| William Hazlitt - 1818 - 342 páginas
...riol/s. A blank, my lord, she never told her lorn : She let concealment, like a worm i' th' bud, Prey on her damask cheek, she pin'd in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy, She sat like Patienc* on a monument, Smiling at grief. Was not Out love indeed ? We men may say more, swear mere,... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1819 - 434 páginas
...blessed soul doth in Elysium. Two Gentlemen o/ Verona, Act ii, Sc. 10. " - — — She neter told her love ; But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud,...her damask cheek ; she pin'd in thought ; And with a gieen and yellow melancholy, She sat like Patience on a monument, Smiling at Grief. Twelfth-Night,... | |
| Zachariah Jackson - 1819 - 504 páginas
...pranks in her ; ie has adorned, by setting it in her most lovely person. SCENE IV.— page 313. VIOLA. she pin'd in thought; And, with a green and yellow...melancholy, She sat like patience on a monument, Smiling at grief. cile the incongruity of — patience sitting on a monument smiling at grief: and yet, the... | |
| John Mason Good - 1819 - 694 páginas
...manifest relation and resemblance, as the following figure in Shakspeare : " She never told her love, Uut let concealment, like a worm i' the bud, Feed on her damask cheek : she pined in thought, And sat like Patience on a monument, Smiling at Grief." Or this, from Dr. Young's... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1819 - 458 páginas
...A blessed soul doth in Klysium. Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act ii. Sc. 16. -She never told her love ; Feed on her damask cheek ; she pin'd in thought ; And with a gieen and yellow melancholy, She sat like Patience on a monument, Smiling at Grief. Twelfth-Night,... | |
| Daniel Jaudon - 1820 - 236 páginas
...Bard, in quest of poetical decoration. She never told her love; But let concealment, like a worm V th' bud, Feed on her damask cheek: she pin'd in thought}...melancholy, She sat like patience on a monument, smiling at grief. Shakesp. Q. What is a Metaphor?* A. A Metaphor is the putting of the name of one thing for... | |
| 1820 - 412 páginas
...very prettily repeated those lines: She never told h«r love; But let concealment, like a worm i* th' bud, Feed on her damask cheek : she pin'd in thought;...melancholy, She sat, like Patience on a monument, Smiling at grief. Now, chevalier, if you had any design in your pointing to these very pretty lines, I will... | |
| Alexander Jamieson - 1820 - 388 páginas
...makes this happy comparison : " She never told her love, But let concealmant, like a worm in the hud, Feed on her damask cheek. She pin'd in thought, And...melancholy, She sat, like patience on a monument, Smiling at grief.*" 277. Emhellishing comparisons, — those with which we are chiefly concerned at present,'... | |
| David Irving - 1821 - 336 páginas
...leaves on 111* bltst ?— Ossi««. She never told her lov*, But let concealment, like a worm i' th' bud, Feed on her damask cheek : she pin'd in thought;...melancholy, She sat like Patience on a monument, Smiling at Grief. Slukipeari. Yet . ,,.Ytt sadly it i*«ui»g, that sue hi shades, Mildly as mourning doves,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1821 - 528 páginas
...woman, I should your lordship. DUKE. And what's her history ? Vio. A blank, my lord : She never told her love, But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud...Feed on her damask cheek : she pin'd in thought"; minutes before that he said they had more constancy in love than men. M. MASON. Mr. Mason would read... | |
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