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" His praise, ye Winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud ; and, wave your tops, ye Pines, With every plant, in sign of worship wave. "
The Works of the English Poets: Milton - Página 145
por Samuel Johnson - 1779
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The temple of Apollo, being a selection of the best poems, from the most ...

Apollo - 1800 - 224 páginas
...falling fhow'rs, 1 Rifing or falling ftill advance his praife ! His praife, ye WIN DS, that from tour quarters blow, Breathe foft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines, With ev'ry plant, in fign of worlhip wave ! FOUNTAINS, and ye, that warble as ye flow. Melodious murmurs,...
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The Beauties of the Poets:: Being a Collection of Moral and Sacred Poetry ...

1800 - 322 páginas
...falling, still advance His praise. His praise, ye winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in sign of worship wave. Tell me, how may I know Him, how adore• From whom I have that thus I move and...
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The Nursery Garland: Being a Selection of Short, Classical Poems, Adapted to ...

W. M. - 1801 - 356 páginas
...with clouds th* nncolour'd fky, Or wet the tliirfty earth with falling mowers, Kifmg or falling ftiil advance his praife. His praife ye winds, that from...wave your tops, ye pines, With every plant in fign of worlhip wave. Fountains, and ye that warble as 'ye flow Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his praife....
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Paradise lost, a poem. Pr. from the text of Tonson's correct ed. of 1711

John Milton - 1801 - 396 páginas
...falling still advance his praise. His praise, ye Winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud ; and wave your tops ye Pines, With every plant, in sign of worship wave. Fountains, and ye that warble as ye flow, 195 Melodious murmurs, warbling tune...
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Sabrinae corolla in hortulis regiae scholae Salopiensis contextuerunt tres ...

Shrewsbury (England). Royal School - 1801 - 368 páginas
...falling, still advance lus praise. His praise, ye winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in sign of worship wave. Fountains, and ye that warble, as ye flow, Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volumen9

1803 - 582 páginas
...Milton gives us ihele charming lines, His praife, ye winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe fofl or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in fign of worAip wave. The fécond of thofa verfcs, which i* the moil harmonious, conlilis •wholly of monofvllablcs...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue, and ...

E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 páginas
...falling still advance his praise. His praise, \e winds, that from four quarters hlow, Breathe soft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines, With every plant, in sign of worship wave. Fountains, and ye that warhle as ye flow, Melodious murmurs warhling, tune his...
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The Speaker Or Miscellaneous Pieces Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1804 - 418 páginas
...falling still advance his praise. His praise , ye win Js, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud ; and -wave your tops, ye pines, With every plant in sign of worship wave. Fountains , and ye that warble as ye flow, Melodious murmurs} warbling tune his...
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The English Reader: Or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry, Selected from the Best ...

Lindley Murray - 1805 - 288 páginas
...Whether to deck with clouds th' uncolour'd fkyOr wet the thirfty earth with falling fhow'rs,. Rifing or falling ftill advance his praife. His praife, ye...foft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye pines-, , With ev'ry plant in figh of worfhip wave.Fountains, and ye that warble as ye flow Melodious murmurs, warbling...
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The Poetical Preceptor; Or, A Collection of Select Pieces of Poetry ...

1806 - 408 páginas
...falling still advance his praise. His praise, ye Winds, that from four quarters blow, Breathe soft or loud ; and wave your tops, ye Pines, With every plant, in sign of worship wave. Fountains, and ye that warble as ye flow, Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his...
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