| Charles Armitage Brown - 1838 - 328 páginas
...the " Mermaid," in Friday-street ! Fuller tells us, " Many were the wit-combates betwixt Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, which two I behold like a Spanish...in learning; solid, but slow in his performances. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all... | |
| Charles Lamb, Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1838 - 486 páginas
...were the " wit combats" (to dally a while with the words of old Fuller) between him and CV Le G , " which two I behold like a Spanish great galleon, and an English manof-war ; Master Coleridge, like the former, was built far higher in learning, solid, but slow in his performances.... | |
| Cornelius Webbe - 1839 - 444 páginas
...Describing these, he says " Many were the wit-combats between Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. I behold them, like a Spanish great galleon and an English man-of-war....Master Jonson, like the former, was built far higher in learning—solid, but slow in his performances: Shakspeare, like the latter, less in bulk, but lighter... | |
| 1839 - 914 páginas
...quaint and racy terms : " Many were the wit-cotiteats belwixl him and Ben Jonson, which Iwo 1 beheld like a Spanish great galleon and an English man-of-war. Master Jonson, (like the former,) was buill far higher in learning; solid, but slow in his performances. Shakspeare, (like the latter,) lesser... | |
| Thomas Fuller - 1840 - 614 páginas
...earth, so Nature itself was all the art which was used upon him. Many were the wfct-combats betwixt him and Ben Jonson ; which two I behold like a Spanish...in learning; solid, but slow, in his performances. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all... | |
| Thomas Fuller - 1840 - 616 páginas
...earth, so Nature itself was all the art which was used upon him. Many were the wet-combats betwixt him and Ben Jonson ; which two I behold like a Spanish...built far higher in learning ; solid, but slow, in his perform ances. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could... | |
| Philip Massinger, John Ford - 1840 - 758 páginas
...Gifford, before the " Virgin Martyr.":): Let us take it for • " Many were the wit-combats betwixt him ve fatal. Fran. Be it death, And death with torments...tyrants ne'er found out, Yet I must say, I love yon. higher in learning,— solid but slow in his performance«. Shakspeare, with an English man-of-war,—... | |
| Edward Smallwood - 1840 - 106 páginas
...between Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. I behold them like a Spanish great galleon and an English man of war. Master Jonson, like the former, was built far higher...— solid, but slow in his performances. Shakspeare, like the latter, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and... | |
| Charles Lamb - 1840 - 304 páginas
..., " which t wo I behold like a Spanish great galleon, and an English man of war ; Master Coleridge, like the former, was built far higher in learning, solid, but slow in his performances. CVL, with the English man of war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all tides,... | |
| Charles Knight - 1841 - 478 páginas
...between Shakspere and Ben Jonson, described by Fuller : — " Many were the wit-combats betwixt him and Ben Jonson ; which two I behold like a Spanish...in learning ; solid, but slow in his performances. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk but lighter in sailing, could turn with all... | |
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