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" English man-ofwar, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention. "
Poetry and Poets: A Collection of the Choicest Anecdotes Relative to the ... - Página 112
por Richard Ryan - 1826
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The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: The Text Formed from a New ..., Volumen1

Francis Beaumont - 1854 - 976 páginas Learning, Solid, but Slow in hú performance*. Shakespeare, with the English man of war, leeser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could' turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of hU Wit and Invention." Falbr** WerOnit (Warwick.), p. 126,...
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Works, with a Sketch of His Life and Final Memorials, Volumen2

Charles Lamb - 1855 - 798 páginas
...Coleridge, like the former, was built far higher in learning, solid, but slow in his performances. C. V. L,, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention." Nor shalt thou, their compeer,...
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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Comprising His Lays and Poems ...

William Shakespeare - 1855 - 1088 páginas the former, wns built far higher in learning ; solid, but slow in his performances : Shakespeare, here," io, tho enchantment your presence worked in my affections. oil tides, tack about, and lake advantage of all winds by the quickness of his wit and invention."...
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Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets, Volumen1

William Howitt - 1856 - 596 páginas
...which Fuller describes Jonson as a Spanith great galleon, and Shakspeare as the English man-qftoar. " Master Jonson, like the former, was built far higher...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and his invention." Enough has been said of this...
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Essays Biographical and Critical: Chiefly on English Poets

David Masson - 1856 - 528 páginas
...Jonson, like the former, was built far higher in learning ; solid, bnt slow in performance. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention."— Written about 1650, by Thomas...
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The Works of Charles Lamb

Charles Lamb - 1856 - 408 páginas
...Coleridge, like the former, was built far higher in learning, solid, but slow in his performances. C. V, L,, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention." . Nor shalt thou, their compeer,...
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Essays Biographical and Critical: Chiefly on English Poets

David Masson - 1856 - 494 páginas
...Jonson, like the former, was built far higher in learning ; solid, but slow in performance. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention." — Written about 1650, by Thomas...
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Sir Walter Raleigh and the Period in which He Lived--

M. A. Thomson - 1856 - 318 páginas
...was built far hiphor in learning, solid, bat slow in his performances. ShakesDcare, like the latter, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all tides, tacit nbout, and take advantage of all winds by the quicknen of his wit and invention " Fuller, vol....
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volumen1

William Shakespeare - 1857 - 666 páginas
...(like the former) was built far higher in learning, solid but slow in his performances ; Shakespeare with the English man-ofwar, lesser in bulk, but lighter...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention."16 '• Worthies, p. 126, A aa,...
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William Shakespeare not an imposter, by an English critic [G.H. Townsend].

George Henry Townsend - 1857 - 136 páginas the former, was built far higher in learning ; solid, but slow in his performances ; Shake-spear, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter...sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention." Having established the fact of...
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