| Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 606 páginas
...Earth with falling Shcw'rs, On SPEAKIN G. 33 Rifin?, or falling, ftill advance His Praife. His Pnife, ye Winds ! that from four Quarters blow, Breathe foft, or loud ; and wave your Tops, ye Fines ! H';the?<.ry Plant, in Sign of Worfhip, wave. Fountains ! anil ye that warble, as ye flow, Melodious... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 376 páginas
...clouds th'uncolour'd flue, , Or wet the thirfty earth with falling (bowers, Rifing or falling ftiil advance his praife. His praife ye winds, that from...your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in fign of wor(hip wave. Fountains and ye, that warble, as ye flow, Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his praife.... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1767 - 632 páginas
...deficiency into a real beauty. In Adam and Eve's morning-hymn, Milton gives us thefe charming lines, His praife, ye winds, that from four quarters blow,...your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in fign of worihip wave. The fécond of thefe verfes, which is the mod harmonious, confifts wholly of monofyllablcs... | |
| 1770 - 268 páginas
...Whether to deck with clouds th' uncolour'd fky, •Or wet the thirfty earth with falling fhowers, Rifing or falling ftill advance his praife. His praife, ye...your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in fign of worfliip wave. Fountains, and ye, that warble, as ye flow, Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his praife.... | |
| 1780 - 226 páginas
...rife, Whether to deck with clouds th'uncolour'd fky, Or wet the thirfty earth with falling fhowers, Rifmg or falling ftill advance his praife. His praife,...blow, Breathe -foft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye p,nes, With every plant, in fign of worfhip wave. Fountains, and ye, that warble, as ye flow, Melodious... | |
| William Enfield - 1785 - 460 páginas
...falling ftill advance bis praife. His praife, ye .winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe feft or loud ; and wave your -tops, -ye -pines, With every plant, in iign of worfhip wave. Fountains, and ye, *hat warble, as ye flow, , Melodious murmurs, warbling tune... | |
| William Scott - 1789 - 416 páginas
...Whether to deek with clouds th" uncolonr'd fky, Or wet the thirfty earth with falling fiiow'rs, Rifing or falling, ftill advance his praife. His praife,...your tops, ye pines ?" With every plant, in fign of worfliip, wave. Fountains ! and ye that warble, as ye flow, Melodious murmurs, warbling, tune his praife.... | |
| John Milton - 1789 - 278 páginas
...clouds th' uncolour'd fky, Or wet the thirfty earth with falling fhowers, 199 Rifing or falling flill advance his praife. His praife, ye winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe foft or load ; and wave your tops, ye pines, With ev'ry plant, in fign of worfhip wave. Fountains, and ye that... | |
| Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1790 - 460 páginas
...with clouds th' uncolour'd Iky, Or wet the thirfty earth with fallen fhowers, Eifing or falling till advance his praife ! His praife, ye winds, that from four quarters blow, It 5 Breathe Breathe foft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines, ~ With every plant, in fign of worihip... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 páginas
...falling ftill advance his praifc. HispraifeycWmds.thatfroinfourquartcrsb'cW, Breathe foft or loiidj ould not place Content f. Fortune her gift^ may variouily worihipwave. Fountains, an J ye that warble as ya flow Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his praife.... | |
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