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COVENANTING with God is of univeral and infinite concern. Without it no man an have an interest in him, or communion ith him. No man can be pardoned, adoptd, or enjoy any covenant blessing, until he ccepts the overtures of mercy, and is brought nto a covenant relation to God, through Jeus Christ. Covenanting with God in truth, s therefore just as important to every man, s the salvation of his immortal soul. It is he immediate, the indispensable duty of every man to repent and believe the Gospel, and to join himself to the Lord in an everLasting covenant, which shall never be forgotten. This is required in the first and great commandment, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (Matt. xxii. 37.) This requires not only that we know God, and acknowledge him to be God, but

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