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" Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. "
The Imperial magazine; or, Compendium of religious, moral, & philosophical ... - Página 695
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The History of Non-Conformity, as it was Argued and Stated by Commissioners ...

Commission for the Review and Alteration of the Book of Common Prayer - 1704 - 388 páginas
...ferveth Chrift, is acceptable to God, and fhould be approved of Men, verf. 17, 18. Let vs therefore folhw after the things which make for Peace* And things wherewith one may Edijie another, verje i<j. If you fay Rulers Impofition, maketh indifferent things ceafe to be Indifferent...
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Eleven sermons, by J. Piggott, being all that were printed in his life-time ...

John Piggott - 1714 - 558 páginas
...Recommended ; INA SERMON Preach'd to Several CONGREGATIONS Aflembled together Apil 17. 1704. ft ROM. XIV. 19. Let us therefore follow after the things which make...<Peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. \ HE Province affign'd me at this time, I have not undertaken without fome concern of mind •-, yet...
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A volume of posthumous discourses, publ. by N. Spinckes

George Hickes - 1726 - 442 páginas
...he that in thefe things ferveth Chrift, is acceptable to God, and approved of men ; therefore let us follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. . And yet more emphatically Rom. xv. 5, 6. which I cited above upon another occafion. Now the God of...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volumen2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...of my Father which is ;n Heaven. For the Son of Mao is come to SAVE that which 19' Let us thcreiore follow after the Things which make for PEACE, and Things wherewith one may EDIFY another. 21. It is good neither to eat Flefli, nor to drink Wine, nor any thing whereby thy Brother STUMBLETH,...
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A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and Upon All the ...

1737 - 502 páginas
...18. For he that in thefe things ferveth Chritt, ii acceptable to God, and approved of Men. 19. Let os therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. jnon Profeffion. u deed are pure; but /'/ it evil for that man who eateth with offence. 18. Such Things...
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Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount ... explained ... in ..., Volumen1

James Blair - 1740 - 564 páginas
...himfelf, Rom. xv. 2. Let every one of us plea fe his Neighbour for his good to Edification. And xiv. 19. Let us therefore follow after the Things which make...Peace, and Things wherewith one may edify another. And there is a very notable Paflage to this Purpofe, i Cor. x. 3 i. From whence it appears, that this...
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Sermons on several occasions, publ. by E. Fletcher, Volumen1

John Howe - 1744 - 470 páginas
...before the judgement-feat of Cbrift '. Let us therefore (as it is afterwards inculcated and urged) follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another k . 2. RASH anger is another pofitive violation of this law of love: or tumultuous and infoler.t paflions,...
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Orthodoxy and Charity United: In Several Reconciling Essays on the Law and ...

Isaac Watts - 1745 - 412 páginas
...Drink, but Righteoufne/s and Peace, and Joy VII. in we Holy Gbojl. Both of you therefore ought \.o follow after the things which make for Peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Rom. xiv. 15, 17, 19. Nor is this Mifchief confin'd to fingle Perfons: It makes a farther Progrefs-ftill,...
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The rational foundation of a Christian Church, and the terms of Christian ...

Isaac Watts - 1747 - 414 páginas our chief Ends in ChurchAffairs, according to that great Canon of the the Apoftle, Rom. xiv. 19. Let us therefore follow after the Things which make for Peace, and Things wherewith one way edify Another. Amen. DISCOURSE DISCOURSE I. A Pattern for a diflenting Preacher. JOHN vii. 46....
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An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans: With Large ...

John Brown - 1766 - 626 páginas
...with fpirkual understanding: He that in t befe things ftroeth Chrij't, is af proven of men. VER«K 19. Let us therefore follow after the things which make...peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. U Pon the grounds mentioned, тег. г?. 1 8. he prefleth the duties mentioned, ver. 17. in fo far...
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