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" Fenton, before y" came ; but stay'd to have inform'd myself & you of ye circumstances of it. All I hear is, that he felt a Gradual Decay, tho' so early in Life, & was declining for 5 or 6 months. It was not, as I apprehended, the Gout in his Stomach,... "
The Works of Alexander Pope: Esq. with Notes and Illustrations by Himself ... - Página 250
por Alexander Pope, William Roscoe - 1824
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The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century: Critical Reviews ; The ...

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1896 - 510 páginas
...TO THE REV. MR. BROOM, PULHAM, NORFOLK. " Aug. 29th. 1730. "UBAR SIR, — I intended to write to yon on this melancholy subject, the death of Mr. Fenton, before yours came, but stayed to hare informed myself and yon of the circumstance» of it. All I hear is, that he felt a gradual decay,...
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The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Volumen7

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1898 - 824 páginas
...performances.] t Mr. Pope to the Kev. Mr. Broom, Pulham, Norfolk. " Aug. 29«, 1730. "DEAR SIR, — I intended to write to you on this melancholy subject,...informed myself and you of the circumstances of it. AH I hear is, that he felt a gradual decay, though so early in life, and was declining for five or...
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The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1900 - 414 páginas
...performances.] t Mr. Pope to the Rev. Mr. Broom, Pulham, Norfolk. 20 " Aug. 29, 1730. " DEAR SIR,— I intended to write to you on this melancholy subject,...a gradual decay, though so early in life, and was 25 declining for five or six months. It was not, as I apprehended, the gout in his stomach, but, I...
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Lives of the English Poets: Smith-Savage

Samuel Johnson - 1905 - 456 páginas
...The Rev*. Mr. BROOME, ' At PULHAM, near HARLESTONE, 'NOR ' SUFFOLKE *. By BECCLES Bag '. 'DR SIR. ' I intended to write to you on this melancholy subject, the death of Mr. Fenton, before y™ came ; but stay'd to have informed myself & you of ye circumstances of it. All I hear is that...
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Charles Wells Moulton - 1910 - 616 páginas
...pulling up the rod and baiting the hook. — BROOME, WILLIAM, 1725-6, Letter to Alexander Pope, Jan. 2. I Intended to write to you on this melancholy subject, the death of Mr. Fenton, before y1* came ; but stay'd to have informed myself & you of ye circumstances of it. All I hear is, that...
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The Monthly magazine, Volumen24

Monthly literary register - 1807 - 706 páginas
...BEV. МП. BROOME, AT IUU1AM, •SEAR HARLSSTOXE, KOIUOLK." " DEAR SIR, *• I intended to write ¡o you on this melancholy subject, the death of Mr. Fenton,...informed myself and you of the circumstances of it. All 1 hear is, that he felt a gradual decay, though so early in life, and «as declining for live or six...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.

Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1823 - 418 páginas
...his death. TO The Revd. Mr. BROOME. At PULHAM, near HARLESTONK NOR [By BECCLES Bag.] SUFFOLKE DrSIR, I INTENDED to write to you on this melancholy subject, the death of Mr. Fenton, before y" came; but stay'd to have inform'd myself and you of yc circumstances of it. All I hear is, that...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

Samuel Johnson - 1825 - 530 páginas
...death. To The Revd. Mr. BROOME. At PULHAM, near HARLESTONE NOR [By BECCLES BAG.] SUFFOLKF. D' SIR, I intended to write to you on this melancholy subject, the death of Mr. Fenton, y" came; but stay'd to have informed myself and you of ye circumstances of it. All I hear is, that...
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