THE CHURCHMAN: A MAGAZINE IN DEFENCE OF THE CHURCH AND CONSTITUTION. VOLUME VIII. BIBLI LONDON: WILLIAM EDWARD PAINTER, 342, STRAND. 1843. CONTENTS OF VOL. VIII. ORIGINAL PAPERS. Architecture, Cathedral, 322, 633 Articles, on Subscription to the, 553 Church in the Colonies, the, 626 Church of England, to the Bishops of Church of Ireland, the Present State Church, on the Present State of the, Clergyman's, a, Engagements to Ob- Dissenters, Prayer for the, 451 Every Man a Priest in his own Fa- Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin; or, Moral Precepts of the New and Old Testament, the Relation in which the, stand to each other, 217, 297, Oaths, Roman Catholic, 694 Old Sarum, an Hour at, 699 Protestant Church, Unprotestantizing Pusey's, Dr., Preface to his Sermon, Records, Rural, 11, 98, 170, 229, 572 Sabbath, on the Profanation of the, Tee-Totalism, 82 Temple Church, the, 234 Times, Homilies for the, 150, 224 What the Church needs-what the CORRESPONDENCE. Ash-Wednesday, 1843, Fast of, 273 Country, State of the, 176, 587 Ecclesiastical Courts Bill, the, 532 Education and the Poor Law, 396 Evangelists, Ancient Paintings of the, Faber, the Rev. George Stanley, and Ireland, the Reformation in, 122, 179 Judah and Israel, the Restoration of, Lectures, on the Use of, or Exposi- National Schools, on Building, 724 Prayer for the Use of a Clerical |