CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY: OR, AN ATTEMPT TO DISPLAY BY INTERNAL TESTIMONY, THE EVIDENCE AND EXCELLENCE OF REVEALED RELIGION. WITH AN APPENDIX, ON MR. PAINE'S PAMPHLET, ON PRAYER, ETC. BY VICESIMUS KNOX, D. D. LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD; AND NOW MASTER OF TUNBRIDGE SCHOOL. Hoc Philosophie genus in affectibus situm est, verius quam in syllo- ΠΝΕΥΜΑ ΖΩΟΠΟΙΟΥΝ, FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, 1 COR. XV. 45. WITH A TRANSLATION OF ALL THE GREEK, LATIN, ETC. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY EMMOR KIMBER, No. 170, SOUTH SECOND-STREET. PREFACE. As every attempt to illustrate and recommend opinions on RELIGION, which oppose prejudices, is peculiarly obnoxious to the misconceptions of the ignorant, the misrepresentation of the malevolent, and the rash censure of the thoughtless; (who rudely and hastily condemn, what they scarcely allow themselves even time to understand;) I think it proper to entreat all who honour this book with any degree of their attention, duly to consider the AUTHORITIES, human as well as scriptural, on which it is founded; and not to reject doctrines in which their own. happiness is most deeply concerned, till they shall have invalidated those authorities, and proved themselves superior in sagacity, learning, and piety, to the great men whose sentiments I have cited in support of my own. Let the firm phalanx of surrounding authorities be first fairly routed, before the opponents level their arrows, even bitter words, at him who, in these papers, ventures to en (RECAP 8969 |