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Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the
variety is able alone to refresh and repair us?

BEN JONSON'S Discoveries.



Printed for



C. Baldwin, Printer,

New Bridge-street, London.



Abeona transport, loss of, 225.

Actors, Observations on, 202-salaries of,


Agricultural Report, 108, 229, 341, 454, Bilderdijk, Dutch poet, 337.

573, 689.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ballads, German, 148, 149-the Suffolk

Miracle, 153 by Doyle, 96-style in

Music, 97

Balm-poplar, 337.
Barron, French actor, 204.

Batiushktov, Russian poet, extracts from,


Preparing for Publication, 108,

230, 346, 461, 578, 693.

Lately Published, 109, 231, 347,

462, 579, 694.

Botanical gardens, 685.

Bowring's Specimens of the Russian Poets,

reviewed, 322.

Bowyer's Print of the House of Lords, 430.
Brydges, Sir Egerton, Res Literariæ, 207,

Burger's Leonora, 149.
B-nb-ry, Sir Charles, 40.

Burke's Reflections on the French Revo-
lution, 133.

Büström, the Swedish sculptor, memoir of,


Byron, Lord, critique on, 50-his no-
toriety, 51-the interest of his poetry,
to what ascribed, 51-his empirical
egotism, 52-his sorrows too affected,
52-his self-accusations suspicious, 53
-indecency of his Don Juan, 54-
worse tendency of his serious poetry,
55-his immorality, radical, 56-Incon-
gruity between his Poetical and Personal
existence, 57-character of his poetry,
57-its eloquence, 60- his female
characters, 60, 61-his New Tragedy,
68-German Translations of his Giaour,
and Mazeppa, 336-at Venice, 176-his
Swimming across the Hellespont, 363-

his Marino Faliero, reviewed, 550 -
German Translation of the Corsair, 567
-on his Letter on Pope, 593-the in-
fluence of his rank, 594-his definition
of canting, 598-his taste, 599.

[blocks in formation]

Chance, games of, 164.

Chess, 164.

Chillon, the Chateau of, 397.

Christmas-time characterized, 83.
Chrystallo-Ceramic manufacture, 565.
Clennell's Battle of Waterloo, 449.
Cleopatra's Needle, 100.

Cockney Writers, 69-Cockneys charac-

terized, 70.

randola, 211-As You Like It, 215

Montalto, 216- Miss Wilson, 216-

Friar Bacon, 216-No. XIV. the King's

Visit to the Thea res, 329-Artaxerxes,

330-Pizarro, 330-Richard III, 331-

Therese, 331-Twelfth Night, 331-

Don John, 332-No. XV, Richard III,

433-Stranger, 435-Love in a Village,

435-Conscience, 436-No. XVI, 559

-Venice Preserved, 560-The Duenna,

561-Virginius, 561. - Undine, Jane

Shore, &c. 562-No. XVII, 669-the
Sieur Davoust, 669-Tempest, 670-
Provoked Husband, 671-Romeo and
Juliet; Miss Dance, 673-She Stoops
to Conquer; Liston, 673-Marino Fa-
liero, 673 She Would and She Would
Not; Harley, 674-the Benefits, 674.
Dramatic Sketches, Emily, 499-Count
Julius, 622.

Dutch Literature, 337.

Early impressions, permanency of, 297.

Ears, Chapter on, 263.

Earthquake, a tale, reviewed, 91.

in the Morea, 565.

Edinburgh, in letters from T. Young, 533.

Edinburgh Review, 71.

Egyptian and Nubian Antiquities, 567.

Elia, character of himself, 6-accused as
a cockney scribbler, 69 - papers by,
viz. On New Year's Eve, -Mrs. Bat-
tle's Opinions on Whist, 165-a Chap-
ter on Ears, 263-All Fools' Day, 361

-a Quaker's Meeting, 385-the Old

and New Schoolmaster, 492 - My Rela-

tions, 611.

Elizabeth, Queen, admirably portrayed in
Kenilworth, 200.

England, blamed by the Venetians, 177.

Etchings of Different Kinds of Men, No.
I.-The Humorous Man, 505.
Exhibition, Chalchographic, 432-at the
British Institution, 437.

Exmouth, Humphrey Nixon's Letter from,


Family Resemblances, 292.
Faulder, Richard, of Allanbay, 26.
Fine Arts, 370-at Madrid, 445-in the
Netherlands, 484.

Davidov, Russian poet, extracts from, 321. Footmen, 40.

Death, observations on, 7, 250.

Davy, Sir H. 132.

Denmark, 446.

Derzhavin, Russian poet, extracts from,

316, 319.

Dissenters, Protestant, 184.

Don Quixote in Scythia, an Italian poem,
338, 413.

Drama, No. XII. Christmas pantomimes

-Vandenhoff, 83, 87-No. XIII. Mi-

Gas-light introduced in Sweden, 100.
Galileo, Memoir of, 62.
Gent's Poems, 427.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

518-borrowed from Faustus, 518.

Memnon's Head, 125.

Meyrick, W. Memoir of, 490.

Milman, Mr. 313.

Mohocks, the, 76.

Montaigne, 35.

Monti, 423.


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