Come then, and, added to thy many crowns, Thy saints proclaim thee King; and in their hearts Dipp'd in the fountain of eternal love. Thy saints proclaim thee King; and thy delay COWPER'S TASK, Connected View OF SOME OF THE SCRIPTURAL EVIDENCE OF THE Redeemer's Speedy Personal Return, AND REIGN ON EARTH WITH HIS GLORIFIED SAINTS, ISRAEL'S RESTORATION TO PALESTINE; AND THE DESTRUCTION OF ANTICHRISTIAN NATIONS: WITH Remarks on Various Authors who Oppose these Doctrines. "Thus saith the Lord, I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in THE PROFITS OF THIS EDITION TO AID THE FUNDS OF THE LONDON PAISLEY, PUBLISHED BY ALEX. GARDNER: SOLD BY M. OGLE, W. COLLINS, AND G. GALLIE, GLASGOW; PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. : THE personal presence of the Redeemer on earth during the Millennium was the prevailing expectation of the early Christian Church. With the progress of error, however, this doctrine also became corrupted; and, in consequence, was at length almost entirely discarded as unscriptural. Still it has been the hope of a few in all subsequent ages, although for many centuries the attention of the Church in general has not been directed to the subject. But as the time approaches when the orthodoxy of our creed must be decided by the event, the question of its divine authority assumes a new interest, and a more urgent call is addressed to us to examine the foundation on which our opinions rest. A stricter investigation of Scripture on the subject has compelled the author of the following pages to relinquish, as untenable, the sentiments he formerly entertained, and to rank himself among the number of those who are "looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ," as an event A |