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the fruit of good living, tot honour and praife of thy Nam through Jefus Chrift our Lo Amen.

our unhappy divifions. Take inwardly in our hearts, 1 away all hatred and prejudice, they may bring forth in and whatsoever elfe may hinder us from godly union and concord; that as there is but one body, and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptifm, one God, and Father of us all; fo we may henceforth be all of one heart and of one foul, united in one holy bond of truth and

peace, of faith and charity; and

may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.


Church may joyfully ferve thee in all godly quietness, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

ALMIGHTY God, the fou


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knoweft our neceflities before ask, and our ignorance in afkin We befeech thee to have corn paffion upon our infirmities; ad those things, which for our u worthiness we dare not, and fo our blindness we cannot alk vouchsafe to give us, for th worthinefs of thy Son Jefus Chril our Lord. Amen.

RANT, O Lord, we befeech thee, that the course of this worid may be fo peaceably ordered by thy governance, that thy paffettua all understanding THE of God, which keep your hearts and minds is the knowledge and love of God and of his Son Jefus Chrift ou Lord. And the bleffing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghoft, be among you, and remain with you always Amen.


we befeech thee,

☑ Almighty God, that the words, which we have heard this day with our outward ears, may through thy grace be fo grafted



OUR UR Will and Pleasure is, That these Four Forms of Prayer and Service, mall
for the Fifth of November, the Thirtieth of January, the Twenty-ninth I of
and the Tuenty Fifth of October, be forthwith printed, and publishel, ant annext
to the Book of Common Prayer, and Liturgy of the Church of England; to be use
Yearly on the said Days, in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and Chapels, in
all Chapels of Colleges and Halls within both our Universities, and of Our Colleges
of Eaton and Winchester, and in all Parish Churches an! Chapels within that part
of Our Kingdom of Great Britain calles England, the Dominion of Wates, and Town,
of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Given at Our Court at St. James's, the Seventh Day of
October,1761; in the First Year of Our Reign.

By His Majesty's Command,



Agreed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces, and the whole Clergy, in the Convocation holden at London, in the Year 1562, for the avoiding of Diversities of Opinions, and for the stablishing of Consent touching true Religion: Reprinted by his Majesty's Commandment, with his Royal Declaration prefixed thereunto.



EING by God's ordinance, according to our just title, Defender of the Faith, and Supreme Governor of the Church, within these our dominions, We hold it most agreeable to this our Kingly office, and our own religious zeal to conserve and maintain the Church committed to our charge, in unity of true religion, and in the bond of peace; and not to suffer unnecessary disputations, altercations, or questions to be raised, which may nourish faction both in the Church and Commonwealth. We have therefore, upon mature deliberation, and with the advice of so many of our Bishops as might conveniently be called together, thought fit to make this Declaration following:

That the Articles of the Church of England, (which have been allowed and authorised heretofore, and which our clergy generally have subscribed unto), do contain the true doctrine of the Church of England, agreeable to God's word; which We do therefore ratify and confirm, requiring all our loving Subjects to continue in the uniForm profession thereof, and prohibiting the least difSerence from the said Articles; which to that end we command to be new printed, and this Our Declaration to be published therewith.

That we are Supreme Governor of the Church of Engand: and that if any difference arise about the external policy, concerning the Injunctions, Canons, and other

W. Heney, Printer, Aldersgate-Street, London.

Constitutions whatsoever thereto belonging, the Clergy u their Convocation is to order and settle them, having firs obtained leave under our broad seal so to do; and II approving their said Ordinances and Constitutions; pro viding that none be made contrary to the laws and cus toms of the land.

That out of our Princely care, that the Churchmen ma do the work which is proper unto them, the Bishops an Clergy, from time to time in Convocation, upon the humble desire, shall have licence under our broad seal t deliberate of, and to do all such things, as being mad plain by them, and assented unto by Us, shall concern the settled continuance of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, now established; from which W will not endure any varying, or departing in the leas degree.

That for the present, though some differences hav been ill raised, yet We take comfort in this, that all Cler gymen within our realm have always most willingl subscribed to the Articles established; which is an argu ment to us, that they all agree in the true, usual, litera meaning of the said Articles; and that even in thos curious points, in which the present differences lie, men of all sorts take the Articles of the Church of England to be for them; which is an argument again, that non of them intend any desertion of the Articles established.

That therefore in these both curious and unhappy dif ferences, which have for so many hundred years, in dif ferent times and places, exercised the church of Christ We will, that all further curious search be laid aside and these disputos shut up in God's promises, as they b generally set forth to us in the Holy Scriptures, and the general meaning of the Articles of the Church of Eng land, according to them. And that no man hereafte shall either print, or preach, to draw the Article aside any way, but shall submit to it in the plain and full mearing thereof; and shall not put his own sense or comment to be the meaning of the Article, but shall take it in the literal and grammatical sense.

That if any public Reader in either of our Universities or any Head or Master of a College, or any other person

respectively in either of them, shall affix any new sense to any Article, or shall publicly read, determine, or hold any public disputation, or suffer any such to be held either way, in either the Universities or Colleges respeсtively; or if any Divine in the Universities shall preach or print any thing either way, other than is already established in Convocation with our Royal assent; he or they the offenders shall be liable to our displeasure, and the Church's censure in our commission ecclesiastical; as well as any other: and we will see there shall be dre execution upon them.


ARTICLE I. Of Faith in the Holy Trinity. THERE is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts, or passions; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the Maker and Preserver of all things, both visible and invisible: and in unity of this Godhead there be three Persons, of one substance, power, and eternity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

II. Of the Word, or Son of God, which was made very Man.

THE Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from everlasting of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin, of her substance: so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godhead and Manhood, were joined together in one Person, never to be divided, whereof is one Christ, very God, and very Man; who truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of


III. Of the going down of Christ into Hell.

AS S Christ died for us, and was buried; so also is it to be believed, that he went down into hell.

IV. Of the Resurrection of Christ.

CHRIST did truly rise again from death, and took again his body, with flesh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfection of man's nature: wherewith he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth, until he return to judge all men at the last day.

V. Of the Holy Ghost.

THE Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one substance, majesty, and glory, with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God.

VI. Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation.

HOLY Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an Article of the faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scripture, we do understand those Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church.

Of the Names and Number of the Canonical Books.

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And the other Books, as Hierome saith, the Church doth read, for example of life and instruction of manners, but yet doth it not apply them to establish any doctrine: such are these following:

Third. Book of Esdras.
Fourth Book of Esdras.
Book of Tobias.

Book of Judith.

Rest of the Book of Esther.
Book of Wisdom.

Jesus the Son of Sirach.

Baruch the Prophet.
Song of the Three Children.
Story of Susanna.
Of Bell and the Dragon.
Prayer of Manasses.
First Book of Maccabces.
Second Book of Maccabces.

All the Books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive, and account them Canonical.

VII. Of the Old Testament.

THE Old Testament is net contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testament, everlasting life is offered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man, being both God and Man: where. fore they are not to be heard, which feign that the old Fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the law given from God by Moses, as touching ceremonies

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