| Mary Wollstonecraft - 1796 - 504 páginas
...whom thus Eve with perfefl beauty adorn'd. My Author and Difpofer, what thou bidft Unargued 1 obey ; fo God ordains ; God is thy law, thou mine : to know...more Is Woman's happieft knowledge and her praife.' Thefe are exa6tly the arguments that I have ufed to children ; but I have added, your reafon is now... | |
| John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 610 páginas
...with perfect beauty' adorn'd: • My Author and Disposer, what thou bidst, 635 Unargu'd, I obey ; so God ordains ; God is thy law, thou mine : to know no more Is woman's happiest knowledge and her praise. With thee conversing I forget all time ; All seasons and their change,... | |
| 1796 - 218 páginas
...whom thus Eve, with perfect beauty adom'd . My author and difpofer, what thou hidft Unargu'd I obey : fo God ordains^; God is thy law, thou mine : to know no more Iv woman's happitft knowledge and her praife. With thee converfing I forget air time; Ail feafons and.... | |
| Thomas Sheridan - 1796 - 292 páginas
...following fpeech of Eve to Adam requires the fame glma and tendernefs of exprejpon. u With thee converting, I forget all time ; " All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike: " Sweet is the breath of morn, her rifmg fweet " With charm of earlieft birds; pleafant the fun " When... | |
| 1798 - 408 páginas
...incomparable work, is finely finimed. May I be permitted to tranfcribe the pafiage ? " With thee converting, I forget all time ; All feafons and their change all pleafe alike ; Sweet is the breath of morn, her rifing-fweet, With charm of earlieft birds ; pleafant the fun, When... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1799 - 408 páginas
..." My author .and difpofer, what thou bidft Unargu'd I obey : fo God xordains. With thee converfing I forget all time ; All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike. Sweet is the breath of morn, her riling fweet, With charm of earliefl birds; pleafant the fun, When... | |
| Ann Thicknesse - 1800 - 562 páginas
...adtlrcfles her Lord, with faying : *' • i ,v " My author and difpofer what thou bidft " Unargued I obey, " GOD is thy law, thou mine, " To know no more is woman's happieft knowledge '' And her praife !" She, with her ufual humility, though not wanting in a proper fpirit towards the reft of the world,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 páginas
...thus Eve, with perfect bean ty'adorn'd. My Author ahd Difpofer, what thou bidft 635 Unargued 1 obey; fo God ordains; God is thy law, thou mine : to know no more Is woman's happiert knowledge and her praife. With thte convei fing I forgu all time ; All feafonsand their change,... | |
| John Milton - 1801 - 396 páginas
...Eve with perfect beauty' adorn'd. My Author and Disposer, what thou bidst 635 Unargucd I obey ; so God ordains ; God is thy law, thou mine : to know no more Is woman's happiest knowledge and her praise. With thee conversing I forget all time ; All seasons and their change,... | |
| Anne Ormsby - 1802 - 466 páginas
...o AT.. FRIHTKD BY A. STRAHAS, PRINTERS-STKEET, »OR TN LONGMAN, AND OREES, PATERNOSTER-ROVT: VViTH thee converfmg I forget all time ; All feafons and their change, all pleafe alike. Sweet is the breath of morn, her rifing fweet, With charm of earlieft birds pleafant the fun, When... | |
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