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" Combs the wide card, and forms th' eternal line. Slow with soft lips the whirling can acquires The tender skeins, and wraps in rising spires ; With... "
A Tour Through the Northern Counties of England, and the Borders of Scotland - Página 144
por Richard Warner - 1802
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The Universal Preceptor: Being a General Grammar of Arts, Sciences, and ...

Sir Richard Phillips - 1826 - 322 páginas
...fleece ; Next moves the iron hand with fingers fine, Combs the wide card, and forma the eternal line ; Slow, with soft lips, the whirling can acquires The tender skeins, and wraps in rising spires ; With cmicken'd pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend, the rove ; Then fly the...
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A Guide to the Peak of Derbyshire: Containing a Concise Account of Buxton ...

R. Ward - 1827 - 236 páginas
...fleece ; Next moves the iron hand with fingers fine, Combs the wide card and forms th'eternal line; Slow with soft lips, the whirling can acquires The...these retain, and those extend the rove. Then fly the spole?, the rapid axles glow ; While slpwly circumvolves the labouring wheel below. To the external...
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Nature Reviewed: Or, a History of the Principal Domestic Productions of the ...

Nature - 1829 - 178 páginas
...fleece ; Next moves the iron hand, with fingers fine, Combs the wide card and foims the eternal line ; Slow with soft lips the whirling can acquires The...While slowly circumvolves the lab'ring wheel below." This affords employment to thousands of the poorer class, and when manufactured forms an essential...
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The Arts of Life, Described in a Series of Letters: 1. Providing Food.--2 ...

John Aikin - 1830 - 160 páginas
...card, and forms th" eternal line ; Slow, with soft lips, the whirling can acquires The tender skains, and wraps in rising spires; With quicken'd pace successive...the rove ; Then fly the spoles, the rapid axles glow ; And slowly circumvolves the lab'ring wheel below." The fabrics made from cotton are probably more...
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The Peak Guide: Containing the Topographical, Statistical, and General ...

Stephen Glover - 1830 - 214 páginas
...fleece; Next moves the iron hand with fingers fine, Combs the wide card, and forms th eternal line ; Slow with soft lips the whirling can acquires The tender skeins, and wraps in rising spires; With quickenM pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend, the rove. Then fly the spokes,...
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The Arts of Life, Described in a Series of Letters: 1. Providing Food. 2 ...

John Aikin - 1830 - 168 páginas
...soft lips, the whirling can acquires The tender skains, and wraps in rising spires ; With quickeu'd pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend, the rove ; Then fly the spoles, tlie rapid axles glow ; And slowly circumvolves the lab'ring wheel below." The fabrics made from cotton...
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Biographia Borealis: Or, Lives of Distinguished Northerns

Hartley Coleridge - 1833 - 764 páginas
...soft lips, the whirling can aequires The slender skeins, and wraps in rising spires, With quickened pace, successive rollers move, And these retain, and...rove ; Then fly the spoles, the rapid axles glow, And slowly circumvolves the labouring wheel below. Darwin's " Loves of OK Plants." Canto, 1 1, 85,...
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The Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire;: Being Lives of the Most ...

Hartley Coleridge - 1836 - 774 páginas
...soft lips, the whirling can acquires The slender skeins, and wraps in rising spires, With quickened pace, successive rollers move, And these retain, and...the rove; Then fly the spoles, the rapid axles glow, And slowly circumvolves the labouring wheel below. Darwin's " Loves of the Plants." Canto, 11, 85,...
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Memoir of Samuel Slater: The Father of American Manufactures

George Savage White - 1836 - 514 páginas
...fleece : Next moves the iron hand with fingers fine, Combs the wide card, and forms the eternal line; Slow, with soft lips, the whirling can acquires The tender skeins, and wraps in rising spires; With quickened pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend the rove; Then fly the spokes,...
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Memoir of Samuel Slater: The Father of American Manufactures

George Savage White - 1836 - 528 páginas
...fleece : Next moves the iron hand with fingers fine, Combs the wide card, and forms the eternal line ; Slow, with soft lips, the whirling can acquires The tender skeins, and wraps in rising spires ; Wilh quickened pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend the rove; Then fly...
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