| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 578 páginas
...fopeerlefs, are created Of every creature's beft. The Tempeft, 4 ft 3. fc. i. With thee converting I forget all time ; All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike. Sweet is the breath of .morn, her rifing fweet, With charm of earlieft birds ; pleafant the fun When... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 448 páginas
...law, thou mine : to know no more Is woman's happieft knowledge, and her praife. ' With thee converting I forget all time ; All feafons, and their change, all pleafe alike. 640 Sweet is the breath of mom, her rifing fyveet, With charm of earlieft birds ; pleafant the fun, When firft on this delighful... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 376 páginas
...whom thus Eve with perfeft beauty adorn'd. My author and difpofer, what thou bidft Unargu'd I obey ; fo God ordains, God is thy law, thou mine : to know no mort Is woman's happieft knowledge and her praife. With thee converfing I forget all time, All feafoni... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1772 - 398 páginas
...command what help we have, That to your wanting may be u;iniftred,. Sis you like it, With thee omverfmg I forget all time ; All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike. Sweet is the breath of morn, her rilmg fweef, With charm of earlieft birds; pleafant the fun When firft... | |
| 1709 - 388 páginas
...fhe fees them in company with Adam, in that paflage fo inexpreffibly charming. With thee converfing, I forget all time, All feafons, and their change ; all pleafe alike. Sweet is the breath of m»rn, her riling fweet With charm of earlieft birds ; pleafant the fun, When... | |
| 1776 - 478 páginas
...thus Eve with perfect beauty' adorn 'd. My Author and Difpofer, what thou bidft 635 Unargued I obey; fo God ordains; God is thy law, thou mine : to know...Woman's happieft knowledge and her praife. With thee converfing I forget all time; All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike. 640 Sweet is the breath... | |
| John Milton - 1789 - 278 páginas
...thus Eve, with perfect beauty' adcrn'd. My author and difpofer, what thou biJft 63^ Unargu'd 1 obey : fo GOD ordains : GOD is thy law, thou mine : to know no more Is woman's happieft knowledge, and her prane. Withthee conveifing I forget all time; All feafons, and their change, all pleafe alike. 640... | |
| William Scott - 1789 - 416 páginas
...ordains ; .God is thy law, tliou mine : to know no more Is woman's happieft knowledge, and her praii'e. With thee converfmg, I forget all time ; All feafons, and their change ; all pleafe alike. Sweet is the breath of morn, her fifing fweet, With charm 6f earlieft birds ; pleafant the fun, When... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 278 páginas
...thus Eve, with petfift beauty' adorn'd. My Author and Difpofer, what thou bidft 635 Unargued I obey ; fo God ordains ; God is thy law, thou mine : to know...woman's happieft knowledge and her praife. With thee converfing I forget all time ; All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike. 640 Sweet is the breath... | |
| John Milton - 1795 - 316 páginas
...thus Eve with perfeft besuty' adorn'd. My Author and Ijisnoser, what thou bidst Unargued I obey ; so God ordains ; God is thy law, thou mine : to know no more Is woman's happiest knowledge and her praise. With thee conversing I forget all time; All seasons and their change,... | |
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