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" Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow! You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing fires, Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts, Singe my white head... "
Lectures on Dramatic Literature: Or, The Employment of the Passions in Drama - Página 134
por Saint-Marc Girardin - 1849 - 245 páginas
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Poétique anglaise, Volumen3

Albin Joseph U. Hennet - 1806 - 458 páginas
...drench'd our steeples, drown'd thecocksr You sulphurous, and thought-executing fires, Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts , Singe my white head...thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o' the world! • oir, au nom de la loi, triompher l'injustice, D'une ingrate maîtresse adorer le caprice , j Courber...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Tema 13

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 356 páginas
...drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing fires, Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe my white head!...all-shaking thunder. Strike flat the thick rotundity o'the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all germeris spill at once, That make ingrateful man ! Fool. O...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volumen9

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 382 páginas
...blow ! You cataracts, and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing fires, Vaunt...all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o'the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all germens spill at once, That make ingrateful man ! Fool. O...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumen14

William Shakespeare - 1809 - 384 páginas
...drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks ' You sulphurous and thought-executing1 fires, Vaunt couriers2 to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe my white head ! And thou, all-shaking thunder, Strike flat3 the thick rotundity o' the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all germens spill at once,4 That make...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumen14

William Shakespeare - 1809 - 378 páginas
...drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks 1 You sulphurous and thought-executing1 fires, Vaunt couriers2 to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe my white head ! And thou, all-shaking thunder, Strike flat3 the thick rotundity o' the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all germens spill at once,4 That make...
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The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Volumen4

1811 - 530 páginas
...cataracts and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drcnch'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks \ You sulphureous and thought-executing fires, Vaunt couriers to oak-cleaving...all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity of the world ! Crack nature's moulds; all germens spill at once That make ingrateful man! As is natural...
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Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. King Lear

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 498 páginas
...drench'cl our steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing 7 fires, Vaunt couriers 8 to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe my white head!...all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o'the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all gcrmens spill at once, That make ingrateful man ! Fool. O...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: In Nine Volumes, Volumen8

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 414 páginas
...Till you have drench'd oar steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,8 Vaunt couriers to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe...all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o'the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all gerrtiins spill at once, That make ingrateful man ! Fool....
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volumen8

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 420 páginas
...Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,8 Vaunt couriers to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe...And thou, all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotupdity o'the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all germins spill at once, That make ingrateful man...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, Volumen7

William Shakespeare - 1814 - 528 páginas have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks ! You sulphurous and thought-executing fires, Vannt couriers to oak-cleaving thunder-bolts, Singe my white...all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o'the world ! Crack nature's moulds, all germens spill at once, That make ingraleful man ! Fool. O...
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