SERMONS. BY THE LATE REV. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, OF READING. With Memoir, BY THE REV. GEORGE CLAYTON. LONDON: THOMAS WARD & CO., PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND SOLD BY MESSRS. RUSHER AND JOHNSON; AND W. THOMAS, READING. 1840. PREFACE. IN commending this volume to the favourable notice of the Christian church, and more especially of the religious society who so long enjoyed the benefit of the public labours and private example of the deceased Pastor, the compiler bespeaks the candour of his readers. The task of preparing these sheets for the press was not sought by him, but assigned to him by the solicitations of many whose friendship he values, and whose wishes have, with him, the force and obligation of a law. He has scarcely the privilege of a leisure hour amidst the various and active duties of his ministerial vocation, so that he has written and revised his pages not without many irksome interruptions, and in those snatches of time and opportunity which he may have been able to command. The manu |