feanishyn oaiagh, as Persoonyn sayntoilagh, as ny Briwnyssyn ta goll mâroo, bee Oyr oc dy vannaghey Jee, ta er chur dooin lheid ny Annaghyn dy veaghey lioroo; as nee ad guee dy feer jeean gys Jee dy scrieu as dy reayll ad ayns ny Creeaghyn oc hene, as Cree dy chooilley Ghooinney. Shirveish. Yn Rubrick. Eisht hed er lhaih unnane jeh'n daa Phadjer shoh fon y Ree, yn Saggyrt shafsoo myr roie as gra, Insaghey veih'n Rubrick Shoh. Wheesh shen ta Bannaghtyn Reiltee chairal as sheeoil, dy vel shin farit, ayns Aghin er-lheh, dy ghoaill Padjer son Reeaghyn, as fon ooilley ny t'ayns Pooar; er nyn fon Ocfyn hoshiaght, liorish cooinaghtyn dy vel gys Rere nyn Booar cur er y ho ad ayns Ynnyd Yee, dy vod ad shiaght yn Ghloyr echeysyn, fo t'ad gymmyrkey Reill, fendeil Persoonyn as Cairys Deiney, as Drogh-yantee y cherraghey cordail rish Bree ny Leighyn shoh; as ayns y nah Ynnyd, er Nyn fon hene, dy vod mayd Biallys y choyrt da ny Reiltee ain, er graih Cooinsheanse, as ayns Biallys da Jee. Lhig dooin Padjer y ghoaill. YEE EE Ooilley-niartal, yn Reeriaght ayd's ta dy bragh farraghtyn, as dty Phooar erskyn-earroo; Jean Myghin er y flane Agglish, as myr shen reill Cree dty Harvaant reiht GEORGE, nyn Ree as nyn Giannoort, dy vod eshyn (toiggal quoi fo t'eh ny Hirveishagh) erskyn dy chooilley Nhee shirrey dty ing whose Authority he hath) may faithfully serve, honour, and humbly obey him, in Thee, and for Thee, according to thy blessed Word and Ordinance, through Jesus Chrift our Lord; who with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, World without End. Amen. A Or, LMIGHTY and everlasting God, we are taught by thy Holy Word, that the Hearts of Kings are in thy Rule and Governance, and that Thou dost dispose and turn them as it seemeth best to thy godly Wisdom; we humbly befeech Thee so to dispose and govern the Heart of GEORGE thy Servant, our King and Governor, that in all his Thoughts, Words, and Works, he may ever seek thy Honour and Glory, and study to preserve thy People committed to his Charge, in Wealth, Peace, and Godliness. Grant this, O merciful Father, for thy dear Son's fake, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Communion. Rubrick. Then shall be faid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Priest Shall read the Epistle. Then shall be read the Gospel; the People all standing up. And the Gospel ended, shall be fung or faid, I Believe in Obfervations. We are all required to stand up at the Reading of the Gospel. to shew that we have a very particular Respect for, and with Reverence attend to, every thing that was faid, or done by, or recorded of, our most blessed Lord and Master. one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and of all Things visible and in visible: And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of his Father before all Worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one Substance with the Father, by whom all Things were made: Who for us Men, and for dty Onnor as dty Ghloyr, as dy vod shinyn as ooilley'n Theay ta fo (dy cooie smooinaghtyn quoi liorish t'eh er ny choyrt ayns Pooar) dy firrinagh eh y hirveish, Onnor, as Biallys imlee y chur da, aynyd's, as er dty Ghraih, cordail rish dty Ghoo bannit as dty Oardagh, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn, ta Mayrts, as y Spyrryd Noo, bio as reill, dy bragh un Jee, Seihll gyn jerrey. Amen. Ny, Ooilley-niartal, as Yee dy bragh farraghtyn, ta fhin yufit Ghoo casherick, dy Creeaghyn Reeaghyn fo dty Reill, as dy vel oo leeideil as chyndaa ad myr s'cooie te da dty Chreenaght flaunyssagh; ta shin dy imlee guee ort myr shen dy leeideil as dy reill Cree dty harvaant GEORGE, nyn Ree as nyn Giannoort, ayns ooilley e Smooinaghtyn, Raa, as Jannoo, dy vod eh dy bragh shirrey dty Onnor as dty Ghloyr, as ve imneagh dy reayll dty Phobble t'er ny choyrt fo'n Churrym echey, ayns Maynrys, Shee, as Craueeaght. Giall shoh, O Ayr vyghinagh, er graih dty Vac deyr Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. Shirveish. Rubrick. Eiht bee'n Phadjer