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" And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. "
The Poems of George Huddesford, M.A., Late Fellow of New College, Oxford ... - Página 26
por George Huddesford - 1801
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A Series of Sermons, Upon the Most Important Principles of Our Holy Religion ...

Alexander Macwhorter - 1803 - 560 páginas
...circumstance hefore. And there is another text previous to this, affirming the matter of their nakedness. " They were both naked the man and his wife, and were " not ashamed." The reality of this circumstance, as it has always appeared to me, though it is only matter of private...
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A Series of Sermons, Upon the Most Important Principles of Our Holy Religion ...

Alexander Macwhorter - 1803 - 488 páginas
...circumstance before. And there is another text previous to this, affirming the matter of their nakedness. " They were both naked the man and his wife, and were " not ashamed.'' The reality of this circumstance, as it has always appeared to me, though it is only matter of private...
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Select parts of the holy Bible, for the use of the negro slaves, in the ...

1807 - 570 páginas leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto bis wife : and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. CHAP. III. 1 The serpent deceive th Eve. 6 Mans fall. 15 T7te promised seed. 16 The punishment of mankind....
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The works of ... Joseph Hall, with some account of his life and ..., Volumen3

Joseph Hall (bp. of Norwich.) - 1808 - 574 páginas
...both in body and mind, that they shall be but as one flesn ; like as at their first creation. II. ?5 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were? not ashamed. And such was the purity, simplicity, and perfection of their minds and bodies, as that both Adam and...
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The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected: From the ..., Volumen4

Samuel Shuckford - 1808 - 428 páginas
...their nakedness. In the last verse of the second chapter of Genesis we have this observation, that, they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. It being here observed, that no shame attended their being naked before they ate of the tree, it was...
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The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing: Containing a General Statement ...

Benjamin Seth Youngs - 1810 - 670 páginas
...No evil could flow from a good cause, nor could evil ensue while that causa 6cn.iL was regarded. " And they were both naked, the man **• and his wife, and were not ashamed." Such was their perfect peace and innocence. 38. It was but the beginning of man's work of selfdenial,...
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments : Translated Out of ...

1810 - 802 páginas
...И mall clt-jvc unto his wife ; and they ffiuU be оие ttefh. .ESI S. Man's Jkair.ef*!fa¿í. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not aihamed. CHAP. Ill, i The ft rpi'nt dccei-vctb Eve. 6 MatPf fall • o, fíod arraign e tb them. 14...
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An Abridgment of Scripture History, Consisting of Lessons Selected from the ...

Sarah Trimmer - 1811 - 396 páginas leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife ; and they shall be one flesh. 2A And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. LESSON III. GENESIS, CHAP. in. the serpent was more subtile than any beast of th« field which the...
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An Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of the Hebrew Language Without the Points

James Patriot Wilson - 1812 - 288 páginas leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man, and his wife, and were not ashamed. 249. 1DN his mother. 1 his. Rule 39. Postea 'DK my mother. DX a mother. As a root, to sujijiort. 250....
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Genesis to Chronicles

1815 - 706 páginas leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife : and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. CHAP. III. JN OW the serpent was more sublil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made....
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