| 1773 - 394 páginas
...one forlorn, Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopelcfs love.. One morn I mifs'd him on the cuflom'd hill; Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree, Another came ; nor yet befide the rill., Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he. The next with dirges due in fad array Slow... | |
| Robert Lloyd - 1774 - 264 páginas
...forlorn, " Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopelefs love. " One morn I mifs'd him on the cuftom'd hill, Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree : Another came ; nor yet befide the rill, Nor up the lawn, nor at the woods was he. « The Huic aliquis forfan fenior refpondeat... | |
| Robert Lloyd - 1774 - 260 páginas
...forlorn, " Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopelefs love. " One morn I mifs'd him on the cuftom'd hill, " Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree : " Another came ; nor yet befide the rill, " Nor up the lawn, nor at the woods was he. « The Huic aliquis forfan fenior refpondeat... | |
| William Giles (didactic writer) - 1775 - 336 páginas
...' Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopelefs love. ' One morn I mifs'd him on the cuftom'd hill, c Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree; ' Another came, nor yet befide the rill, ' Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he ; ' The next with dirges due in fad array,... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1775 - 168 páginas
...with care, or crofs'd in hopelefs love. • One ' One morn I mifs'd him on the cuftona'd hili, • Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree ; ( Another came ; nor yet befide the rill, ' Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he : ' The next, with dirges due, in fad array,... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1778 - 182 páginas
...the cuftom'd hill, * Along the heath and near his favourite tree ; ' Another came ; nor yet befide the rill, ' Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he ; ' The next with dirges due in fad array ' Slow thro' the church-way path we faw him borne, * Approach and read (for thou canft read)... | |
| John Wesley - 1786 - 738 páginas
...one forlorn, Or crazed with care, or crofsed in hopelefs love. One morn I mifsed him on the cuftomed hill, Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree ; Another came ; nor yet bcfule the rill, Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he ; The next with dirges-due, in fad array,... | |
| 1780 - 226 páginas
...forlorn, " Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopelefs love. " One morn I mifs'd him on rti'accuftom'd hill, " Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree ; " Another came ; nor yet befide Che rill, " Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he: " The next,. with dirges due, in fad array,... | |
| 1781 - 510 páginas
...the cuftom'd hill, ' Along the heath, and near his fav'rite tree : « Another came ; nor yet befide the rill, ' Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he. ' The next, with dirges due, in fad array, ' Slow through the church-way path we faw him borne : f Approach, and read (for thou can'ft... | |
| 1781 - 516 páginas
...forlorn, ' Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopelefs love. ' One morn Imifs'd him on the cuftom'd hill, ' Along the heath, and near his fav'rite tree : ' Another came ; nor yet befide the rill, f Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he. ' The next, with dirges due, in fad array,... | |
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