fon y Laa er ny ghra. As chelleeragh lurg v Phadjer, nee yn Saggyrt thaih yn Screeuyn. Eilht bee'n Suhtal er ny thaih; yn Pobble ooilley nyn bassoo. As lurg da'n Tushtal bee er ny ghoaill ny er nv ghra, Niau TA A mee credjal ayns un Jee, yn Ayr Ooilley-niartal, Chroo as Thalloo, as dy chooilley Nhee t'ayns fakin as gyn fakin : As ayns un Chiarn Yeesey Creest, yn ynrycan Mac er-nygheddyn dy Yee, Er-ny-gheddyn jeh e Ayr roish dy chooilley Heihll, Jee jeh Jee, Soilshey jeh Soilshey, Jee firrinagh jeh Jee firrinagh, Er-ny-gheddyn, cha nee er ny yannoo, Jeh'n un Vree marish yn Ayr, Liorishyn va dy chooilley Nhee er ny yannoo: N for i 4 : : for our Salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin MARY, and was made Man, and was crucified alfo for us under PONTIUS PILATE. He fuffered and was buried, and the third Day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and afcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the Right Hand of the Father. And he shall come again with Glory to judge both the Quick and the Dead: whose Kingdom shall have no End. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets. And I believe one Catholick and Apoftolick Church. I acknowledge one. Baptifm for the Remission of Sins, and I look for the Refurrection of the Dead, and the Life of the World to come. Amen. Now you will have Time to say secretly, Lord, increase my Faith, Grant that I may die in this Faith, and in the Communion of thy holy Church; and be united to Thee, and to all thy Members, by a Faith and Charity that shall never end. Communion. Rubrick. : Then the Curate shall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Fasting-days, are in the Week following to be obferved. Obfervations. The Church having taken Care that her Clergy shalt do their Duty, in giving Notice of fuch: Holy-days, &c. as are to be observed; every good Christian will endeavour to observe them, not, as is the manner of thoughtless People, in Idleness and Intemperance; but in going to Church, and praising God for his Mercies vouchsafed us in Jesus Chrift, and for his holy Aposties, by whose Labours we were brought from the Power of Satan unto God. Er Er nyn son ainyn Deiney, as fon y Taualtys ain, haink eh neofe veih Niau, As ghow eh er Feill liorish y Spyrryd Noo jeh'n Voidyn MOIRREY, as v'eh er ny yannoo ny Ghooinney, as v'eh er ny chroffey myrgeddin er nyn son fo PONTIUS PILATE. Ren eh furranse, as v'eh er ny oanluckey, as y trass Laa dirree eh reefht cordail rish ny Scriptyryn, as hie eh seose gys Niau, as t'eh ny hoie er laue Yesh yn Ayr. As hig eh reefht lesh Gloyr dy vriwnys chammah ny Bio as ny Merriu: er e Reeriaght cha bee Jerrey erbee. As ta mee credjal ayns y Spyrryd Noo, yn Chiarn as Fertoyrt y Vea, ta cheet magh veih'n Ayr as y Mac; ta marish yn Ayr as y Mac cooidjagh ammyffit as er ny ghloyraghey, eh ren loayrt liorish ny Phadeyryn. As ta mee credjal un Agglish Cadjin (Creestee) as Ostyllagh. Ta mee goaill-rish un Vathtey fon leih Peccaghyn, as ta mee jeeaghyn fon Irree-feofe-reesht ny Merriu, as Bea yn Theihll ta ry heet. Amen. Nish bee Caa ayd dy ghra rhyt hene, -Hiarn, bishee my Chredjue,---Giall dy voddyım Baase y gheddyn ayns y Chredjue shoh, as ayns Shefhaght dty Agglish casherick; as ve sniemmit Hoods, as gys ooilley dty Oltyn, liorish Credjue as yn Ghiaftyllys then nagh jean dy bragh failleil. Shirveish. Yn Rubrick. Ynfaghey. Eisht nee yn Saggyrt fockley Myr ta'n Agglish er ghoaill Kiarail dy jean ny Saggyrtyn eck nyn Gurrym, ayns Raaue y choyrt jeh lheid ny laghyn feailley, &c as ta dy ve freilt; nee dy chooilley Chreestee mie e Phaart dy reayll ad, cha nee, myr ayns Aght Sleih gyn tort, ayns magh da'n Pobble cre ny Laghyn feailley, ny ny Laghyn trofhtee ta dy ve freilt ayns y Chiaghtin er-giyn. Litcheraght as Neu heeltys; agh ayns goll gys y Cheeill, as coyrt Moylley da Jee fon e Vyghinyn s'cooidfave leth y chur dooin ayns Yeesey Creeft, as fon e Ostyllyn Noo, liorish ny Obbraghyn oc va shinyn er nyn goyrt thien veih Pooar Noid-ny-Hanmey gys Jee. Rubrick |