| Samuel Knight - 1830 - 196 páginas
...Council, and to all that are put in authority under him, that they may, in truth and without partiality, minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness...to the maintenance of thy true religion and virtue. To the pastors of thy flock vouchsafe, we beseech thee, thy special grace ; be pleased to preserve,... | |
| Charles Leslie - 1830 - 128 páginas
...place, and evermore mightily defend them. And grant that they may truly and impartially administer justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice,...the maintenance of thy true religion and virtue.] Bless, O Lord, we beseech thee, all ranks and conditions of men amongst us. Pour out upon them the... | |
| King's Chapel (Boston, Mass.) - 1831 - 564 páginas
...rulers and governors, and grant that all who are placed in authority over us may truly and impartially minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of true religion and virtue. Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all Ministers of thy holy gospel, that... | |
| John Bowden - 1831 - 356 páginas
...keeping a rod of discipline over their heads, which we know they frequently applied to the disobedient, to the " punishment of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of true religion and virtue." These were Tertullian's Bishops, and these, he tells us, were the Bishops... | |
| Richard Hele - 1832 - 402 páginas
...quietly governed: and grant unto his whole council, and to all that are put in authority under him, that they may truly and indifferently minister justice...maintenance of Thy true religion and virtue. Give grace, 0 Heavenly Father, to all bishops and curates, that they may both by their life and doctrine set forth... | |
| John Henry Hobart - 1832 - 256 páginas
...direct and dispose the hearts of all Christian rulers, that they may truly and impartially administer justice to the punishment of wickedness and vice,...Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all bishops and other ministers, that they may, both by their life and doctrine, set forth thy true and lively wordt... | |
| William Palmer - 1832 - 410 páginas
...Liturgia Basil. Goar, p. 173unto his whole Council, and to all that are put in authority under him, that they may truly and indifferently minister justice,...of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of true religion and virtue. ./ETHIOPIA. Memento Domine Regis nostri N., conserva eum nobis in pace'.... | |
| 1833 - 82 páginas
...quietly governed : and grant unto his whole council, and to all that are put in authority under him, that they may truly and indifferently minister justice,...maintenance of thy true religion, and virtue. Give grace, О heavenly Father, to all Bishops and Pastors, that they may both by their life and doctrine set forth... | |
| Thomas Sheridan - 1834 - 214 páginas
...direct and dispose the hearts of all Christian Rulers' that they may truly' and impartially administer justice' to the pu'nishment' of wickedness and v'ice"...and vi'rtue'" Give gra'ce' O Heavenly Father' to all Bisliops and other Ministers' that they may' both by their li'fe' and do'ctrine' set forth thy true... | |
| William Meade - 1834 - 150 páginas
...may truly and impartially administer justice, to the punishment of 7* • 78 wickedness and vice, and the maintenance of thy true religion and virtue. Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all bishops and other ministers; that they may, both by their life and doctrine, set forth thy true and ively word,... | |
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