| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 316 páginas
...I truft To know ye right, or if yc know yourfelves Natives and fons of Heav'n poflefs'd before 7j» By none, and if not equal all, yet free, Equally free;...or right aflame Monarchy over fuch as live by right 79$ His equals, if in pow'r and fplendor lefs, In freedom equal ? or can introduce Law and edift on... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 276 páginas
...I truft To know ye right, or if ye know yourfelves Natives and fons of Heav'n poflefs'd before 790 By none, and if not equal all, yet free, Equally free...and degrees Jar not with liberty, but well confift. \Vho can in reafon then or right afl•ume Monarchy over fuch as live by right 795 His equals, if in... | |
| John Milton - 1784 - 276 páginas
...truft To know ye right; or if ye know yourfelves Natives and fons of heav'n, poflefs'd before . 790 By none ; and if not equal all, yet free, • . Equally...orders and degrees Jar not with liberty, but well conliih Who can in reafon then, or right, aflume Monarchy over fuch rs live by right . 79: His equals,... | |
| John Milton - 1789 - 278 páginas
...truft To know ye right, or if you know yourfelves Natives and fons of heav'n poffefs'd before 790 * • By none : and if not equal all, yet. free, Equally...orders and degrees Jar not with liberty, but well conlitl. Who can in reafon then, or right, affume Monarchy over fuch as live by right His equals, if... | |
| Karl Ulysses von Salis-Marschlins - 1792 - 458 páginas
..., if I truft To know ye right, or if ye know yourfelves Natives and fons of Heav'n poflefs'd before By none, and if not equal all, yet free, Equally free...but well confift. Who can in reafon then or right affume Monarchy over fuch as live by right His equals , if in pow'r and fplendor lefs , In freedom... | |
| William Blackstone - 1793 - 686 páginas
...and degrees, that he makes Satan, even when warring againi heaven's King, addrefs his legions thus ; If not equal all, yet free, Equally free ; for orders...and degrees Jar not with liberty, but well confift. B. 5. /. 790. True liberty refults from making every higher degree acceffible to thofe who are in a... | |
| James Elphinston - 1794 - 360 páginas
...truft To' know yoo right; or, if ye know yoorfelvs Natives and fons ov hevven ; pozeft before By non ; and, if not equal all, yet free ; Equally free : for orders and degrees Jar not widh libberty, but wel confifl. Hoo can in rezon dhen, or right, affume Monnarky over fuch, az liv... | |
| John Milton - 1795 - 316 páginas
...I trust To know ye right, or if ye know yourselves Natives anl sons of Heav'n possess'd before 793 By none, and if not equal all, yet free, Equally free;...orders and degrees Jar not with liberty,' but well consist. Who cm in reason then or right assume Monarchy over such as live by right His equals, if in... | |
| John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 610 páginas
...I trust To know ye right ; or if ye know yourselves Natives and sons of Heav'n possess'd before 790 By none, and if not equal all, yet free, Equally free...orders and degrees Jar not with liberty, but well consist. Who can in reason then or right assume Monarchy over such as live by right 795 His equals,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1797 - 384 páginas
...think of abfolute equality, remember the words of one whom they muft allow was a lover of freedom : " And if not equal all, yet free, Equally free ; for...and degrees Jar not with liberty, but well confift." Par. Loft. Book V. v. 791. Thucydides, in three words, defcribes a juft and well-poifed government,... | |
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